



Kindle Self-Publishing

Disclaimer This ebook has been written for information purposes only. Every effort has been made to make this ebook as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this ebook provides information only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this ebook should be used as a guide - not as the ultimate source. The purpose of this ebook is to educate. The author and the publisher do not warrant that the information contained in this ebook is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this ebook. 2

Kindle Self-Publishing

Kindle Self-Publishing


Kindle Self-Publishing

Kindle Self-Publishing

Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................. 6 Writing Ebooks For The Amazon Kindle ......................................... 8 It Is Portable.............................................................................. 8 It’s Weight ................................................................................. 9 It Is Durable .............................................................................. 9 It Is Wireless ............................................................................. 9 Chapter 1: Making The Most Money Selling Kindle Ebooks ...... 11 Maximizing Your Profits With an Ebook ....................................... 13 FAQ When Making Money With Amazon Kindle ............................ 15 Chapter 2: How To Write an Ebook for the Amazon Kindle ...... 18 Thinking Outside Of The Box ..................................................... 20 Chapter 3: Writing an Ebook and What To Do With It ............. 23 Choose a Category ................................................................... 24 Create a Title For Your Ebook ..................................................... 24 Write Your Introduction ............................................................. 24 Write Your Ebook ...................................................................... 24 Write Your Conclusion ............................................................... 25 Edit Your Ebook ........................................................................ 25 Writing How-To Ebooks For Amazon Kindle In 8 Easy Steps .......... 25 Decide On a Category ............................................................... 26 Create an Outline ..................................................................... 26 Write The Introduction .............................................................. 26 Write The Chapters ................................................................... 27 Write The Conclusion ................................................................ 27 Proofread and Edit .................................................................... 27 4

Kindle Self-Publishing

Kindle Self-Publishing

Proofread and Edit Again ........................................................... 27 Chapter 4: Pros and Cons Selling Amazon Kindle Ebooks ........ 29 Selling an Amazon Kindle Ebooks Dos and Don’ts ........................ 31 Setting Your Price When Selling ................................................. 33 Print ....................................................................................... 34 Length .................................................................................... 34 The Competition ....................................................................... 35 Your Targeted Market................................................................ 35 Your Royalties .......................................................................... 35 Chapter 5: Marketing Your Amazon Kindle Ebook ................... 36 Online Message Boards ............................................................. 38 Article Directories ..................................................................... 38 Sales Page ............................................................................... 38 How To Market a "For Sale" Kindle Ebook ................................... 39 Marketing and Promotion .......................................................... 41 How To Choose a Price .............................................................. 42 Amazon Sales Rank .................................................................. 42 How Sales Rank Works .............................................................. 43 Conclusion .............................................................................. 44 5

Kindle Self-Publishing

Kindle Self-Publishing

Introduction ____________________________________ Are you an author who has penned an ebook? Are you experiencing slow sales or no sales at all? If so, you should spend time on marketing. By ensuring more people see your ebook sales page, you increase interest and profits. You can also take an additional step. That step is targeting a new market, Amazon Kindle owners. Within just a few minutes, you can easily convert your ebook to an Amazon Kindle book and list it for sale on If you recently authored an ebook, you likely used Microsoft Word to do so. Microsoft Word is popular with writers, as it has an easy-to-use format, spell checker, and grammar checker. To sell an ebook, you convert the document into an Adobe PDF file. If you have the original Microsoft Word document, great! If not, use the Adobe PDF file. Since you already wrote and proofread your ebook, the hard work is done. As previously stated, it takes only a few minutes to list an 6

Kindle Self-Publishing

Kindle Self-Publishing

Amazon Kindle book for sale. To get started, visit You must have a free account. If you don’t, create one. Scroll down to the bottom of Click on the link titled “Self-Publish with Us.” On the next page, select “Get Started,” from the Amazon Kindle section. This leads to the digital text community. This is your gateway to making money on Sign into your dashboard. Do this using your account information. From your dashboard, add a new item. You will then start the three-part process. Step one is to add product details. You are asked to summarize the book you are selling. Enter your name as the author, the title, and write a product description. Your product description is very important. Shoppers will see it and read it before making a purchase. Describe what your book is about, but don’t provide too much information. Leave shoppers feeling like there is more to learn. Step two is to upload and preview your ebook. The upload process automatically converts your document into digital text. As previously stated, both Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF documents can be converted on Amazon’s digital text platform. During this step, preview your book. Browse through the entire document. Formatting errors are rare, but not uncommon. Fix any mistakes before proceeding to the next step. Step three is to set your price. If you have yet to browse the Amazon Kindle Store, do so now. Search for books that are similar to yours. Did you write a horror novel? If so, look for others in the same genre. What is the average selling price? You want to make money, but a high price can hurt your profits. On average, first-time authors sell their Amazon Kindle books for less than $10. After entering a selling price, hit the “Publish,” button. Your document will no longer be a draft, but a live book. It won’t appear in the 7

Kindle Self-Publishing

Kindle Self-Publishing

Amazon Kindle Store right away. It should take around 24 hours to appear. When listing an ebook for sale on the Amazon Kindle Store, you will be asked for a lot of information. This includes your email and bank account information. This is legitimate and do not be afraid to give it. Amazon needs a way to contact you and pay when your royalties total $10. Writing Ebooks For The Amazon Kindle Are you an author who is interested in writing ebook s for the Amazon Kindle platform? If so, you may rethink your decision many times before getting started. You may wonder if writing ebook s for the Amazon Kindle is worth the time. So, is it? It depends. As with any other moneymaking opportunity, writing digital text ebook s for the Amazon Kindle has its risks. You can write an ebook, convert it to digital text on the website, and list your book for sale, but you aren’t guaranteed sales. A good cover, a detailed description, a good book, and a fair selling price can increase your chance of profits. But it is important to look at the popularity of the Amazon Kindle. Over a year after its release, it is still a hit. As long as people buy and use the Kindle, you can make money. As previously stated, the Amazon Kindle is a popular ebook reading device. Why is that? It Is Portable The Amazon Kindle pushes ebooks to the next level. Before, users could not escape their computers to read a digital book. Even those with laptops were at a disadvantage because they couldn’t curl up with a good book without a bulky laptop in the way. The Amazon Kindle provides users with freedom. 8

Kindle Self-Publishing

Kindle Self-Publishing

It’s Weight The Amazon Kindle weighs 10.3 ounces. This is less than most paperback books and all hardcover novels. As previously stated, it caters to those who want to curl up with a blanket and a good book. They can do so because the device is so light! It Is Durable With portable devices, durability is vital. Those who use these devices on the go, like the Amazon Kindle, are more likely to drop or damage it. The good news is that a traditional drop shouldn’t damage the Amazon Kindle. Visit and they have a drop test video for you to watch with your own eyes! It is easy to clean. Unfortunately, many consumers do not consider cleaning easy when buying electronics. Not only do some readers like to curl up with a blanket and a good book, but a snack too. Visit and browse the reviews. Many users mention spilling a small amount of liquid or dumping crumbs on the device, but they are all easy to clean. This helps to extend the life and use of the Amazon Kindle. It Is Wireless The Amazon Kindle is equipped with Whispernet. It uses Sprint’s data network to connect users to the Amazon Kindle Store on the go. So, not only can owners purchase an ebook at the drop of the hat, but they can also do so without a computer and connecting cables. This sets the Amazon Kindle apart from its only viable competition, the Sony Reader. In conclusion, there are many reasons why the Amazon Kindle is not only a popular ebook reader but a hit. As a writer, you can and should use this popularity to your advantage. Write an ebook, register for a free account, visit the digital text platform, enter in your product description, convert your ebook to digital text, set your selling price, and publish. Within 24 9

Kindle Self-Publishing

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