Earth Day Acrostic Poems by students in the Philippines


A R T H D A Y ncourage them to save the Mother Earth void at doing bad thing to Mother Earth like trees oll the paper and put them in the right trash can rash the things that you have seen on the park and street like banana peels and plastic bags ow about our future? on't judge others based on their personality but their own social skills lert people when you saw a person who throw the trash in the park or street our responsibility is to care for Mother Earth - Jake Francis E D T Julia Ortiz Luis National High School



A R T H D A Y ncourage everyone to save the Earth lmost all people don't even realize how intense is already happening in the Earth ecycle every little trash in your trash can he Earth is very important in every human lives elp the Earth to grow again on't use plastics instead use reusable things gainst all tree cutters be a planter ou are needed to save the Mother Earth - Francia D. E Julia Ortiz Luis National High School



A R T H mbrace the unique gorgeounsess of Mother Earth D A Y isciple are really important for every people miration of the creator and the beauty of nature are reminders of God refuse reduce, reuse, repurpose and then recycle, use the R's techniques eaching my younger siblings how to genuinely love and care the Mother Earth owever our Mother Earth is precious than a gem good heart that ready to help for saving the Earth are ineed et us help the Earth to be free again by one by, we can do it! - Milan A. D Julia Ortiz Luis National High School



A R T H D A Y nvironment should be taken care of lways make sure that we do our part educe, reuse, recycle everything we can ime is running our we should move fast eroic deed we can act ay will come if we don't move now gony can be avoided if ou and I will work hand and hand and save Earth now - Raphael P. J Julia Ortiz Luis National High School



A R T H D A Y arth is important in this world ll we have to do is to love and protect eplant the tree ogether we can do it elp keep environment become beautiful and cleanliness o good things to our Earth ct now ou are the one to help and protect our Earth - John Paul P. M Julia Ortiz Luis National High School



A R T H D A Y veryone must plant a tree llowing us to breath carefree eycle now to save money and energy hrow the garbage properly onor Mother Earth for the future of humanity ays to come will be better if we ct together, my fellow outh - Dhanniele Ryn F. S Julia Ortiz Luis National High School



A R T H D A Y ncourage every people to make our planet in good condition ppreciate and help our planet to improve eycling is the best way to save our planet he Earth is very important to every single person elp in making our Earth more lovely than it was previously on't burn plastic we can use it as fertiliser on the soil n Earth or our planet have a many stunning natures ou should stop throwing garbage on the sea and cutting trees - Jomair E. O Julia Ortiz Luis National High School



A R T H D A Y verything that we need to know ppreciate that we have now ight ways to have the nature be always good he loving Earth ealth that we are thankful to our God ay we always safe lovely nature ou and I have to save our Earth for climate change - Alleianne Peral R. L Julia Ortiz Luis National High School


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