Table of Contents

1. Welcome to KidTown Learning Academy • Mission Statement • Team Values and Culture • Our Commitment to Children and Families 2. Orientation and Training • Orientation of New Staff and Volunteers • Continuing Education • Emergency Procedures and Safety Training 3. Personnel Policies • Employment Types and Hours • Attendance and Punctuality • Breaks and Holiday Pay • Probationary Period and Performance Evaluation • Grievance Procedures • Disciplinary Actions 4. Health and Safety Policies • Mandatory Reporting and Background Checks • Health Requirements and Physical Exams • Whistleblower Policy • Drug and Alcohol Policy • Smoking and Tobacco Use 5. Professional Conduct • Dress Code • Time Off Notification • Parent Communication Procedures

Table of Contents

Confidentiality and Professional Behavior • Harassment and Discrimination Policies 6. Operational Procedures • Mealtime Procedures • Inclement Weather and Emergency Closings • Timekeeping and Payroll • Benefits and Insurance • Reduction of Hours and Termination Procedures 7. Job Descriptions • Administrator • Center Director • Childcare Teacher • Assistant Childcare Teacher • Cook 8. Workplace Safety and Security • Concealed Weapons Policy • Emergency Contact and Procedures


1. Welcome to KidTown Learning Academy

Mission Statement At KidTown Learning Academy, our mission is to assure parents that their children are not only in a safe environment but also actively engaged in learning, surrounded by constant warmth and smiles. We strive to create an environment where every child feels cherished, recognized, and inspired to unlock their potential. Our goal is a world where parents feel reassured and thrilled by the development and happiness of their children, a testament to the quality care and education we provide. Team Values and Culture Joining us means you're not just starting a new job; you're becoming part of a vibrant community dedicated to making a significant impact on the lives of children and their families. At KidTown, we're more than a team—we're a family. Together, we create a nurturing, creative, and dynamic atmosphere where every child is encouraged to thrive. Our culture emphasizes balanced social, emotional, and intellectual growth for children. We value creativity, teamwork, and lifelong learning, and we're united in our mission to create a safe and welcoming space where children can freely explore, learn, and grow. Our Commitment to Children and Families Stepping into this role is more than just a job—it's a chance to make a lasting impact on children and their families. We're deeply committed to understanding and addressing the unique needs of every child. This vision comes to life every day through the dedication, innovation, and passion for education of each team member. Your contributions will help shape a supportive atmosphere that caters to the diverse needs of every child, preparing them for a bright future. We're thrilled to have you with us and look forward to the amazing things we'll achieve together. Welcome to the family!

1. Welcome to KidTown Learning Academy

2. Orientation and Training

Orientation of New Staff and Volunteers At KidTown Learning Academy, we ensure that all new staff, volunteers, and emergency providers receive a thorough orientation within one week of starting their roles. This crucial step is designed to fully acquaint them with our ethos, practices, and the specific requirements of their positions. The orientation process is meticulously guided by the Staff Orientation Checklist (DCF-2026), a comprehensive tool provided by the state, which includes a detailed list of essential topics and procedures each team member must be familiar with. This checklist not only serves as a formal record, noting the date, the person being oriented, and the trainer, but also forms the basis of our Continuing Education Plan. Key areas such as understanding child abuse and neglect, emergency procedures, and familiarity with licensing regulations are covered extensively. We prioritize these topics for regular review during staff meetings to ensure our team remains well-informed and prepared. Emergency preparedness is a critical component of our orientation, with mandatory training in CPR and Automated Electronic Defibrillators (AED) for all team members. This foundational training ensures that every staff member and volunteer is equipped with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively in crisis situations, contributing to the safety and well-being of everyone in our care. Continuing Education Continuing education is a cornerstone of professional development at KidTown Learning Academy. We adhere to state guidelines for documenting continuing education hours, requiring employees to maintain a personal record of their ongoing learning endeavors. These records are kept in each employee's file and are subject to regular review by the Director to ensure compliance and support staff in their professional growth. Our policy mandates that staff members attend regularly scheduled meetings, which are instrumental in our collective learning and development strategy. These meetings are not only a platform for operational updates and strategic planning but also serve as valuable learning sessions contributing to our staff's continuing education requirements. Employees working more than 20 hours per week are required to earn 25 hours of continuing education annually, whereas those working 20 hours or fewer are expected to complete 15 hours of continuing education each year. To maintain the highest standards of care and safety, all staff members must keep their certifications in child and infant CPR and AED training up to date. Additionally, training aimed at reducing the risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Shaken Baby Syndrome is obligatory. KidTown Learning Academy supports our team's ongoing education by providing access to a range of training resources, including external courses, workshops, and self-study materials that cover relevant topics and skills essential for our field. Emergency Procedures and Safety Training KidTown Learning Academy places the utmost importance on the safety and emergency preparedness of our team. Comprehensive training in emergency procedures, including the use of CPR and AED, is fundamental to our operation. Staff are also trained in the location and use of fire extinguishers, ensuring preparedness for various types of emergencies. Our commitment to safety extends beyond immediate emergency response training. Regular drills and updates on safety protocols are part of our routine, ensuring that every team member is equipped with the knowledge and skills to ensure the safety of our children and each other. We view our staff's ability to respond confidently and competently in emergency situations as vital to the well-being of the entire KidTown community.

2. Orientation and Training

3. Personnel Policies

Employment Types and Hours KidTown Learning Academy offers both full-time and part-time positions, with hours of work determined by the current enrollment and operational needs. We design our staff schedule to align with the children's arrival and departure times, ensuring that we meet the required staff-to-child ratios at all times. Our scheduling practices are intended to maximize the efficiency of our operations while also considering the work-life balance of our staff. Attendance and Punctuality Punctuality and regular attendance are critical to the smooth operation of our center and the maintenance of high-quality care. Staff members are expected to arrive on time and ready to begin work immediately. In instances where you anticipate being late, it is expected that you call the center as soon as possible to inform the Director or supervisor. Similarly, if you are unable to work due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, you must notify the Director at the earliest opportunity to allow for adequate coverage of your duties. Failure to properly notify the center of absences or tardiness may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Breaks and Holiday Pay We recognize the importance of rest and recuperation for our staff. Full-time employees are entitled to one 1hour unpaid break each day. In addition, full-time employees are eligible for one week of paid vacation after one year of continuous employment. Our center also observes and provides pay for several holidays, including New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Juneteenth, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. To qualify for holiday pay, employees must work their scheduled shifts immediately before and after the holiday. Probationary Period and Performance Evaluation New employees at KidTown Learning Academy are subject to a 90-day probationary period. During this time, punctuality and attendance are closely monitored, with any incidents of lateness or unexcused absence potentially resulting in termination. Performance evaluations are conducted annually by the Director or the owner, depending on the position. These evaluations are an opportunity for feedback and discussion about job performance, with the potential for wage increases based on merit and the center's financial status. Grievance Procedures We understand that disputes and concerns can arise in any workplace. If an employee has a grievance related to their employment, they are encouraged to discuss the issue with their immediate supervisor as a first step. If the issue remains unresolved, the employee may escalate the matter to the Director. We are committed to fair and transparent resolution processes, but the final decision rests with the center's management. Disciplinary Actions KidTown Learning Academy maintains a clear disciplinary policy to address instances of misconduct or noncompliance with center policies. An initial violation will result in a verbal warning, documented for internal records. Continued violations or additional infractions may lead to a written warning placed in the employee's file. A third infraction could lead to suspension or termination, depending on the severity of the misconduct. Our disciplinary process is designed to be fair and consistent, providing clear expectations and consequences for all employees.

3. Personnel Policies

4. Health and Safety Policies

Mandatory Reporting and Background Checks At KidTown Learning Academy, the safety of our children is our top priority. As mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect, all staff members are required to report any suspicions to Child Protective Services. Training in recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect is provided to all staff every two years, and documentation of this training is maintained in employee files. In addition to mandatory reporting training, KidTown Learning Academy conducts thorough background checks on all employees, volunteers, and anyone else who may come into contact with the children in our care. This includes checks against government agency investigations for any act, offense, or omission involving abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of property. Employees are also required to report if they are being investigated, have a substantiated finding against them, or have had a professional license denied, revoked, restricted, or otherwise limited for such charges. The Director is responsible for performing a complete background check within 60 days of hire and annually thereafter for all employees, volunteers used to meet staff-to-child ratios, and all individuals contracted by the licensee to provide services to children. The Department conducts a complete background check every year on the Licensee as well. Health Requirements and Physical Exams All staff at KidTown Learning Academy are required to have physical exams upon employment to ensure they are physically capable of fulfilling their duties. Additionally, a negative TB skin test is required upon employment. These health requirements are in place to protect both the children and staff by minimizing the risk of transmitting contagious illnesses within our facility. Whistleblower Policy KidTown Learning Academy maintains a strict whistleblower policy to protect employees who report violations of laws, rules, or regulations. This policy ensures that no employee faces retaliation for making such reports in good faith. We are committed to operating with the highest level of integrity and expect all staff members to adhere to this principle. Drug and Alcohol Policy The use of drugs and alcohol in the workplace is strictly prohibited. No employee is allowed to work while under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substances. This policy extends to all areas of the facility, including during field trips or any events sponsored by the academy. Violation of this policy will result in immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Our commitment to maintaining a drug-free workplace is unwavering, as the safety and well-being of our children and staff are of paramount importance. Smoking and Tobacco Use Smoking and the use of tobacco products are not permitted anywhere on the premises, whether indoors or outdoors.. Our smoke-free environment policy is designed to ensure a healthy and safe environment for the children, staff, and visitors. Any violation of this policy will be met with disciplinary action, emphasizing our commitment to a healthy, smoke-free workplace

4. Health and Safety Policies

5. Professional Conduct

Dress Code At KidTown Learning Academy, we expect all employees to adhere to a dress code that reflects professionalism while allowing for comfort and practicality given the nature of work with children. Employees are required to wear the designated uniform daily, which should always be clean, free of holes, and presentable. The dress code prohibits long fingernails, high heels, short shorts, or short skirts due to the active and often physical nature of our work. The dress code is designed not only to project a professional image but also to ensure the safety and well-being of both staff and children during daily activities. Time Off Notification KidTown Learning Academy understands the importance of work-life balance and recognizes that employees may need time off for various reasons. To facilitate a smooth operation and adequate staffing, all time off requests should be submitted by the 5th of every month for the following month through BambooHR. Time off requests are granted on a first-come, first-served basis. This policy helps ensure that we can accommodate your needs while maintaining the required staff-to-child ratios and continuing to provide high-quality care and education to the children in our academy. Parent Communication Procedures Effective communication with parents is essential to our mission at KidTown Learning Academy. We strive to keep parents regularly informed about their child's progress and any notable events or achievements. Communication with parents can take various forms, including face-to-face conversations at drop-off and pickup times, as well as through the Procare app. With parental consent and in consultation with them, we also coordinate with local school districts, Birth to Three agencies, and any other relevant agencies for children who may have an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). This collaborative approach ensures a cohesive and supportive learning environment for every child. Confidentiality and Professional Behavior Maintaining confidentiality is paramount at KidTown Learning Academy. All employees are expected to handle employment and family records, as well as any information learned about children and their families in the course of their work, with the utmost discretion and professionalism. This includes respecting the privacy of children and families by not discussing sensitive information outside of professional contexts where such discussions are necessary for the child's welfare. Professional behavior extends to all interactions within the academy, ensuring a respectful and supportive environment for children, families, and staff. Harassment and Discrimination Policies KidTown Learning Academy is committed to providing a workplace free from harassment and discrimination. We uphold strict policies against actions, words, jokes, or comments based on an individual's sex, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or any other legally protected characteristic. Any form of harassment or discrimination is unacceptable and will be met with serious disciplinary action, including possible termination of employment. Employees who experience or witness harassment or discrimination are encouraged to report the incident immediately to the Director. Our academy takes all reports seriously and conducts thorough investigations to ensure a safe and respectful working environment for everyone.

5. Professional Conduct

6. Operational Procedures

Mealtime Procedures At KidTown Learning Academy, mealtimes are an essential part of the day, serving not only to nourish the children but also as opportunities for teaching them about healthy eating habits, manners, and social skills. Staff are responsible for serving lunch to all children and overseeing the dining area to ensure a pleasant, safe, and hygienic environment. During mealtime, staff will engage in meaningful conversation with the children, promote social interaction, encourage good table manners, and develop sound nutritional habits. Children are encouraged to clean up after themselves, fostering a sense of responsibility and teamwork. Importantly, meals will never be withheld as a form of punishment, and children will not be forced to eat but will be encouraged to try new foods. Inclement Weather and Emergency Closings The safety of our children and staff is paramount. In the event of inclement weather or other emergencies that necessitate the closing of KidTown Learning Academy, we will inform our families and staff as soon as the decision is made. This information will be communicated through local radio and television stations, as well as through direct communication methods such as phone calls or the Procare app. In situations where the center must be closed, staff who are scheduled to work and are present for the next business day will receive pay for the time off, ensuring that unexpected closures do not unfairly impact our team's financial stability. Timekeeping and Payroll KidTown Learning Academy employs a precise timekeeping system to ensure accurate recording of hours worked by each employee. It is the responsibility of each staff member to accurately log their hours according to the procedures set out by the academy. Time entries are reviewed by the Director to confirm accuracy before processing payroll. Falsification of timekeeping records is considered a serious offense and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Payroll is processed semimonthly, with each paycheck reflecting earnings for work performed through the end of the previous payroll period. Benefits and Insurance KidTown Learning Academy values the well-being and security of our staff and offers a comprehensive benefits package to full-time employees. This package includes paid time off, which is available after 60 days of employment, and eligibility for life insurance, dental benefits, and vision benefits, ensuring our team has access to essential health services. Additionally, KidTown provides worker’s compensation insurance for all employees, as required by law, and manages payroll deductions for taxes and other insurances, adhering to legal requirements and best practices for employee compensation. Reduction of Hours and Termination Procedures Operational needs and enrollment numbers at KidTown Learning Academy can fluctuate, potentially affecting staffing requirements. In cases where a reduction in hours is necessary, we will communicate changes to affected employees as soon as possible. Our goal is to minimize the impact on our staff and to explore all possible options for maintaining employment levels, including efforts to increase enrollment through various recruitment activities. Termination of employment at KidTown, whether initiated by the employee or the academy, is conducted with respect for the individual and adherence to applicable laws and regulations. KidTown and the employee maintain the right to terminate employment at will, with or without cause, at any time, acknowledging that employment does not constitute a contract between the academy and the employee.

6. Operational Procedures

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