Get involved Somerset and Dorset



So m er se ta nd D or se t to Volunteering at the MND Association


I volunteer ... so no

family faces the horror and trauma that MND leaves in its wake Lynn, Fundraising volunteer

I volunteer ... so no

All about the MND Association

Thank you for considering becoming part of the MND Association. The MND Association was founded by volunteers on 6 October 1979 when three independent regional groups, set up by people affected by MND, came together for the first time as the MND Association. Professor Stephen Hawking accepted an invitation to be the Patients' Patron – he remained a figurehead of the Association until his death in 2018. Within a year the Association was funding our first full time research fellow based at Charing Cross Hospital's neurological department. In 1982, 40 specialists attended the first MND Association research conference. Improve care and support for people with MND, their families and carers. Campaign and raise awareness so the needs of people with MND and everyone who cares for them are recognised and addressed by wider society. Today we Fund and promote research that leads to new understanding and treatments, and brings us closer to a cure for MND. Staff and volunteers work together across England, Northern Ireland and Wales to do these things and ultimately achieve our vision; a world free from MND.

All about the MND Association

What can you do now?

There are around 130 people living with MND across Dorset and Somerset. Make an impact by taking on one these things NOW! Knowledge is power and MND is still rare disease so not everyone knows about it. Plan and deliver a awareness raising event to bring more people on to team MND. Use your organisational and administrative skills to provide support for the local branch leaving a legacy of support for people affected by MND Raise your voice and our profile getting in touch with newspapers, TV and radio stations to share your knowledge and experience of MND Use your digital eagle skills to reach more people through social media by running a facebook or instagram page - the village noticeboard of the 21st century! Put pen to paper and write to charitable trusts to apply for money to support those living with and affected by MND in your area

What can you do now?

Many hands make

light work! Get involved supporting an existing fundraising event. Get involved at a support meeting for people living with and affected by MND. This could be making the teas and coffees, welcoming people at the door or being a really good listener. Be the friendly first voice of the Association for people starting to get in touch with us. Campaign for change to policy to improve things for people affected by MND now and in the future. We recognise that all time is valuable, so whether you can only donate time as a one-off or become a regular volunteer, we're grateful for your support.

Many hands make

Mel and Lynn's story

Mel was a strong, fit and healthy man who was diagnosed with MND in April 2016. Like in so many cases, the diagnosis came as a complete shock. Mel endured the awful illness for 15 months and did so with courage, humility and dignity, surrounded by the love and adoration from his family. Mel did not wish to access any support from the MND Association as he only wanted his family around him. However, I was different and I needed to access support from people who had walked the path I found myself on. I was put in contact with an Association Visitor. I would meet with Mary at a frequency I was comfortable with and we would meet. Mary knew exactly what I was facing having lived through the nightmare with her husband eight years prior. We would talk about anything I wanted to but to be honest I would literally sob for the duration of our chat. Whilst blessed with some truly wonderful friends, none of them could possibly relate to what I was facing. The Association Visitor was a real help If offering this kind of support sounds like something you are interested in you could think of being an Association Visitor or other Support Volunteer role

Mel and Lynn

So what do volunteers do?

Without people like you donating your time offering support to people going through this would be possible so thank you. There are lots of ways you can get involved and support the MND Association. We are lead and governed by a board of trustees who are all volunteers lead by our chair Usman Khan. They direct all our activities through our CEO and directors. On the ground Groups and Branches work in local areas providing fundraising, campaign and support to people affected by MND locally. They coordinate and drive activity and have lasting impact on the people in their local area being able to set up support groups, raise awareness and, as a result of their fundraising pay support grants. Support volunteers directly work with people with and affected by MND locally offering a listening ear and guidance on the support and grants that are available. All these volunteers are supported by paid regional teams but lead and directed by volunteers who come from all walks of life with lots of different kinds of experiences and knowledge of MND.

So what do volunteers do?

I have loved being volunteer as the group leader for

the Coventry & Warwickshire MND Association group especially having MND myself. I love to be able to help and support others going through a very similar situation. I have always tried to keep a positive and healthy mental attitude as I do believe that makes such a difference in coping with the disease and without the MND Association I don’t think that would of been possible. Being a big part of the group has been amazing especially meeting life long friendships. I feel very proud to be part of the Coventry & Warwickshire MND Association group. Sam Tooze, Coventry and Warwickshire Group leader

I have loved being volunteer as the group leader for

How do I get started?

Decide what you might want to do Lets get to know you! First off you will fill in an application with your personal details and a little bit about yourself Scan here to apply We will have a chat about what you want to do and how you can get started To keep everyone safe we ask for 2 references and for some roles a DBS check. This is nothing to be intimidated by and we will work together through these. Start volunteering Your are registered and part of the MND Association volunteering family!

How do I get started?

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