


Pedor thics T h e O ff i c i a l P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e P e d orthic Footcare Association Albuquerque Bound: PFA’s nd 52 Annual Symposium & Exhibition Preview The Cavus Foot: Biomechanical & Postural Considerations/ Orthotic Treatment PAGE 18 Karl-Heinz Schott Shares His International Pedorthic Perspective PAGE 30 Vol. 43, Issue 5 | September/October 2011 |


Shared insole features:

Shared insole features: • Strong arch and metatarsal rise helps relieve pain in the ball of the foot, and guard against harmful • Strong arch and metatarsal rise helps relieve pain in the ball of the foot, and guard against harmful over-pronation. over-pronation. • Biomechnical engineering utilizes advanced materials to provide support and stability for foot health • Biomechnical engineering utilizes advanced materials to provide support and stability for foot health and comfort and comfort • Polyurethane base layer provides cushioning that will never flatten out over time or lose its comfort. • Polyurethane base layer provides cushioning that will never flatten out over time or lose its comfort. • Vy-Gel™ performance grade elastomer pads provide shock absorption across the forefoot and heel • Vy-Gel™ performance grade elastomer pads provide shock absorption across the forefoot and heel strike to protect against fasciitis. strike to protect against fasciitis. • Anti-Friction fabric (excluding Pressure Relief insole) wicks moisture away from the foot, reducing • Anti-Friction fabric (excluding Pressure Relief insole) wicks moisture away from the foot, reducing heat and shear to prevent blisters. heat and shear to prevent blisters. • Durasof fabric (except for Pressure Relief insole), a full length open cell, breathable, anti-microbial, • Durasof fabric (except for Pressure Relief insole), a full length open cell, breathable, anti-microbial, polyurethane Mid-layer keeps feet dry for all-day comfort. polyurethane Mid-layer keeps feet dry for all-day comfort. Biomechanically designed foot orthotics. Biomechanically designed foot orthotics. Enjoy the ride. Enjoy the ride. Performance Sport Performance Sport Motion Control Motion Control Pressure Relief Pressure Relief Ultra Arch Ultra Arch Unique insole features: Unique insole features: Performance Sport Performance Sport Provides maximum cushioning, with soft arch and metatarsal rise. Provides maximum cushioning, with soft arch and metatarsal rise. Motion Control Motion Control A structural stabilizer promotes maximum stability, prevents pronation, rolling ankles, and helps to correct A structural stabilizer promotes maximum stability, prevents pronation, rolling ankles, and helps to correct postural alignment. postural alignment. Pressure Relief Pressure Relief Plastazote® top layer molds to the shape of your foot, evenly distributing pressure in a hypoallergenic, Plastazote® top layer molds to the shape of your foot, evenly distributing pressure in a hypoallergenic, anti-microbial environment. anti-microbial environment. Ultra Arch Ultra Arch A built in semi-rigid graphite insert delivers firm yet flexible support A built in semi-rigid graphite insert delivers firm yet flexible support Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A. Become a retailer today! Become a retailer today! 800.662.7633 800.662.7633

Shared insole features:


Pedor thics September/October 2011 Volume 43, Issue 5 Features 18 |  CEP The Cavus Foot: Biomechanical and Postural Considerations/Orthotic Treatment By Joe Coletta, PTA, C.Ped. 34 |  edorthics for Congenital P Condition – A Case of Pachyonychia Congenita 24 |  agana: ‘Pedorthists are an L Invaluable Part of the Allied Health Care Team’ By Current Pedorthics Staff 28 |  hat’s Happening in Pedorthic W Research and How Will it Benefit You? By Michael Muncy, C.Ped. 38 |  he AFO is a Pedorthic T Friendly Device By Nathan Schwartz, DPM, FASPS 42 |  athological Gait Changes P in the Older Adult By Pat Turnbull, BSC., MChS., SRCh., FRSH By Current Pedorthics Staff 30 |  arl-Heinz Schott Shares His K International Pedorthic Perspective By Current Pedorthics Staff Departments 6 From the President 46 Government Affairs 52 Marketplace 8 From the Executive Director 48  eimbursement News R 54  Product Guide 10 PFA News 51 Industry Events 60 Advertiser Index Current Pedorthics September|October 2011 3



Pedorthics Executive Committee Corporate Sponsors PFA offers its thanks to these corporate sponsors whose support allows PFA to serve members and the greater pedorthic community. Platinum Sponsors President Kristi Hayes, C.Ped. Vice President Liz Chiles, C.Ped. Treasurer Jamie Dick, C.Ped., PT Secretary Jay Zaffater, C.Ped., BOC Pedorthist Directors Matt D. Almeida, C.Ped.; Faith Ballard, C.Ped., CO; Christopher J. Costantini, C.Ped.; Tamara A. Daulton, C.Ped.; Dean Mason, C.Ped., OST, BOCO, CO; Stuart L. Pressman, C.Ped., CO; Rob Sobel, C.Ped.; Michael D. Veder, C.Ped., CO, BOCO Vendor/Manufacturer Liaison Stephen O’Hare Medical Advisor Craig Young, MD Editorial Staff Volunteer Executive Editor Kristi Hayes, C.Ped. Editor Dennis Coyle Art Director William Wargo Design/Production Steve Biernacki; Megan Garmes; Patrick Williams Advertising & Services Staff Membership Tristan Wood PFA SYmposium & Current Pedorthics Ryan Abell Headquarters Staff Executive Director Brian K. Lagana Membership Services Coordinator Tristan Wood Education Director Joyce Arawole Education COORdinator Lauren Kemp Meetings and Conventions Managers Fred Moxley and John Rubsamen Sponsorship and Advertising Fulfillment Lauren Goodstein Sales Coordinator Ryan Abell Marketing Manager Kara Dress Senior Marketing Coordinator Kevin Hurley Government Relations Director William H. Applegate, Bryan Cave, LLC Legal Counsel Allan J. Weiner, Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP Marketing, Communications & Editorial Committee Chair Kristi Hayes, C.Ped. Co-Chair Rob Sobel, C.Ped. Members Faith Ballard, C.Ped., CO; Tamara A. Daulton, C.Ped.; Jamie Dick, C.Ped., PT; Dean Mason, C.Ped., OST, BOCO, CO; Stuart Pressman, C.Ped., CO; Jay Zafatter, C.Ped., BOC Pedorthist Current Pedorthics (ISSN 1552-8111) is published bimonthly by the Pedorthic Footcare Association (PFA), 2025 M St., N.W., Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036. Telephone: (202) 367-1145 or (800) 673-8447, Fax: (202) 367-2145, Website:, E-mail: Copyright© 2011, PFA. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without written permission. Letters to the Editor and other unsolicited material are assumed intended for publication and are subject to editing. Articles in Current Pedorthics do not necessarily reflect the opinion of PFA, its board of directors or its employees. Authors are responsible for the validity of their content and credentials. Current Pedorthics’ use of trademarked names is done in an editorial fashion intended to benefit the trademark owner, with no intention of trademark infringement. The annual subscription fee is included in PFA members’ dues. Subscriptions are available for $65 per year in the United States ($95 outside U.S.). Back copies, if available, may be purchased for $10 U.S. If you have any questions regarding display advertising or classified ads, please contact Ryan Abell at (202) 367-2332 or e-mail Please send all product- and industry-related press releases to 4 Pedorthic Footcare Association Bronze Sponsors


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R O M T H E PRESIDENT Kristi Hayes, C.Ped. PFA President I’m Overqualified and I Know Everything A lright, now that I have your attention, we all know the headline of my column is not true. I am not that arrogant! I am, of course, not overqualified and certainly do not know everything, but misconceptions about leadership are a powerful challenge — one that PFA has had to overcome throughout the years. The perceptions we have of people in power can sometimes be very, very wrong. Just as the perceptions we have of ourselves can be very, very twisted. As an 18-year pedorthic veteran, I have seen many leaders come and go in PFA, some of whom I thought knew everything and some whom I thought knew nothing. Having gone through the process of serving on the board of directors, on committees and executive officer positions, I have discovered just how askew my perceptions were of them and of myself. As a teenager, I proclaimed in front of a group of seasoned pedorthic veterans that I was going to be the first female president of PFA. I was gently reminded that the first female PFA president was Jean Sears and that I was not yet a practitioner. Regardless of my selfperception at that time, which was obviously quite overblown, I showed passion for an industry in which I grew up with. The perceptions we have of people in power can sometimes be very wrong. Ironically, many years later, someone in that group nominated me for the PFA Board of Directors. That same year, someone else nominated me for the Board for Certification in Pedorthics. Both boards wanted me on their team, so I was pressured to make a decision. Having been grossly humbled since my teenage declaration, I was terrified to choose between the organizations. I was also terrified to serve because I didn’t feel qualified. I didn’t know how to be a board member, and I didn’t understand how it all worked. Ultimately, I decided that PFA was the best fit for me based on my experience. I accepted the nomination, and, to my surprise, my peers voted me in. In late 2005, I joined the PFA board. Soon, several board members took me under their wings and taught me the things I didn’t understand, mentored me to listen rather than talk and coached me to consider every point of view and welcome fresh perspectives from outside the board. I was well on my way to performing for the membership. Through the PFA staff and leaders who came before me, I was able to learn and work as a true team with the rest of the board and committee members. In addition to the experience I gained on the job, I also learned that my perception of the leadership was way off. I had assumed they were operating in a vacuum, keeping stale ideas and policies, not working in the best interest of the membership and were just plain out of touch with us. From listening to discussions and asking questions, I quickly found out that I was terribly wrong. I brought items to the table that were important to me and my peers as practitioners, and they really listened to me and explained what they had been doing about those issues. 6 Pedorthic Footcare Association ABOUT PFA The Pedorthic Footcare Association (PFA), founded in 1958, is the not-for-profit professional association which represents the interests of the certified and/or licensed pedorthist and supports the pedorthic profession at large. Through PFA’s efforts, pedorthics — the design, manufacture, modification and fit of shoes and foot orthoses to alleviate problems caused by disease, congenital condition, overuse or injury — is a wellestablished allied health profession which makes an invaluable contribution to public health. MISSION PFA’s mission is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the credentialed (certified and/or licensed) pedorthist through education; increase the demand for the credentialed pedorthist’s services through marketing; and defend the credentialed pedorthist’s right to practice through government affairs activities. Pedorthic Footcare Association 2025 M St., N.W. Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20036 phone (202) 367-1145 toll-free (800) 673-8447 fax (202) 367-2145 e-mail website Scan the QR code with a smartphone to learn more about PFA.


They offered pathways to solutions along

with the pros and cons of each one. I discovered, just as they had, that no decision is the right one for all of us, no decision provides a total solution and no idea goes without proper discussion and investigation. Once I got to know each person, I also found that my perception of their personalities was also way off. These are people, just like me, that talk too much when they are nervous or don’t talk enough because they are shy. One person’s brain might work differently than mine and they may explain something in a way I can’t possibly understand. The next person, though, can help clarify. I thought some people were arrogant or not contributing until I got to know them. I am not the best pedorthic practitioner out there, but I bring my unique skill set in business management, sales and marketing and importing and manufacturing to the table. My experiences are relatable to what PFA does in many aspects. Each of our members has the same opportunity to help his or her profession, and everyone has something to offer, whether it is an idea, a story, advice or expertise to share. Sometimes good listening and communication is all you need to solve a problem. Whatever you’ve got to offer, bring it to the table in Albuquerque, N.M., at the PFA Annual Symposium & Exhibition and share it with us, your PFA Board of Directors. We’re always looking for the next volunteer to push our profession forward. You’re qualified and you know something I don’t know! ■ I realized that if I was a part of the membership and I thought those things, then others probably thought them as well. And I was correct. But personality wasn’t the only misconception PFA had to overcome. Some members actually thought the board was a bunch of suits that oversaw our profession but didn’t work in it. In truth, every person on the board is a pedorthist and works in a retail or clinical facility, a hospital or a multi-disciplinary clinic or some other setting where they are helping people improve mobility. They all have varying years of experience and backgrounds. Most importantly, all of them are your colleagues who have devoted an immense amount of their time – without compensation – to serve you and the profession. It’s amusing to speak about the things we believe and think about others and ourselves, but it’s remarkable what happens when you discover the truth about both. I can confidently tell you now that regardless of the issue or project the PFA Board of Directors is working on at any given time, I can navigate, explore, discuss and investigate each one effectively both on my own and as a team to come to the best possible solution and outcome for our pedorthic community as a whole. We can’t please everyone and solve every issue that comes at us, but we can and do try to manage the association with the highest attention, integrity and level of reason that we, as your peers, have to offer. Current Pedorthics September|October 2011 7

They offered pathways to solutions along

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