BrandMe! Spotlight - Luisa Martinez



LUISA MARTINEZ An unapologetic multi-passionate entrepreneur, embracing her love of how to successfully incorporate managing a myriad of interests, whilst growing a business that includes coaching, consulting and high level project management FEATURE EDITION | NOVEMBER,2023 B r a n d M e ! V i s i b i l i t y N e t wo r k i ng G r o u p Spotlight


featured Profile

Meet Luisa Martinez Founder of Luisa Martinez Coaching & Consulting Luisa is a Multi-Passionate Leader, Running My Business Journey, My Way Coach, Community Builder, Plant Enthusiast and Spirituality Seeker. She is the Founder of Luisa Martinez Coaching & Consulting, Co-founder of Fempreneurs In Action, a Senior Project Manager, Creative Business Award Winner and a highly regarded accountability coach. Luisa provides practical business strategies and accountability solutions for personal and professional development practitioners to run their businesses and lives on their own terms! BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Luisa Martinez Page 2

featured Profile

Expertise & Skills

Tell us when you started your business and what was the most unexpected challenge you faced in the beginning? I officially started my entrepreneurial journey in 2012 - before then, I tried many things but never made money from them. In 2012, I registered for the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Diploma in Coaching and Mentoring in the Workplace Level 5, and that's when my business career started. The most challenging aspect of my entrepreneurial journey has always been focusing on one thing to do. I like having many different projects simultaneously; this is when I thrive and become alive. But, the people around me (coaches, family, friends and fellow entrepreneurs) saw this as not being serious and focused. Which “forced” me to focus on one thing; back then, it was Career Coaching. Putting my energy into just one thing made me unhappy, so I changed my niche, thinking it was not working. I did not know that as a multi-faceted person following my varied interests, I could bring new insights into different fields. BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Luisa Martinez “Putting my energy into just one thing made me unhappy, so I changed my niche, thinking it was not working.” Page 3

Expertise & Skills

Entrepreneurial Insights

Tell us about your journey to starting your networking group Fempreneurs in Action and how it’s benefitted you, your business and the members? And they have provided those things to me as well. We are a tight network that supports each other's businesses. 2017 was the year that I could say, ‘I made it in business’. I was doing great; obviously, we all know what happened in 2020. I am on a mission to show that you can be successful by doing the things you love in a way that fulfils you, considering your commitments and values. The lockdown gave me the space to re-examine my life and business model. I used that time to focus on myself and what I wanted. And I wanted connection, a safe space where female business owners could come together and discuss ALL aspects of being an entrepreneur, the 360 degrees from family, relationships, business skills, tools, and everything. What would you say are your 3 must haves for staying sane and running a successful business? So, I posted on several WhatsApp groups if anyone was open to exploring starting a Clubhouse room with me. Two people replied; one couldn’t do it. And the other said, ‘Let’s talk’, and the rest is history. Fempreneurs In Action has been running for two and a half years now. The community has provided me the platform to inspire, awaken, grow, and contribute to many professionals around the globe. BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Luisa Martinez Have a clear vision and strategy of where you are heading. This will ensure you put your energy into the activities that make an impact on your business. Set boundaries to protect your well-being, prevent burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance. The world is full of things you ‘should have or be doing’ in your business; learn to unapologetically say ‘No’ to everything that comes your way. Be adaptable and innovative, follow your intuition, try new things and let go of anything that doesn’t serve you. Page 4

Entrepreneurial Insights

Impact & Giving Back:

Can you share an example of a project or initiative that has made a positive impact on your community or industry? In October 2018, I was hired to plan, deliver and oversee Made in H&F, a boutique pop-up store supporting local artists and bringing more vibrancy to Hammersmith. It was the first pop-up of its kind in the UK. A year later, the roaring success of the Made in H&F initiative paved the way for other town centres and Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) to follow suit. The Pop-up shop was crowned with Best Creative Business at the Hammersmith & Fulham Brilliant Business Awards. The award win reflected the roaring success of the store, having worked with 54 local artists, fashionistas and craft makers. Work Life Balance As a busy entrepreneur, how do you manage worklife balance and avoid burnout? I slow down and take breaks. The first thing I do when planning my year is to schedule all my holidays and block that time in my calendar so my clients know I am unavailable. I am not afraid to quit in the middle of a project. Sometimes, I start and commit to things that only once I start them I realise, ‘actually, this is not for me’. I say no, or I delegate what doesn’t satisfy me! How has maintaining your family life alongside your running your business been integral to your success? One of my strategies when planning a project is ‘Backward planning’, which is planning from the future until now instead of from now to where I want to be. I use this concept in my life as well. I started my business for freedom and satisfaction. To spend time with my family and to do the things I love. I didn’t wait until I was successful to schedule those things. I do them now because that’s the reason I am in business. Be your future self now! BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Luisa Martinez Page 5

Impact & Giving Back:

Personal Growth

& Development Who or what inspires your personal growth? I am a natural learner; I can spend hours researching, reading and listening to YouTube talks on every subject out there. I love it. What does success look like for you personally? Being satisfied! Success is knowing I can spend my day just doing the work and activities I enjoy. There is no pressure, no demands, just freedom. And I have the money to be able to do this. Building Your Personal Brand What book, podcast, or resource has had the most significant impact on your life? The first book on personal development that changed my life was The Secrets Letters of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma. I read that in 2014, I quit my job, went travelling in India and returned to be fulltime self-employed. That book gave me the permission to be me, authentically. How do you motivate yourself to stay focused on your goals? As a multi-passionate person, this is very important because I can easily get overwhelmed and/or distracted by all the ‘amazing’ ideas my mind comes up with. So, for me, it is about being super clear in my Big Picture and using my focus on the details that will help me reach the bigger goal. Meditating or journaling also helps a lot. Bonus Question - Choose one of the following to describe how you see your personal brand now or in the future: Fearless > Authentic > Confident > Exceptional > Successful (BrandMe! FACES) Authentic! I am all about love, empowerment and aligning with my true self. I am the same person in all areas of my life. Email - LinkedIn - IG - BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Luisa Martinez Page 6

Personal Growth

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you in brandme! spotlight We are thrilled to extend an invitation to you to be featured in the BrandMe! Spotlight Article series, where we celebrate the inspiring personal branding journeys of entrepreneurs and working professionals like you! Why You Should Participate: Elevate Your Personal Brand: Showcase your expertise and insights in our professionally written article, enhancing your personal brand's visibility and credibility. Targeted Exposure: Reach a focused audience within our vibrant BrandMe! personal brand membership group, aligned with your industry and interests. Thought Leadership Platform: Position yourself as a thought leader in your field, sharing valuable lessons and tips with our readers. Networking Opportunities: Connect with other influential individuals, potential collaborators, and clients who resonate with your message. SEO Benefits: Our website and articles are optimized for search engines, potentially increasing your online visibility and discoverability. Shareable Content: Receive a beautifully crafted article that you can share on your website, social media, and professional profiles, further reinforcing your personal brand. Promotional Opportunity: Share your product or services with our audience with a full page advert. BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. We believe your story, knowledge, skills, and experience will inspire our audience, fostering personal and professional growth for all. Let's work together to create an impact and strengthen the impact of investing in your personal brand! To confirm your participation or for any questions, please reply to this email or contact, with 'BrandMe! Spotlight Article Opportunity' in the subject line. Looking forward to showcasing your personal brand journey in the BrandMe! Spotlight Article series! Best regards, Dionne x Page 7



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