Aloka-Aloka Stories

Aloka-Aloka Stories

of S&GBV Rights & Justice Leadership-in-Action Training (LiAT) Class of 2022

Aloka-Aloka Stories

Leadership-in-Action Training (LiAT)

S&GBV Rights & Justice Course for Community Influencers

Leadership-in-Action Training (LiAT)

Leadership-in-Action Training (LiAT)

S&GBV Rights & Justice Course for Community Influencers

Leadership-in-Action Training (LiAT)

LiAT Faculty

Dr. Auma Okwany Associate Professor (ISS-EUR) Course Convenor and Overall Project Director Dr. Veronika Goussatchenko Project Manager, ISS-EUR Prof. Nicholas Awortwi Executive Director, African Governance Institute (AFRUGI), ILGS, Ghana Ms. Aurelia Munene Executive Director, Nascent RDO Ms. Winnifred Akeso Master Trainer, SRHR Researcher, Center for SET-SRHR, Makerere University Dr. Elizabeth Ngutuku Research Fellow, London School of Economics (LSE), Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa Mr. Abraham Opito Technical Advisor, STEPS for JLOS Ms. Justine Kristel A. Villegas Project Officer, ISS-EUR

LiAT Faculty

LiAT Delivery Team

Mr. Francis Okullu STEPS for JLOS Master Trainer Manager, Justice Centers Uganda Mr. Alfred Acanga STEPS for JLOS Master Trainer Lecturer, Lira University Ms. Nancy Akidi STEPS for JLOS Master Trainer Social Worker Ms. Harriet Ayo Bogere STEPS for JLOS Master Trainer Lecturer, Lira University Dr. Moses Owiny STEPS for JLOS Master Trainer Lecturer, Lira University Teaching Hospital Coordination Mr. Caxton Etii Executive Director, Capacity Development Partners (CDP) Mr. Joel Okello Capacity Development Partners (CDP)

LiAT Delivery Team

LiAT: Barr Sub-County Site

The participants come from diverse Parishes across Barr Sub-County including: Obot Ober Onywako Tetyang Alebere Ayira Ayamo Olilo Orem Abunga

LiAT: Barr Sub-County Site


PARTICIPANTS OPIO GEOFFREY BELMOS Walking together to go far: Collective intergenerational dialogue and action to adress S&GBV in Teyao village ADONGO DORINE Ocungkaracel: Livelihood strengthening of women in Acungkena "A" village as a pathway to tackling S&GBV AKULLO CAROLINE "Early Pregnancy" Poem: Lemo (Lamentation) as a pathway for facilitating conversations on early pregnancy (Self-authored) APIO WINNIE "It is not just a name": Successful advocacy for name change of the market named Buti Cwari ("Have sex with your husband") in Obot Parish now renamed "Tam Anyim Market" (Think about the future) OKUTA SAM Transformed to transform: Strengthening S&GBV justice for persons with disability APIO KETTY Immunisation visits as a space for facilitating S&GBV conversations with parents and caregivers LiAT participants in a group discussion, Barr Training Site


An interactive

activity, Lira CW Training Site AKAO DEPHINA GIFTY Disrespect!: Narratives of maternal health challenges at Barr Health Centre III APITA CATHERINE MARY Advocacy and mediation of S&GBV cases in Akalocero Yahweh Pentecostal Ministries in Ober Parish OPIO JIMMY ONYALA GEOFFREY Youth VSLA groups as a space for dialogue on gender justice in Otono village, Ober Parish APIO LYDIA Strengthening capacity of Bako Palamyek clan leaders on the referral pathway for S&GBV ATIM MARTINA "Juku tim gero": Facilitating conversations on domestic violence through music (An Original composition) Turning Pain into Purpose: Facilitating conversations on child protection rights among members of Yela ingol VSLA group in Abolet parish OMARA DENIS OKENG JIMMY Capacity strengthening of Okii- raki Okwero cobo clan leaders on S&GBV prevention and response OKOT PARICE Training as a space for strengthening prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse for youth in Luweero LC 1, Obot Parish "Juku gero me yi ot" : Poetry and community theater as a tool to facilitate dialogue about domestic violence OKENG H. AGGREY Intergenerational engagement with youth and elders on S&GBV prevention and response in Abulu-bulu Church of Uganda, Tetyang Parish

An interactive


"Gero obedo gin arac me icel": Violence is a monsterAddressing violence through music (An original composition) OTENG TOM Community dialogue with Abongolworo VSLA Group on S&GBV in Abulu-bulu village, Onywako Parish OKWIR RICHARD Intimate Partner Violence prevention and response conversations with couples in Onywako Parish AKODO PETER Strengthening S&GBV prevention and response structures in Okii raki okwero ocobo clan in Tetyang Parish OPIO PATRICK Strengthening S&GBV prevention and response structures of Omara village OMEDI JASPHER AKODO Supporting youth as S&GBV prevention and response change agents in Tetyang Parish APIO JACKLINE We support each, We learn from each other: Capacity strengthening on S&GBV prevention and response of Can onoto wa business group Association members in Barr Sub County ADAR JAMES BOB Tetyang VSLA as a space for community dialogue on domestic violence reponse and prevention in Oloi village, Tetyang OKWIR PATRICK S&GBV advocacy in Abulubulu SDA church AKULLO BETTY Dialogue on youth-friendly S&GBV services in Angucabi village in Obot Parish Power Walk Exercise


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