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Session 0 The big picture 1 Session 1 Sharing stories 5 Session 2 Crossing divides 8 Session 3 Navigating disagreement 10 Session 4 Pursuing justice 14 Session 5 Practising forgiveness 17 Session 6 Welcoming hope Pilot: Autumn 2023 difference. 21 Let’s get started...


Session 0

The big picture The three habits Our habits matter. Scientists estimate that 45% of our daily actions are things we do out of habit - and up to 95% of our behaviours are controlled partly by the subconscious mind, meaning we aren’t aware of choosing them. In this course, we’ll be exploring three habits which help us build better relationships. Be Curious Be Present Reimagine Every person is unique and Being present is an attitude When divisions and conflict precious. In Genesis 1 we read of gaining experience and seem never-ending and we face that we’re all made in the image understanding right here, and repeated disappointment, it of God. Being curious is about right now. It is a state of being can sometimes be hard to find learning to ask questions rather wholly engaged physically hope. The habit of reimagining than jumping to judgement. It’s and emotionally. In division encourages us to continue to think not nosiness - it means wanting and conflict, our instinct is creatively and hopefully about to understand another person’s sometimes to walk away, rather new and better possibilities. For story. It begins by thinking: than towards the other person. relationships to be restored, the ‘I wonder what life is like for Being present is also about systems and structures with another person.’ When we do bringing who we really are to which we are familiar may need this, we show that we believe our encounters with others – to be turned upside down. We they are of great worth. Curiosity including our questions and read in Revelation 21 that God is a heart and mind attitude, and uncertainties. is making all things new! By the Listen to others’ stories and see the world through their eyes. Encounter others with authenticity and confidence. an explorative approach to life. Find hope and opportunity in the places where we long to see change. Holy Spirit and with community around us, God can stretch our understanding of what is possible. difference. 1 Session 0

Session 0


We’re probably going to disagree on some things… and that’s OK – but we need to learn to disagree well. What guidelines will help us to create a space for each of us to be listened to without judgement and to feel supported? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Would you rather…? As part of Difference, we’ll be thinking about how we tell our stories. This quick game helps us begin thinking a bit about who we are, what we like and don’t like, our similarities and differences – and how we share these things with one another. Read through the options below and tick the one you would choose! A B I would rather... Eat peas or Eat broccoli Play football or Play basketball Be able to speak every language or Be able to play every instrument Live without music or Live without movies Have hair for teeth or Have teeth for hair Only be able to whisper or Only be able to shout loudly Fight one horse-sized duck or Fight ten duck-sized horses difference. 2 Session 0


Space to reflect

How easy is it for you to talk How do you feel when others about what you prefer? disagree with you? Write your thoughts here... Practising the habits Glance back at the first page to remind yourself of the three habits, and make some time now or in the coming week to take on these challenges: Be Curious Find out the story of someone who became a peacemaker. Be Present Take time to notice where there is a need for peace and better relationships in your school, home or community. Feedback Reimagine Pray for God to stretch your imagination throughout the Difference course. Scan here Please scan this QR code and answer the questions to give us your feedback on this session! difference. 3 Session 0

Space to reflect

The big picture

Jesus shares about God’s kingdom Matthew 5:5-9 This passage comes from early in Jesus’s ministry in the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ – He says that peacemakers are blessed because ‘they will the longest passage of Jesus’ teaching in the Gospels. be called children of God’. This suggests that peacemaking is part of our identity as members of God’s family. Jesus describes those who make peace as being ‘blessed’ – more than just happy, but in a state of well-being with God. Jesus paints a picture of God’s kingdom, where mercy, justice and peace are the defining values. 4

The big picture

Session 1

Sharing stories The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He ha s sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for th e blind, to set the oppressed free, to pro claim the year of the Lord’s favour. Luke 4:18-19 (quoting Isaiah 61) Space to reflect Have you discovered something What do you think is new about who Jesus is? important about this story? If so, what is it? Imagine you were one of the Why do you think Jesus people in the synagogue listening announced himself in this way? to Jesus. What would you have thought of what he said? difference. Write your thoughts on the following page... 5 Session 1

Session 1

Write your thoughts here...

Practising the habits Glance back at the first page to remind yourself of the three habits, and make some time now or in the coming week to take on these challenges: Be Curious Jot down anything that comes to mind here... Ask someone: ‘Would you mind if I asked you about your story?’ Be Present When they speak, see if you can listen enough to repeat something back to them and then ask a further question. Reimagine Our stories are still being written – what gives you hope as you look to the future? Feedback Scan here Please scan this QR code and answer the questions to give us your feedback on this session! difference. 6 Session 1

Write your thoughts here...


Zarephath Sharing stories Damascus Phoenicia (Now Lebanon) Aram Sea of Galilee Nazareth Gre (Medit at Sea errane an sea ) (Now Syria) Jordan River Ammon Israel Jesus tells his story Jericho Jerusalem Bethlehem Luke 4:16-30 Jesus reads from Isaiah 61 – part of the Old Testament. He says Isaiah was Dead Sea Judah Moab talking about him. Jesus was a regular at the synagogue Zarephath is in what is now Lebanon. The people there were not Jewish. and everyone would have known who he was. The story of Elijah and the widow is from 1 Kings 17:7-24. Naaman was a commander in the army of Aram (in presentday Syria). The people of Aram were not Jewish. The story of Jewish people believed that they were the only people Elisha and Naaman is in 2 Kings 5. chosen by God. Jesus says that God’s prophets went to people who weren’t Jews. This is what makes the crowd angry. 7


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