Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern @uwchradd_bodedern @yubodedern www.ysgoluwchraddbodedern.org
caring community that promotes a positive culture of inclusion, respect and raising aspirations.” Estyn 2022 “Cymuned ofalgar yw Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern sydd yn hyrwyddo diwylliant cadarnhaol o gynhwysiant, parch a chodi dyheadau.” Estyn 2022
Bodedern Headmaster’s Welcome Pleser mawr yw cyflwyno Prospectws Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern i’ch sylw. We are Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern; welcome to our prospectus. Rydym yn ysgol sy’n darparu addysg rhwng 11 a 18 oed ac mae’r ysgol yn gymuned naturiol ddwyieithog lle rhoddir cryn bwyslais ar ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg yn ogystal â’r Saesneg fel cyfrwng dysgu. We are a school that caters for pupils aged 11 to 18. A naturally bilingual setting, we place a strong emphasis on learning through the medium of Welsh as well as English. Mae gennym yma gampws eang ac adnoddau newydd sy’n cynnig cyfleoedd gwych i ddisgyblion allu manteisio’n llawn ar y cwricwlwm i Gymru. We have an extensive campus which allows for a wide range of sporting opportunities. We have also invested heavily in innovative IT and technology resources, thus providing opportunities for pupils to develop their confidence in this key area. Cynigir hefyd llu o gyfleoedd tu allan i’r ystafell ddosbarth, sef clybiau Boded. “Teimla llawer o ddisgyblion eu bod yn cael hannog i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau allgyrsiol ‘Clybiau Boded’. Mae cyfraddau cyfranogiad yn uchel mewn ystod eang o glybiau a gweithgareddau gan gynnwys amrywiaeth o chwaraeon a chlybiau fel Arwyddiaith Prydeinig (British Sign Language), gemau bwrdd a ffermio. Mae’r ysgol yn sicrhau bod yr holl ddisgyblion, gan gynnwys y rhai mwyaf bregus, yn cael cyfleoedd i gymryd rhan lawn yn y gweithgareddau hyn”Estyn 2022 There are also a host of opportunities outside the classroom – ‘Boded clubs’. “Many pupils feel encouraged to take part in extracurricular ‘Boded Clubs’ activities. Participation rates are high in a wide range of clubs and activities including a range of sports and clubs such as British Sign (British Sign Language), board games and farming. The school ensures that all pupils, including the most vulnerable, have opportunities to participate fully in these activities”- Estyn 2022 Mae Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern yn ysgol gynhwysol ac mae ei pherthynas â’r gymuned leol yn rhan greiddiol o’i llwyddiant. Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern is an inclusive school, and our close relationship with the local community is a core part of our success. Ein bwriad fel tîm yma ym Modedern yw darparu addysg o’r ansawdd orau i bob un o’n disgyblion a hynny mewn awyrgylch gartrefol, gynhaliol, ddiogel a hapus. Nododd Estyn bod ymddygiad ein disgyblion yn dda iawn a bod dysgwyr yn falch o fod yn rhan o deulu Boded. Our main aim as a team here at Bodedern is to provide an education of the highest quality for every one of our pupils, in a homely, supportive, safe, and happy environment. Mawr obeithiaf y cewch fudd o’r llawlyfr hwn ac edrychwn ymlaen i’ch croesawu atom yma. Mae gennym lu o fideos sy’n rhoi rhagflas o fywyd yr ysgol ar ein gwefan: www.ysgoluwchraddbodedern.org I hope you find this handbook useful, and I look forward to welcoming you here. We have several videos on our website: www.ysgoluwchraddbodedern.org which give prospective pupils a taste of school life. Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiad neu’n dymuno derbyn rhagor o wybodaeth am yr ysgol yna mae croeso i chi gysylltu â mi yn uniongyrchol. Should you have any enquiries or wish to receive more information about the school, you are welcome to contact me directly. Paul Matthews-Jones, Pennaeth Paul Matthews-Jones, Headteacher.
yr Ysgol School’s Objectives “Mae gan arweinwyr weledigaeth glir ar gyfer cwricwlwm newydd yr ysgol sydd yn seiliedig ar sicrhau addysg o’r ansawdd gorau, codi dyheadau a pharatoi disgyblion ar gyfer byd gwaith” - Estyn 2022 “Leaders have a clear vision for the school’s new curriculum, which is based on ensuring education of the highest quality, raising aspirations and preparing pupils for the world of work.” - Estyn 2022 Amcanion Cwricwlaidd • Galluogi pob unigolyn i fod yn aelod llawn o’r gymdeithas ddwyieithog y mae’n rhan ohoni. Curriculum objectives • To enable every pupil to be a member of the bilingual community in which they are immersed. • Galluogi pob unigolyn i ennill, datblygu a defnyddio sgiliau Iaith a Mathemateg. • Galluogi pob unigolyn i ddatblygu sgiliau deallusol, creadigol, cymdeithasol, ymarferol a chorfforol. • • • To enable every pupil to gain, develop and use mathematical and language skills. • To enable every pupil to develop intellectual, creative, sociable, practical and physical skills. Dysgu am gyflawniadau a dyheadau dyn ym maes y celfyddydau, gwyddorau, crefydd a’r ymchwil am gymdeithas ragorach. • To learn about man’s achievements and aspirations in the field of the arts, sciences, religions and further afield. Galluogi pob unigolyn i feithrin gwybodaeth, agweddau a sgiliau sy’n berthnasol i fywyd oedolyn, i waith a di-weithdra mewn byd sy’n prysur newid, i addysg barhaol ac i’r defnydd creadigol o hamdden. • To enable every pupil to nurture knowledge, aspects and skills that are relevant to an adult’s life, towards work and leisure in an everchanging world, to further education and to the creative use of leisure time. “Mae’r tîm lles yn hyrwyddo diwylliant cadarnhaol sydd wedi’i seilio ar gynhwysiant a pharch, ac ar godi dyheadau. Maent yn gweithio’n agos â’i gilydd a staff i gefnogi anghenion emosiynol, cymdeithasol ac ymddygiadol disgyblion, a sicrhau eu bod yn barod i ddysgu a chael y gorau o fywyd ysgol” - Estyn 2022 “The well-being team promotes a positive culture that is based on inclusivity and respect and on raising aspirations. They work closely with each other and staff to support pupils’ emotional, social and behavioural needs and ensure that they are ready to learn and get the best out of school life.” - Estyn 2022 Amcanion Bugeiliol • Meithrin yn gyntaf oll gymdeithas waraidd, cymdeithas sy’n rhoi pwys ar werthoedd moesol a dynol gan ddatblygu hunan-barch a hefyd parch a goddefgarwch tuag at eraill a gofal drostynt. Pastoral objectives • To nurture a civilized community that emphasizes moral values through developing self-respect, respect, care, and tolerance towards others. • Anelu trwy’r amser at feithrin cymdeithas sydd am fynnu’r safonau uchaf yn academaidd, yn gymdeithasol ac yn foesol a hynny trwy gynnal a hybu cyfraniad pob unigolyn. • Meithrin cysylltiad iach rhwng ysgol a chartref a rhwng ysgol a chymdeithas, ac ystyried yr ysgol fel sefydliad sy’n rhan o gymdeithas Bodedern a’r cylch. • Meithrin yr ymdeimlad o falchder yn yr ysgol fel sefydliad sy’n ceisio cyfannu cymdeithas, a bod yn lle ystyrlon i bob unigolyn a’i anghenion yn yr unedau sy’n ffurfio’r gymdeithas ddisgybledig hon e.e. grwp dysgu, dosbarth tiwtorial, yr uned flwyddyn, yr ysgol. • Aim to always nurture a community whereby the highest standards are expected; academically and morally, through supporting and encouraging every individual’s contribution. • To nurture a healthy relationship between home and school and between the school and the community, and to consider the school to be an institution that is part of the community of Bodedern and the catchment areas. • To nurture the feeling of pride in the school as a foundation that aims to integrate community, a place that is meaningful to every pupil and their needs that form this disciplined community, e.g. learning groups, tutorial classes, year groups and the school itself.
Admissions Policy Dalgylch cynradd naturiol yr ysgol yw: Ysgol Rhyd y Llan, Ysgol Pencarnisiog, Ysgol Gymuned Bryngwran, Ysgol y Ffridd Gwalchmai, Ysgol Gynradd Bodedern, Ysgol Llannerch-y-medd ac Ysgol Gymraeg Morswyn. Rydym wedi cynhyrchu cynllun pontio newydd gyda’n hysgolion dalgylch drwy wrando ar lais y disgyblion cynradd. Mae’r cynllun yn cynnwys sesiynau mewn pynciau traddodiadol fel Cymraeg a mathemateg a phynciau mwy mynegiannol fel celf a cherdd a bydd sesiynau ymarferol yn y gweithdai a’r campfeydd i roi blas o’n pynciau i’r disgyblion hefyd. Bwriad y sesiynau yw anwytho’r disgyblion ac i helpu i ymgyfarwyddo efo staff a’r adeilad. Mae gennym hefyd ddalgylch estynedig sef ysgolion Ynys Cybi a phellach. Gall rhieni y dalgylch estynedig drefnu i’w plant fynychu Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern er mwyn manteisio ar addysg ddwyieithog lawn, drwy sgwrs efo aelod o’r Uwch Dîm Arwain. Mae croeso cynnes i chi gysylltu â ni. Dylai ddisgyblion all-ddalgylch gyflwyno cais i Adran Addysg yr Awdurdod Lleol drwy lenwi’r ffurflenni trosglwyddo penodol. https://www.ynysmon.llyw.cymru/cy/Trigolion/ Ysgolion-a-dysgu/Ysgolion/Mynediad-i-ysgolion.aspx Caiff Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern ei diffinio gan Lywodraeth Cymru fel ysgol ddwyieithog, categori 2B. The natural primary catchment area of the school is: Ysgol Rhyd y Llan, Ysgol Pencarnisiog, Bryngwran Community School, Ysgol y Ffridd Gwalchmai, Ysgol Gynradd Bodedern, Ysgol Llannerch-y-medd and Ysgol Gymraeg Morswyn. We have created an exciting new transition plan with out catchment schools through listening to primary pupil voice. The plan includes sessions with more traditional subjects such as Welsh and mathematics but also more creative subjects such as art and music. Students will also have a taste of more practical subjects in the workshops and the gymnasiums. The purpose of these sessions is to help the students transition with ease and assist with developing their knowledge and understanding of the staff and the buildings. We also have an extended catchment area which include the primary schools of the Holy island and further afield. Parents of the extended catchment can arrange for their children to attend Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern to access a full bilingual education, through a conversation with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Please feel free to contact us. Off-catchment pupils should apply to the Local Authority Education Department by completing the specific transfer forms. Mae 159 o lefydd ar gael i ddisgyblion ym mhob blwyddyn. Roedd 787 disgybl ar y gofrestr ym mis Medi 2023. Derbyniwyd 163 cais i fynychu’r ysgol ac am y tro cyntaf yn ein hanes roedd gennym restr aros ar gyfer blwyddyn 7. https://www.ynysmon.llyw.cymru/cy/Trigolion/ Ysgolion-a-dysgu/Ysgolion/Mynediad-i-ysgolion.aspx Caiff disgyblion blwyddyn 6 sydd wedi gwneud cais i fynychu’r ysgol gyfle i fynychu cyfnod anwytho fel rheol ym mis Gorffennaf ac mae gwaith pontio cynradd uwchradd yn digwydd yn rheolaidd gyda gwahoddiadau aml i ddisgyblion cynradd y dalgylch fynychu gweithgareddau pontio yma yn yr ysgol. Mae’r athrawon hefyd yn cyd-weithio efo’u cymheiriaid yn y cynradd i sicrhau’r continwm addysg. There are 159 places available to pupils in each year. There were 787 pupils on roll in September 2023. We received 163 applications to attend the school and for the first time in our history we had a waiting list for year 7. Mae’r Awdurdod Addysg lleol yn gofyn am geisiadau gan rieni (ar gyfer disgyblion blwyddyn 7 y mis Medi canlynol) yn Rhagfyr fel arfer pan fydd y plentyn ym mlwyddyn 6 ond gellir cysylltu â ni ar ôl hyn rhag ofn bod gennym lefydd ar ôl. Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern is defined as a bilingual school, category 2B by the Welsh Government. Year 6 pupils who have applied to attend school, usually have the opportunity to attend an induction period in July and primary/secondary transition work takes place regularly with frequent invitations for primary pupils in the catchment area to attend transition activities here at the school. The teachers also work together with their counterparts in the primary to ensure the education continuum. The local Education Authority usually ask for requests from prospective year 7 parents (for the following September) in December when the child is in year 6 but we can be contacted after this in case we have places left.
The School Day Rhennir y diwrnod ysgol fel a ganlyn: The day is divided into 6 lessons as follows: 8:35 – 8:50 Cofrestru & Gwasanaeth 8:35 – 8:50 Registration and Assembly 8:50 – 9:40 Gwers 1 8:50 – 9:40 Lesson 1 9:40 – 10:30 Gwers 2 9:40 – 10:30 Lesson 2 10:30 – 10:50 Egwyl 10:30 – 10:50 Break 10:50 – 11:40 Gwers 3 10:50 – 11:40 Lesson 3 11:40 – 12:30 Gwers 4 11:40 – 12:30 Lesson 4 12:30 – 13:15 Cinio 12:30 – 13:15 Lunch 13:15 – 13:20 Symud i wers 5 13:15 – 13:20 Move to 5 13:20 – 14:10 Gwers 5 13:20 – 14:10 Lesson 5 14:10 – 15:00 Gwers 6 14:10 – 15:00 Lesson 6 Darperir cinio poeth ac oer o safon uchel gan staff ein cegin drwy gwmni Chartwells. Cynigir dewis eang o brydau poeth ac oer yn ystod yr awr ginio, ynghyd â dewis o fyrbrydau iach a maethlon yn ystod y cyfnod egwyl. Mae gan rai plant hawl i ginio am ddim - os ydych yn meddwl eich bod yn deilwng o’r hawl hwn, yna cysylltwch â’r ysgol am fanylion pellach. Hot and cold lunches of a high standard are prepared by our kitchen staff through the catering company Chartwells. They offer a range of hot and cold choices during the lunch break and a selection of healthy and nutritious snacks during the morning break. Some pupils are entitled to free school meals. If you think you qualify for this, please contact the school for more information. Gall disgyblion brynu cinio o’r ffreutur neu’r pod bwyd ac mae ardaloedd dan do tu allan iddynt gysgodi. Mae byrddau picnic hefyd ar hyd a lled y safle ac rydym yn parhau i fuddsoddi. Pupils can choose to purchase lunch from the main canteen or from the food pod, and there are plenty of sheltered outdoor areas for them to utilise. There are also picnic tables available, and we continue to invest in this area. Mae’r ysgol yn gwneud defnydd helaeth o’r system Schoolgateway. Drwy e-bost y byddwn yn rhannu llythyrau a byddwn yn anfon neges destun os yw’r neges yn un brys. Mae’r system hefyd yn eich caniatau i dalu am ginio ar-lein ar gyfer eich plentyn. Gellir lawrlwytho’r app i’ch ffôn. The school makes extensive use of the SchoolGateway system. We will be sharing correspondence with you through email, and we will always send a text message if the message is of high importance or is urgent. The system also allows you to pay for your child’s lunch online. You can download the app onto your phone.
School Uniform Dylai pob disgybl Blwyddyn 7 - 11 wisgo: Every pupil in Years 7-11 should wear: • • • • • • Tei ysgol - streipen goch a nefi (maent i’w cael yn yr ysgol neu’r siopau) Siwmper wedi ei gweu nefi blw gyda gwddw V. Blows / Crys coch plaen, gyda choler a llewys hir (neu lewys byr yn yr haf - nid crys “polo”). Trowsus - du o hyd a lled cyffredin (dim jîns, cords, denim na chinos). Gall merched wisgo pe dymunir, sgert at y benglin nefi neu ddu. • • • • A school tie – navy and red stripes (they are available to purchase in school or in local shops) A navy knitted jumper with a V neck A plain red blouse/shirt, with a collar and long sleeves (or short sleeves for summer – not a polo shirt) Trousers – black and full length (no jeans, corduroys, denim or chinos) Skirts are permitted – knee-length in black or navy. Gwisg Blwyddyn 12 & 13: Uniform for Years 12 and 13: • • • Siwmper gwddw V mewn glas tywyll gyda logo y 6ed dosbarth Crys gwyn. • A navy V neck knitted jumper with the sixth form logo. A white shirt. Addysg Gorfforol: Physical Education wear: • • • • • • • • • • • • Esgidiau Campfa (Trainers) gyda gwadnau golau Siorts du neu nefi Sanau pêl-droed coch Crys t coch a peiping glas Crys rygbi cildroadwy Os dymunir: Esgidiau pêl-droed ar gyfer pêl-droed. Trainers Navy or black shorts Red football socks Red T shirt with blue piping Reversible rugby shirt If desired – football shoes with studs.
Attendance Mae presenoldeb da yn greiddiol i lwyddiant addysgol eich plentyn. A good attendance level is core to your child’s education. Beth os fydd fy mhlentyn yn absennol? Mae tiwtoriaid dosbarth yn gyfrifol am gofrestru disgyblion bob bore. What if my child is absent? Class tutors are responsible for registering pupils every morning and afternoon. Os yw disgybl yn absennol o’r ysgol gofynnir i’r rhieni: If a pupil is absent, we ask parents to: • • • Hysbysu’r tiwtor dosbarth o unrhyw absenoldeb sydd wedi ei drefnu e.e. apwyntiadau deintyddol / meddygol. Hysbysu’r ysgol o urnhyw absenoldeb annisgwyl megis salwch neu os yn hwyr drwy unai: Ffonio’r Dderbynfa ar 01407 741000 a dewis opsiwn 1. • neu • Anfon neges destun ar system Schoolgateway • Rydym yn argymell bod apwyntiadau deintyddol yn cael eu trefnu tu allan i oriau yr ysgol ble’n bosib. Oni fyddwch wedi cysylltu gyda’r ysgol, byddwn yn anfon neges destun atoch yn gofyn am eglurhad o absenoldeb eich plentyn am y diwrnod hwnnw. Byddwn yn adrodd ar absenoldeb eich plentyn yn flynyddol. Os bydd plentyn yn teimlo’n sâl yn ystod y dydd bydd yr athro dosbarth yn ei anfon efo nodyn i’r dderbynfa. Bydd staff y dderbynfa yn cysylltu efo’r cartref er mwyn i chi wneud trefniadau i gasglu eich plentyn o’r ysgol. Mae ein polisi ar gymryd gwyliau yn ystod y tymor ysgol yn cyd-fynd â threfniadau yr Awdurdod. Caniateir deg diwrnod fel absenoldeb awdurdodedig i ddisgyblion CA3 ar gyflwyno ffurflen gais gwyliau. Ni chaniateir unrhyw absenoldeb gwyliau i ddisgyblion CA4. Gellir cael copi o Bolisi Presenoldeb yr ysgol ar ein gwefan: www.ysgoluwchraddbodedern.org • • Notify the tutor of any absence that has been prearranged, e.g. dental or medical appointments Notify the school of any unexpected absence such as illness or a late arrival through either: Phoning the reception on 01407 741000 and choosing option 1. or • Sending a text message on the SchoolGateway system • We would ask that dental appointments be arranged outside of school hours where possible. On occasions when contact with the school has not been made, we will send you a text message to ask for an explanation for your child’s absence that day. We will provide feedback on your child’s attendance annually. If your child is feeling ill during the school day, the class teacher will send them with a note to the reception area. The reception staff will contact home to arrange for you to collect them from school. Our policy on holidays in term time is in line with the local authority. We permit 10 authorised days for KS3 pupils provided a holiday form is presented to the school. We cannot permit any authorised holidays for KS4 pupils. You can find a copy of the school’s attendance policy on our website: www.ysgoluwchraddbodedern.org
Plentyn Your child’s development Mae datblygiad a gofal am eich plentyn yn gyfrifoldeb arnom oll. Bydd pob un o’r athrawon yn cadw llygaid ar ddatblygiad pynciol, a bydd y tiwtor dosbarth yn cadw golwg cyffredinol ar ddatblygiad y plant yn eu dosbarth. Yn ogystal â hyn, mae gennym ofal bugeiliol rhagorol gyda’r Penaethiaid Blwyddyn a’n Cynhelydd yn darparu cefnogaeth barhaus. The development and care of your child is a collective responsibility. Every teacher will monitor development in their subjects, and the class tutor will keep an eye on your child’s overall progress in their classes. Moreover, our pastoral care is outstanding, with heads of year and other staff providing perpetual support. Rydym hefyd yn cadw golwg cyson ar gynnydd academaidd eich plentyn ac yn adrodd yn gyson i rieni. Byddwn yn sicrhau bod cyfleoedd i chi ddod i’r ysgol i drafod datblygiad eich plentyn, ac mae croeso i chi gysylltu efo’r ysgol ar unrhyw adeg i drafod ymhellach. Gwahoddir rhieni hefyd i’r amrywiol weithgareddau a drefnir gan yr ysgol. Gall rhiant hefyd drefnu cyfweliad unigol yn yr ysgol dim ond iddo wneud trefniant ymlaen llaw trwy lythyr neu ar y ffôn. Bydd yr athrawon yn rhoi sylwadau ar waith ac ymddygiad eich plentyn yn gyson, yn ogystal â gosod gwaith cartref ar y system Class Charts. Byddwn yn darparu manylion mewngofnodi ar eich cyfer fel rhieni, ac mae gan y disgyblion fanylion mewngofnodi eu hunain hefyd. Byddwn yn eich annog i edrych drwy lyfrau eich plentyn yn rheolaidd mewn modd cefnogol. AMDDIFFYN PLANT Cyd-gysylltydd Amddiffyn Plant Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern yw Mr Bryan Griffiths ac mae pob aelod o staff yn ymwybodol o gynnwys a gweithdrefnau’r ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014 a’r hyn ddaw gyda hi, sef Canllawiau Adran 7 Cyfrolau 5 a 6 ar drin achosion unigol. Gellir gweld copi o’n Polisi Diogelu ar wefan yr ysgol www. ysgoluwchraddbodedern.org We also closely monitor your child’s academic progress, with regular feedback given to parents. We will ensure that there are opportunities for you to come into school to discuss your child’s progress, and you are welcome to contact the school at any time to discuss further. We also invite parents to partake in the many activities arranged by the school. Parents are also welcome to arrange one-to-one meetings with the school, through sending a letter or via telephone. Teachers will provide regular feedback on your child’s work and behaviour and will use the Class Charts system for setting homework tasks. We will provide you with parental login details, and the pupils will have their own login details also. We would encourage you to look through your child’s books regularly as a form of support. CHILD PROTECTION Mr Bryan Griffiths is the school’s child protection Safeguard Lead and every member of staff are aware of the 2014 Wales Child Protection guidelines and procedures, including section 7 guidelines volume 6 & 7 on how to treat individual cases. You may access a copy of our protection policy on the school’s website: www. ysgoluwchraddbodedern.org
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