Case: 1:23-cv-01425 Document #: 41 Filed: 08/28/23 Pagereference that section.]#:809

Case: 1:23-cv-01425 Document #: 41 Filed: 08/28/23 Pagereference that section.]#:809

1 of 1 PageID [If you need additional space for ANY section, please attach an additional sheet and E FIL8/2D3 02 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS BRUTON THOMAS G.TRICT COURT . DIS CLERK, U.S PINTARO, et al ) ) ) Case Number: 23-cv-1425 ) ) Judge: THOMAS M. DURKIN ) ) ) NOTICE OF MOTION Plaintiff v. OREL, et al Defendant TO: 8/2 Defendant Attorney Adham Alaily Defendant Dimitri Sayegh via Atty Alaily Defendant Madj G. Khoury via Atty Alaily PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on 9/5/2023 at 9:00 am , or as soon thereafter as I may be heard, I shall appear before the Honorable Judge Thomas M. Durkin or any judge sitting in his or her stead in Courtroom of the U.S. District Court of the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, 219 South Dearborn St., Chicago, Illinois and shall present the following motion attached hereto: MOTION For Summary Judgment As a Matter of Law: Docket # (36) entered on 8/21/2023 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on 8/28/2023 , I provided service to the person or persons listed above by the following means: Electronic Filing service via Signature: Date: 8/28/2023 Name (Print): Jerome Pintaro Address: P.O. Box 3441 AXK Phone: 630-280-9300 Oak Brook, IL 60522 Rev. 06/29/2016 [If you need additional space for ANY section, please attach an additional sheet and reference that section.]

Case: 1:23-cv-01425 Document #: 41 Filed: 08/28/23 Pagereference that section.]#:809

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