ARTICLE PAGE Mission, Vision and Core Values ............................. 1 I – Policy Statement Section 1 ................................................................. 4 Section 2 ................................................................. 4 II - Objectives Section 3 ................................................................. 5 III – Importance of the On The-Job-Training Program Section 4 ................................................................. 6 IV – Definition of Terms Section 5 ................................................................. 7 V – Responsible Officials / Personnel Section 6 ................................................................. 8 Section 7 ................................................................. 8 Section 8 ................................................................. 8 VI – Duties and Responsibilities of the Partners Section 9 ................................................................. 9 Section 10 ............................................................... 10 Section 11 ............................................................... 11


VII – Duration of the On The-Job-Training

Section 12 ............................................................... 11 VIII – Attire During the On The-Job-Training Section 13 ............................................................... 12 IX – Procedure For Online OJT Application Section 14 ............................................................... 12 Section 15 ............................................................... 14 Section 16 ............................................................... 14 X – Offenses Section 17 ............................................................... 15 Section 18 ............................................................... 16 Section 19 ............................................................... 16 XI – Effectivity Section 20 ............................................................... 17 XII – Placement And Follow-Up Services ................. 18 XIII – Objectives Section 21 ............................................................... 18 XIV – Services Section 22 ............................................................... 19 Organizational Chart .............................................. 21

VII – Duration of the On The-Job-Training


A. OJT Code of Conducts ............................................. 22 B. Resume Writing Guidelines ..................................... 24 C. Interview Tips ......................................................... 25 D. OJT Waiver ............................................................. 28 E. Memorandum Of Agreement .................................. 29 F. OJT Acceptance Form .............................................. 33 G. OJT Exit Survey ........................................................ 34 H. Performance Rating Report ..................................... 36 I. OJT Visit Monitoring Report .................................... 36 J. Sample OJT Certificates ........................................... 37 K. Sample Acceptance Form ........................................ 50 L. Sample Memorandum of Agreement ...................... 56 M. Top Companies That Accept On The-Job Trainees ... 60 N. Special Trainings ..................................................... 70



In line with the mission of PATTS College of Aeronautics to provide quality Aviation Education and to assist our graduates in the labor market, the Office of Placement & OJT is mandated to develop systems, procedures and programs to promote the wellbeing of students and ensure their safety while undergoing practicum. The Office encourages and promotes strong academic linkage with the industry to make PATTSeans competitive for employment. Vision PATTS College of Aeronautics is envisioned to be the Centre of Excellence in Aviation Education with the end of producing a globally competitive workforce for the aviation and aviation-related industries. Core Values PATTS College of Aeronautics will always remain steadfast in its institutional values: P - PATRIOTISM Patriotism is love and devotion to one’s country. For us, PATTSeans, this love and devotion provides us the motivation to OJT and Placement Manual 1 |P a g e


constantly improve ourselves to become

globally competitive. This is our way of assisting our nation by sharing our capabilities and resources. A - ADEPTNESS We try our best to be proficient or skilled in our assigned tasks. Being adept means that we make the best of what we know in the very best way we can. We continuously strive for excellence in the performance of our duties and responsibilities, whether the tasks be great or small. T – TRUST Trust is imperative to all PATTSeans – a breach of trust can leave a permanent scar. The main determinant of trust is reliability and PATTSeans are persons who can be relied on with certainty. We are all aware that a standard exists in PATTS for what is obligatory and what is right. OJT and Placement Manual 2 |P a g e

constantly improve ourselves to become


“Thoroughness in all we do”, is not just a slogan but a first-line core value for every PATTSean. It serves as a reminder for the other four core values of the College. It sets the standard of doing what should be done using the most exhaustive means and doing the job with the greatest care and attention. S – SERVICE-ORIENTEDNESS Service is the giving of oneself for the welfare of others. We believe that the word “service” is synonymous to stewardship. We look at ourselves as stewards who are assigned the responsibility of helping man with integrity and commitment. It means being durable while performing our duties even under difficult situations. OJT and Placement Manual 3 |P a g e



ON THE-JOB-TRAINING PROGRAM In accordance with CHED Memorandum Order No. 104 Series of 2017 (Revised Guidelines for Student Internship Program in the Philippines (SIPP) for all Programs) and PATTS College of Aeronautics Student Handbook, the following policies and guidelines for Internship Training in PATTS College of Aeronautics are hereby adopted for the information, guidance and compliance of all concerned. ARTICLE I POLICY STATEMENT Section I. The College aim to establishing linkage with the appropriate establishments for finding opportunities for On-The-Job Training of students. It recommends qualified trainees and monitors their performance towards accreditation in the subject or course concerned. It also helps qualified graduates seek employment by providing information for job opportunities and expanding industry linkages. Section 2. It is the policy of the College to facilitate practical exposure for student trainees for them to gain related learning experiences and opportunities to become better professionals. OJT and Placement Manual 4 |P a g e


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