August Newsletter

  August Newsletter Welcome to issue 5 of the Starz Newsletter This month we are giving two lucky readers a FREE 5 minute sessions with one of our professional online Psychics! Featured Service Vedic Astrology Hindu astrology, also called Indian astrology, Jyotisha or Jyotishya, is a system that uses nine planets in interpretation. According to Vedic astrology, the location of the planets and constellations indicate aspects of your personality and predict possible future events Our Online Services Clairvoyance Mediumships Clairaudients Channelers – Get in touch with your loved ones in spirit Astrology Vedic Astrology Runes Tarot Readings Crystal Ball – Scrying Tea Leaf Readings Aura Readings Photo Readings And so much more All our readers have over 10 years experience! Visit us at:


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Blog Talk Radio - Natalie Sist Interviews Aug 16th Jesse Kalsi - Numerologist Aug 23 Dean Fraser – Poet and Storyteller Aug 30 Steven Alten - Author If you want to re-listen to past interviews please click on the link below: Starz Psychics on Radio - BlogTalkRadio EVERY THURSDAY AT 8 PM EST StarzJC and StarzOwl lead discussions about things like Guides, Guardian Angels, Astral Projection, Soul Mates and many, many more topics! If you are a Starz Psychics ™ member, just go to Click on the READING ROOM link on the left side of the page. This will take you to the Starz Psychics™ page so that you can log in (upper right-hand corner). Once signed in, you’ll be whisked back to the chat room entry page. Type in the USER NAME you wish to use in the room and hit ENTER. Voila! You're in the room, joining our two Starz who will guide the discussions. If you don’t have a Starz Psychics™ FREE account, go to and create an account. It’d totally free, we don’t keep any information on file and it’s perfectly safe. Starz Psychics Blog Delve into a wealth of information in the Starz Psychics Blog - read about and connect with the metaphysical forces around the world. Simply choose a category

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Starz Psychics Metaphysical Blog - Page Metaphysical Blogs It is official Starz is now one of the TOP 50 METAPHYSICAL BLOGS ON THE WEB! You can read our extensive blog posts at: Starz Psychics Metaphysical Blog - Page Or visit us at FEEDSPOT.COM Tarotscopes Aries King of Swords This month Aries you need to speak out about the things that worry you or that you are keeping bottled up inside. Speak your truths, and deal with facts and what is tangible rather than acting on whims, hearsay or what other people recommend. This month’s keywords for you are honesty, truth, logic and being in charge of your choices! Taurus Judgement Taurus think through thoroughly this month and use good judgement at this time. Look at every aspect of the situation before making a judgement call. The Judgement card asks you to throw off the old, embrace the new, because this is a time of awakening, or rebirth. Changes are happening in August so embrace them, as one door shuts another will open. Gemini Page of Cups Listen out for some good news this month, which will concern matters of the heart. It could come to you as an announcement, an invitation or as something you hear about or see. If you are asking about matters of the heart, do things differently and don’t be afraid of wearing your heart on your sleeve this month metaphorically speaking! Cancer Five of wands There may be some minor hiccups occurring this month, so do your best to avoid trouble or getting involved unless it is absolutely necessary. This is a month of ups and down’s but know this unsettled phase is short and temporary so, stay positive and aware of change so that you can steer things gently towards more settled waters. Leo Nine of cups The nine of cups is sometimes referred to as the wish card and is the one you want to see if you are starting a new project or romance, because it tells you that things are on track and moving in your favor. It also means your goals and dreams are more likely to manifest right now, so put in the effort required and stay focused on the prize! Virgo The Empress The Empress is a card of beauty and of enjoying the fruits of your labors, and of the Universe. It asks that you focus on the future and on what you want to bring about for yourself and the people

that you

that you love. It says things are happening beneath the surface, change is coming and wants you

to let go and move with the flow for now, trusting your own inner guidance! Libra Ten of swords This is one of those months where you may feel as if you are struggling alone, and that no-one really understands what you require. This ten asks that you watch your back, and that you play your cards close to your chest for now. It says stay positive because wonderful change is on the way - this will feel like the breaking of a new day, full of excitement for what lies ahead. Scorpio Five of pentacles Ask for help if you need it this month, don’t go it alone, help is available! The five also speaks about finances and asks that you conserve your resources, be mindful of what goes out and comes in, and that you are frugal, don’t spend unnecessarily! If you’re unsure about your financial state seek the advice of a financial expert. Sagittarius The Magician The magician is a wonderful card for you this month Sagittarius, it says all that you need is right there, and that all you need to do is dig deep and piece things together. What you require will be given. It also says use your skills and talents this month, because there is much more locked up inside you than you show to the world. Capricorn The Wheel of Fortune The wheel of fortune is quite often referred to as the wheel of life and is sent as encouragement to get the ball rolling! It says now is the time to turn the tides in your favor, so set out your plan, make it realistic and put in the effort required. The wheel says your fortunes are changing on many levels so stay aware, flexible, and wise. Aquarius Eight of wands The eight says full speed ahead! There is nothing in your way. Focus on what you wish to manifest and know that you are on track, so push ahead, and set your eyes on the prize! The eight also speaks about movement both physically as in taking a trip / journey somewhere and internally as in a change of heart / belief and gives you a massive thumbs up to go for it! Pisces Two of swords The two speaks about confusions, it represents a head and heart conflict happening within you, this is where your emotional thinking will say one thing, but logic will say something else. This two is asking that you follow your logical thought processes, rather than following your heart. It also says look for facts and truths and deal with realities not hearsay or illusion. Learn to Read Tarot Imagine the benefits of being able to read tarot for yourself! The Starz Psychics™ Tarot Course is fully downloadable. Great for beginners and Intermediate Tarot Readers. Easy to follow lessons and exercises. Learn at your own pace. Audio available! What you can Expect!

that you love. It says things are happening beneath the surface, change is coming and wants you

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