September Newsletter

September Newsletter Welcome to issue 6 of the Starz Newsletter This month we are giving away a FREE Tarot Reading from one of our professional online Psychics! Try The New Flip Version of Our Newsletter Download Here Astrology Astrology is a form of divination that predicts earthly and human events and situations by interpreting the fixed positions of the stars, the sun, moon and the planets, and how these influence your life. Our Online Services Online Psychic Chat Vedic Astrology Astrology Tarot Readings Oracle Cards Palmistry Crystal Ball Runes Mediums Clairvoyants Channelers Tarot Course



Newsletter Mystic Living Today eZine Blog Talk Radio Metaphysical Chat Room   Learn to Read Tarot Imagine the benefits of being able to read tarot for yourself! The Starz Psychics™ Tarot Course is fully downloadable. Great for beginners and Intermediate Tarot Readers. Easy to follow lessons and exercises. Learn at your own pace. Audio available! All the Latest News & Information Blog Talk Radio - Natalie Sist Interviews Sept 6 1-2pm EST - Judy Wilkins-Smith, world-renowned Family Patterns, Systemic Work and Constellations Expert, Author, and Motivational Speaker, Sept 20 1-2pm EST - Emi'lea renowned medium, energy therapist, and source-code intuitive Sept 27 1-2pm EST - Lorraine McAdam author and poet. The Metaphysical Chat Room


Thursday's 8pm - 9pm EST

JOIN STARZJC AND STARZOWL TONIGHT 8 PM EASTERN IN THE STARZ METAPHYSICAL CHAT ROOM. Do you wonder who your Guides are? Have questions about your Rising Sign? Want to talk about Metaphysics? Then come join us in the Starz Metaphysical Chat Room How to get there: Current StarsPsychics Members: Go to Click on the READING ROOM link on the left side of the page This will take you to the StarzPsychics page so you can login (upper right hand corner) Once signed in, you'll be whisked back to the chat room entry page Type in the USER NAME you wish to use in the room and hit ENTER Voila! You're in the room joining our two Starz who will guide the discussions If you don't have a Starz Psychics FREE account, go to and create an account. It's totally free, we don't keep any information on file and it's perfectly safe. Can't wait to see you there! Starz Blog Delve into a wealth of information in the Starz Psychics Blog - read about and connect with the metaphysical forces around the world. Simply choose a category that you're most interested in sit back and enjoy reading! Starz Psychics Metaphysical Blog - Page Mystic Living Today Monthly eZine


Mystic Living Today is an online magazine, eZine, created to showcase information of an

uplifting nature. Articles, interviews, reviews, poetry, stories are all brought to you in a very positive light. Metaphysical Blogs It is official Starz is now one of the TOP 50 METAPHYSICAL BLOGS ON THE WEB! You can read our extensive blog posts at: Starz Psychics Metaphysical Blog - Page Or visit us at FEEDSPOT.COM Tarotscopes Aries King of Cups This month Aries you need to listen to you heart and your gut feelings because you are going to be right, try therefore not to over think and over complicate things and situations that you find yourself in or a part of. Be open, compassionate, empathetic, and generous with your time. Make time for the people that you care about Taurus Justice You need to err on the side of caution this month Taurus, be careful, patient, and wise. Be honest and deal with facts, rather than guess work or rushed choices. Dig into everything, leave no stone unturned, look at all the pros and cons before you decide, especially in legal matters or important documentation. Avoid hearsay and gossip, speak only the truth! Gemini Page of Pentacles Things may feel like a bit of a drag this month Gemini, but don’t allow the slow pace to deter you from making the changes that you seek. You are right on track, so dig deep and keep moving yourself forward, your goals are becoming attainable. Keep yourself grounded, practical and as pragmatic as possible! Cancer Nine of wands The nine of wands asks that you finish tasks before you move on, avoid flitting from one thing to another, even if it takes effort get things done properly. Be wise, patient, and careful, especially

Mystic Living Today is an online magazine, eZine, created to showcase information of an

in situations that you are feel uncomfortable with, watch your back and make sure everyone is

singing from the same hymn sheet metaphorically speaking! Leo Nine of swords The nine of swords shows anxiety, sleepless nights, and worries, it asks that you take the time to stop and be quiet, and that in this moment you dig deeper into why you are feeling the way you are. What is happening in your life that you feel unable to control, because things aren’t as bad as you think they are. Take a different approach, look and be honest! Virgo The Magician The Magician comes to you this month Virgo with encouragement to be the best you can be! It reminds you that you have everything you need already in your life. Life is not about dodging the storms it is all about learning to dance in the rain as the saying goes. So, take a better look around you, and be grateful for what you have right now. Libra Five of swords The five of swords shows upset and disruptions this month, and that you need to therefore be patient, wise and careful. It asks that you deal with facts and that you are honest with other people, speak your own truths and don’t become entangled in other people’s dramas. Remember, not everyone will always agree! Scorpio Wheel of Fortune The wheel of fortune is often referred to as the wheel of life, it is one of those cards that brings encouragement that things will work out the way they are supposed to. It is very rare that fate will drop gifts in your lap, most of the time you must work for them, and the wheel brings you the encouragement to do just that, knowing spirit are backing you all the way! Sagittarius The Fool The Fool comes to you this month Sagittarius as a signal to act, to take a leap of faith, knowing you are on track. The Fool reminds you that your gut feelings and intuitive hunches are normally spot on and that it is just your lack of faith in yourself and your capabilities that hold you back sometimes. So go on, grab opportunity! Capricorn The World The end is in sight Capricorn, your goals are becoming attainable, so dig deep for the final push! This month is about tying up loose ends and completing what you set out to do, so get things done! But remember at the end of each chapter a new one begins, so prepare for the start of a new venture/goal. As one door shuts another opens! Aquarius Eight of cups The eight of cups is a card asking for change in an emotional matter. It brings you the encouragement to let go of a situation/connection that is no longer working for you and reminds you of the saying “every cloud has a silver lining” Do not fear letting go because it will allow for better circumstances to enter your life. Pisces Ace of Swords Aces are always interpreted as a positive, and this ace is no different, it shows mental activity and thoughts and asks that you look at facts. It says be logical and analytical because there is an opportunity that you will love getting your teeth stuck into metaphorically speaking. It will help you to see a positive opportunity for change and progress! Starz Psychics | 1234 Starz Ln, Bluffton, SC 29910 Unsubscribe Update Profile |Constant Contact Data Notice Sent bystarzcast@starzpsychics.compowered by Try email marketing for free today!

in situations that you are feel uncomfortable with, watch your back and make sure everyone is

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