Peer Mediation: District, State, Nationals, Internationals 2023

Peer Mediation Competion

Peer Mediation Competion

Four Scenarios Four Rounds District, State, Nationals, Internationals Rotate A Different Scenario Each Round Scenarios- 30 minutes Training Manual Peer Mediation Certification Scoring Sheets

Peer Mediation Competion

Scenario 1 Fight Mediation

Anika and Ava got into a fight after school, apparently because Anika was fighting with Ava. Anika’s Story: It was after school, and I wanted to start talking to this girl named Ava and engage in some conversation. I was just having some fun and I wanted to know her better since my boyfriend and hers were beginning to become good friends. I thought it would be a great idea for us to be good friends too. I had no idea. I didn’t mean anything; it was honestly just me playing around. But then, Ava came up to me and said to stop! Your boyfriend is trying to rope my boyfriend to work for him. She shouted stay away from him and she .was all up in my face shouting, you know? So I shoved her away, and then she came back at me and shoved back, hard. Anika’s Goal: She’s so self-righteous, she thinks she’s trying to help out or something, but she’s just bullying me. She’s always trying to act like she’s the good one. She should at least get detention for what she did. In fact the more you think about it she should be suspended. Ava’s Story: I was finishing up some college apps after school when I saw Anika coming over to talk to me. At first I thought she was just playing around, but after it went on for a little longer, I confronted her. I really do not like her or gang boyfriend. Everyone knows he is one of the largest leaders of a gang in high school. Most people are scared of both of them. But I don’t care what her excuse was,leave me and boyfriend we want nothing to do with the drugs. When I told her to stop it, she shoved me away. Well I wouldn’t take that from her, so I pushed her right back and struck her, that is the only way to treat a bully and a criminal. Ava’s Goal: I don’t care what her excuse is, she is a gang member and trying to recruit my boyfriend. This is not right. I don’t think Anika should get off with anything less than a suspension. Ava’s Boyfriend- Fredrich. A very nice looking, tall, muscular young man. He had been dating Ava for almost a year. His family is very poor, yet he is popular in school. He is the star of the rugby and soccer teams. In fact he is the leader score for the school in each sport. He is at school on a scholarship and although he wants to go to college, he doesn’t have the funds to go. In fact he is on scholarship at this private high school. Money is a large issue both in his future and right now for his family. Andre, has been trying to recruit him for his crew. Andre is the gang leader of group of high school boys who running drugs for the Sinaloa Cartel. Andre has a bright future in the gang and feels like Fredrich would be a perfect fit for his crew. Anika’s Boyfriend- Andre. A shorter version of Fredrich without the nice looks. Andre had a certain style about him. He was a sharp dresser and had the taste for only the best things in life. He had been going out with Anika for a little over a year. Anika was the most beautiful girl in school and real catch for Andre. Anika’s mother was a model in South Africa and her father was a sports hero from Iran. With Anika on his arm, Andre would stop traffic no matter where he went. He had been after Fredrich to join his crew and felt like Fredrich would be a needed addition to obtain more customers. Peer Mediation- Over the fight but Ava brought Fredrich and Anika brought Andre to join in their meditations.

Scenario 1 Fight Mediation

Scenario 2 Peer Mediation Truancy

Toni and Boris attend the same High School. They have been friends since elementary school and now they are in high school together. Their parents have great plans for their future. Toni will be the first one in her family to graduate from high school, go to college and become a doctor. Boris is from a very prominent family who ties to the land have gone back seven generations. The farm has been the center of their family’s life and the purpose of their existence for more than 200 years. They have fought hard for their land. They have groups of people, the English, and politicians who would like to take their land simply because they want the land. Boris knows that being the sole heir it is has turn to take up the mantle and be his family’s leader someday. Then tragedy struck this past year. First, his grandfather died and then three months ago his father was murdered. The people who are driving their family off their land wanted to get Boris to run the farm so that he would run it into the ground. Boris- straight A student begins to skip school with Toni. In the beginning it was one day a week and not every week. However, in the past two weeks, Boris has not shown up to school at all and either has Toni. The Head Master at the school call both Boris and his mother and Toni and her mother to find out why they are missing school. Background Boris’ mother Sara- a recent widow. She is in her early 40’s attractive and driven. She wants her child to complete high school, attend college and leave the farm- to her the farm represents a lost dream. Boris- is in love with Toni. He doesn’t know about anything except his deep love for Toni and would do anything to be with her. Toni- highly intelligent, knows that Boris needs her now and willing to give up her dreams for him. Toni’s mother- has no idea about Boris. She is strongly nationalists and not willing to even admit that her daughter would ever have a Boer boyfriend. As the principal tries to mediate between these two groups what can they do to help reach a resolution that would help these four people and two families?

Scenario 2 Peer Mediation Truancy

Scenario 3 Peer Mediation- Cyberbullying

The Situation: Maria and Esparanza broke out into a fight during Chemistry class, yelling at each other so much that the teacher had to escort them to the office. They are to go to peer mediation to resolve their issues. Before they got to peer mediation that next day- Esparanza posted some very unflattering and highly suggestive pictures of Maria and some other young man all over social media. She then posted a video on snap chat. The pictures were all over school by the time Maria had arrived that next morning. Maria could hear people whisper about them as she walked to first period. When she got to first period there sitting in her seat was Esparanza with a large smile on her face. She told Maria, “I would embarrassed to show my face around this school too.” Maria ran to the counselor’s office to have the peer mediation. Maria’s Story: I’ve always had a crush on Miguel, but he and Esparanza have been talking a lot lately. She loves to rub it in my face whenever she’s flirting with him. Whenever I start talking to Miguel, she loves to barge in and interrupt, and then start talking to him herself. But today, I mustered up enough courage to ask him to be my Valentine. He politely turned me down, saying that he was flattered, but he was already going out with Esparanza that day. I would’ve just walked away, but Esparanza came up and told him, in front of me, “Aren’t you glad you’re going out with me and not that loser?” I started yelling at her for being so mean, and she started screaming back. Then this morning this was way too much. She didn’t have to do this. Why spread those pictures all over social media? What was she thinking? Maria’s Goal: I’m sick of Esparanza constantly trying to make me feel worthless in front of Miguel. She knows I have a crush on him, but she’s always finding ways to make me feel terrible. She has to get in some sort of trouble for this. I would like an apology, I would like to have a school investigation, and I would like to press charges against her for invading my privacy and taking my pictures. Esparanza’s Story: I’ve always liked Miguel, but when I heard Maria liked him too, I had to get revenge on her. Last year, she went out of her way to embarrass me in front of the whole class. So every time I see them talking I go up to him and start flirting a lot. Now we are going out for Valentine’s Day. She tried asking him to be her Valentine, and I thought maybe she was trying to embarrass me or steal him or something, so when he turned her down I was really happy. I said something about him dating me and not her, and she started screaming in my face. I did not take any of her pictures. You can not prove that I had anything to do with it. I think she just needs to chill out for a couple of weeks. Esparanza’s Goal: She’s been looking for a way to embarrass me again, I just know it. But I finally have something good, and she just can’t stand that Miguel likes me more. She had no right to just scream at me because he turned her down. She probably posted the pictures herself. I would not put that past her. Appoligize- no she needs to appoligize to me and get suspended from school.

Scenario 3 Peer Mediation- Cyberbullying

Scenario 4 The New Friend

The Situation: Thomas and Carla have been best friends since first grade. They have the same friend group, but they hang out with one another the most. However, Carla became friends with a new girl named Emma, and since then Thomas has said that they don’t hang out as often. Both got into a fight about it, and were referred to peer mediation. Thomas is the closet friend that Carla ever had. However, Carla saw Thomas as just another friend. Thomas saw Carla as the love of his life. Thomas’ Story: I’ve been best friends with Carla since first grade, and we hang out all the time. We have a bunch of other friends, but we have always been the closest by far. Then I noticed, since 9th grade started, Carla has been a bit more distant. At first I thought maybe she was upset with me, but then I found out she was hanging out with this new girl Emma all the time. Whenever I’d ask her about it, she’d either act annoyed or dismiss me like it didn’t matter. We’re hanging out less and less the more she’s with Emma. The other day she tried to talk with me; I asked her if she’d rather talk with Emma, seeing that we don’t really anymore. She flipped out on me, and we both got in a huge argument. I wish she would see me more like her boyfriend than a friend. I really care about her and worry about her. Last year she went through a horrible break up with Stanley. He was the most popular student in school, the star athlete in school, and real catch. At least that was how Carla felt. When Stanley to Sarah to the Homecoming Dance, Carla went crazy. She came over to my house, totally heartbroken and we stayed up all night talking. Thomas’ Goal: I just want my best friend back… I want her to know that she’s excluding me, cutting me off because she’s hanging out with Emma more and more. I just want her to hang out with me just as much as we used to. Carla’s Story: I’ve been best friends with Thomas since first grade, and we are always constantly hanging out together. Recently, I met this girl, Emma, and it turns out she plays the violin like me! She even listens to the same music as I do. Thomas and I aren’t very musically similar, like Emma and I. So I’ve been hanging out with her a lot, and I can tell Thomas is getting pretty worked up about it whenever he asks who she is. Finally, when I wanted to talk to him, he said in a snarky tone, “Wouldn’t you rather be talking to Emma?” Now we’re in a huge argument over this. I really do not know why he was so upset when I suggested that he should take out Emma and go out with Marc and I on a double date. I told him it would be fun. He turned red in the face and left after I suggested that. The day after some one post a great day of negative comments and pictures of Marc on social media. I never understood what went on, but March took is very hard and broke up with me. I guess he wasn’t that in to me. Carla’s Goal: Thomas has been saying that we never hang out anymore, but we definitely do, just a little less than usual. He’s just overreacting because I have a new friend. All I wanted to do

Scenario 4 The New Friend

was branch out a little in high school and make some new friends, but I’m not throwing him

away; he’s still my best friend. He’s just really rude whenever we bring up Emma. I would like everything to go back to where it was

was branch out a little in high school and make some new friends, but I’m not throwing him

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