My Roller Coaster Life Season 1



I never thought that one day I would wake up from a beautiful dream filled with love, joy, happiness, peace and a lot of laughter till one day when I lost



I never thought that one day I would wake up from a beautiful dream filled with love, joy, happiness, peace and a lot of laughter till one day when I lost my best friend and everything suddenly turned grey... This is my story. Hold on tight to your seats because it’s going to be a thriller ride. Episode 1 Nokwanda 3 months ago My name is Nokwanda, I am 15 years old and I am doing grade 9. I live with my mom who is also my bestfriend, thats how close we both really are. My mom is a CEO of one of the biggest companies in South Africa, so yes we are filthy rich or should I say she is filthy rich but then I am the one who spends more of the money. I like to call it that I'm a money spender and she is my money maker. She spoils me a lot but I'm not one of those spoiled brats, I'm just her princess whom she adores a lot. I don't always get what I want, I have to work hard for it with good grades ofcause. Yes I'm a brainiac and its because I got it from both mom and dad. They got divorced when I was 5 years old. Yes I have other 2 bestfriends Sihle and Thando. We go to the same school but don't live near to each other, we all live at different cities so we mostly meet at school unless ofcause we make plans to go out to movies and have time on weekends. Their parents are also rich and we go to one of the best private school in South Africa. At school Break time


Thando: Someone's birthday is around the corner.

Me: I wonder who that is. I saying blushing. Sihle: So what do you plan doing this year? Me: Well I don't know hey, but what I do know is that I don't want to have a party this year. I've had a lot of those since I was 1 year old. I would really want to do something different this year. Thando: We can always go to ice skating, I know how much you love that. Sihle: Yeah that would be great. Me: Its a date my chomies. So its just going to be the 3 of us right? Sihle: Who else do you want to add? Its not like we have boyfriends or anything. Thando: It was going to be fun, double date or should I say triple date. We all loughed so hard. We don't have boyfrieds and its nots because guys don't ask us out but its just us that don't entertain them because we feel that they might separate us at some point. Heres a thing about us, we are crazy as hell especially when we are together so we doubt that there are any boys who can handle us. Break was over so we proceeded to our classes till school was over. We said our goodbyes then went home. At home I get home and find ma Dorah already preparing to make dinner. Ma Dorah is our helper, she looks after me when ma is away on business just like this week she is not home and will be back after 2 weeks. I'm spending my birthday without her this year, but atleast I have my friends. Ma Dorah: Would you like something to eat dear? Me: No thanks ma, I'm just tired. May I please take a nap I will wake and bath then do home work then eat. The thought of mom being away just brought my energy down. I just layed on my bed with my headsets on listen to rock music till I dosed off to dreamland. After an hour of resting ma Dorah came to room to wake me up. Ma Dorah: Wake up lala. I could'nt hear her bacause i still had my headsets on. She came and shook me till I woke up. Me: Yes ma, is it morning already?

Thando: Someone

Ma Dorah: No dear, you need to bath and eat then do your homework.

Me: Did I sleep for long? Ma Dorah: Not that long my child. Your mom asked me to tell you to call her when you wake up. Me: I will call her when I'm done bathing. I took a long bath then ate, when I was done I called mom before doing my home work. Mom: Hello nono, how you? Me: Missing you so much ma, when you coming back? Mom: Its only been 2 days nono, its not like its the first I'm away. Me: But its the first time you went to overseas without me. Mom: You actually miss doing shopping here not me I can see. Me: Ha its not true ma...ok...ok...a little. So what will you bring for me since Saturday is my birthday? Mom: You will see, its a surprise. I have to go now dear, I have a meeting in 5 minutes. Me: You should be preparing to sleep ma its late. Mom: Not this side remember. Me: Oh yes I forgot that its during a day that side now. Will talk tomorrow ma love you so much. Ma: Love you too baby. After the call I did my homework then went straight to bed, within a few minutes I dosed off to lala land. Episode 2 Thando I was finishing up packing when mom walked in my room. The excitement got me packing so fast that I forgot some important things like my toiletry but thanx to mom who is always there in times like these. Mom: Wuuu mara Thando how can you forget such important things that are suppose to be the first things you pack. Me: Sorry ma its just that I'm really excited and my brain ain't thinking straight. Mom: I don't blame you dear, who wouldn't be when they going to see your favourite band The script. Me: Yoh ma...the best part about it is that we will be VVIPs. Mom: You lucky to have a friend that has a mom who knows people who know people. Me: But how did she manage to get us to skip school for 2 days ma? Mom: Well she is a good talker or should I say smooth talker, and another thing is that she does s much for the school. Me: This sure will be the best birthday for Nokwanda. can't wait to see her face. Mom: You guys must enjoy it to the fullest, let me leave you to it. Supper will be ready in 5 minutes.

Ma Dorah: No dear, you need to bath and eat then do your homework.

Me: Ok mom even though I don't have epitite.

Mom: Shame I don't blame you. When mom left my room I finished up packing then went downstairs to eat. My name is Thando I am 15 years old. I live with my mom, dad and little brother, we are originally from Mpumalanga. My dad is the next king and has 3 wifes, Ma Dlamini the first wife, Ma Ntuli the second wife and Ma Khumalo the third wife which is my mom. Ma Dlamini the first wife has 2 children, Nosipho (20) the first and elder daughter, Mawande (17) the second born but the first son. Ma Ntuli has 3 children, Nolwazi (16), Thandeka (15) and Nomthandazo (12). Ma Khumalo has 2 children, me and little brother Lethu (9). I have 2 best friends, Nokwanda and Sihle. We met at school when we were doing grade 1. We have always been in a girl’s only school from primary till high school. We are so close that we call ourselves sisters. This is my story. .............................................................................................. Sihle I just got dropped off by one of my sugar daddies, when I got home the lights were off and I realised that I'm home alone again as always. Well I'm actually supposed to live with my mom and dad and my big brother Menzi (23). My mom and dad are always away on business and my brother is always not at home, he only comes home to eat and bath then he is out again. I can’t remember the last time I lived a normal life having mom, dad and brother home like a normal family. The reason why I have a sugar daddy is because I feel loved by them since I don't get any from my parents. They are good at showering me with money then, they are gone for weeks or months. It can be very lonely sometimes especially going home because I always go home to an empty house with just me. I have 2 best friends Thando and Nokwanda. They don't know the life I live when I am away from them, they think I'm still a virgin just like them and I also play along because I don't want them to judge me. Not that they are bad people but because I'm ashamed of the life that I live in secret. They are very good people and I love them so much, they really know how to lift me up when I'm feelig down. I'm blessed to have them in my life, they practically my sisters This is my story. .............................................................................................. Narrater Miss Skhosana (Nokwanda's mom) was checking if everything was set for tomorrow, the Jeep cherokee was to fetch Thando and Sihle from their homes to take them to the airport to wait in the Jet while it goes back to fetch Nokwanda from school. They will be staying in the same hotel that the script will be staying at, they have the VVIP access to everything with the script from

Me: Ok mom even though I don

having breakfast to being in stage with them till the show is over. She couldn't wait to see the

girls especially her daughter. Episode 3 Thursday Sihle I woke up at about 3am because I had to pee, I went to the bathroom and did my thing then went back to my bedroom. I laid on my bed browsing on my phone just to check if I had any missed calls or messages from my parents only to find a missed call from an unknown number. I tried calling it but the person doesn’t pick up, I kept trying for several times but still no answer. I woke up when I realized that I haven’t packed for the trip this morning. At least my mind will be busy for the next 3 days or so, I won’t be overthinking things. Yes I was excited not because of the band we going to but because I will be overseas for the first time in my life. I don’t listen rock, I don’t really understand that music it’s too loud. It’s really Nokwanda’s favorite music and I know Thando is just tolerating it but we both love house music. When I was done packing I went to bath then came back and lotioned my body and when I checked my phone I found a missed call from that unknown number again, they must have called when I was bathing. The person called again Me: Hello...who’s this? Caller: Hey easy there with the attitude. Me: Not until you tell me who I’m talking to! I snapped at him. Yes it was a guy calling and he somehow has a sexy voice I have to admit but him not telling me who he is kinda irritating me a bit. Caller: Calm down sweety. No need to bite my head off. Me: Then start talking nigga. Caller: Maybe calling you was a mistake Sihle. Me: Mxm fuck off and don’t ever call me. Now I was fuming and pissed. I hung up then carry on dressing up. I took my bags to the sitting room then made breakfast for myself before I leave. My brother Lwazi came in carrying a bag pack. Lwazi: And then wena uyaphi ekseni so? (Where you going so early in the morning) Me: Hi to you too Lwazi. Lwazi: answer me. Me: I’m going to the UK with Nokwanda and Thando. It’s Nokwanda’s birthday Saturday so her mom bought us VVIP tickets to see Nokwanda’s favorite band. Lwazi: Oh enjoy and tell Nokwanda I said happy birthday. Don’t forget to take care of my angel Thando, make sure that no guys go after her. Me: Oh please I told you to leave my friends alone, they too good for you and you know that. You only going to corrupt her and she doesn’t deserve a guy like you. Lwazi: Ouch...that hurt lil sis...I’m not that bad. Me: Really now? I give him the look that says “we both know the truth to that” Lwazi: Ok fine you win. But I will protect all of you from guys like me.

having breakfast to being in stage with them till the show is over. She couldn

He took a piece of chicken from my plate then went to his room. I finished up eating then went to

brash my teeth then went to Lwazi‘s room and told him that I’m going but he didn’t respond because he was fast asleep. I went out to catch a taxi to Thandi’s place. Thando I woke up early before the alarm could wake me, that’s how excited I am. Anyway I never really got much sleep you see. I went to bath then came back and lotioned my body, mom came in while I was still dressing up. Mom: Someone is very early today. I wish every day you were this early when going to school because you would eat your breakfast in time and not in a rush. Me: Ha mara ma. Speaking of breakfast is it ready ma? Mom: As if you will eat. I know you don’t have epitite. Me: How do you know ma! Mom: You my daughter remember. Me: You know me too well. I just remembered that I have to call Mawanda. Mom: When is he coming to visit us because he promised. Me: Let’s ask him ma. The phone was ringing and on the 4th ring he answered Mawanda: Ntwana unjani? (How you lil sis) Me: Hey big bro...I’m lit wena? Mawanda: I can hear that, but why so early in the morning? Me: Remember I told that I’m going overseas with my friends to celebrate Nokwanda’s birthday. Mawanda: Oh yes you did. Enjoy but please be safe hey. Me: Always big bro. Me and Mawanda we are very close, I tell him everything that is happening in my life. Mom: Mawanda unjani mfana wam (how you my boy)? Mawanda: Hi ma...ngiyaphila wena ma? ( I’m well thanx and you) Mom: I’m good. When are you coming this side to live with us? Mawanda: Eish ma I don’t think I can live there. You know me and dad don’t get along that much. He will want to control my life and keep telling me what to do and when to do it. Mom: Yeah that’s your Dad’s problem, controlling everyone. Mawanda: Gogo want to come that side next weekend so I will come with her since dad is coming this side. Mom: that’s better. Vele I miss yol so much. Ok I will see you when you come. Bye Mawanda: Ok ma. Me: Ntwana I hear you have a girlfriend now. He chuckles Mawanda: Who told you? Me: It doesn’t matter. So why haven’t you told me about her? Mawanda: I want to tell you face to face. Don’t worry I will even show you her pictures Me: Ok big brother will talk when I arrive at UK. Mawanda: Ok be safe and I love you lot. Don’t forget to pray before you leave. Me: love you too big bro and will do. I hung up then went downstairs to wait for Sihle. After 15 minutes she arrived Sihle: Sanibonani Mom: Hello baby girl looking beautiful She blushed Me: Yes choma siyabangena. Sihle: You know mos that’s how we roll.

He took a piece of chicken from my plate then went to his room. I finished up eating then went to

We both laughed.

Mom: Anything to eat dear? Sihle: No thanks me. Mom: Oh so you also don’t have appetite? Sihle: I ate already ma. Me and food are tight like that regardless how excited I am. Me: You can say that again. We watched some music videos while waiting for the car that was fetching us and we made sure that our phones are off incase Nokwanda calls us since we won’t be at school and she will be alone. Nokwanda Ma Dorah woke me up to bath but I was so lazy to come out of bed. Today is one of those lazy days, I can barely keep my eyes open. It’s like I was up the whole night. I slowly got out of bed dragging myself to the bath room. I manage to bath as fast as I could then went to my room, before I could lotion my body I just layed on my bed feeling soooo sleepy. Ma Dorah came in and shouted Ma Dorah: Haibo wum’ hlolo lo engiwubonayo. Me: Eish ma I’m really tired yaz. Can I skip school just for today? Ma Dorah: Nice try but that won’t happen. Your mom will kill me if she finds out I let you skip school. I woke up and carry on with lotioning my body then dressed up. Went down stairs to eat. I got to school and I couldn’t find Sihle and Thando, I tried calling them both but their phones are off. My day went from bad to worse because this means I will be sitting alone the whole day. As I was busy browsing on my phone some guy came up to me... The guy: Hi...I was wondering if you can help me. I looke up and for some strange reason our eyes locked the moment they met for some time. He looked so handsome with hazel brown eyes. I suddenly had butterflies in my stomach, this is the first time something like this happens to me. I found myself smiling at him and he was smiling back, looks like we both going through the same thing. Finally the words came back and so did my voice. Me: may I help you. Him: Can you help me find my way to the principals office? Me: Let me accompany you because you if I direct you, you will get lost even worse. Him: Are you that bad at directions? I laughed so shyly and was blushing the same time. Me: Well yes. Him: Oh where are my manners. I’m Tshepo. Me: I’m Nokwanda. Him: Nice name. I was blushing again Me: Thank you. Him: Would like to see you again, may I please have your numbers. Me: If fate wants us to see each other again then you will get my numbers. You know a girl suppose to play hard to get hey. I showed him the principals office then went to class.

We both laughed.

As I was in my English class I heard my name on the intercom saying I should come to the principals

office with my bag immediately. For some seconds I froze because my played tricks on me. The only thing I could think about was that I’m in trouble because I was talking to that boy Tshepo and maybe we not allowed to talk to boys since this is a girls only school. I was brought back to reality when my teacher called me. Teacher: Nokwanda...Nokwanda. Me: Yes ma’am. Teacher: Did you hear that the principal is waiting for you in her office? Me: Uhm...yes ma’am. I packed my things and took my bag then went to the principals office. When I got to the principals office, I stood outside for a few seconds because I was scared to knock. I forgot that there are cameras everywhere and she was watching me panic outside her office. Principal: Come inside Nokwanda. Me: Good day Mrs Phillips. Principal: Good day dear. I started talking non stop and apologizing. Me: I’m truly sorry Mrs Phillips it wasn’t my intention to talk to him, he just wanted me to show him your office. Principal: What are talking you about because I called you here to tell you that your mom sent someone to fetch you. Me: Where is my mom? Principal: The person will take you to her. Me: With all due respect Mrs Phillips, I don’t go with strangers. Mrs Phillips called my mom and she confirmed everything. The driver took me hope and when I got home I found my traveling bag already packed. Me: Sawubona ma. Ma Dorah: Hello baby girl Me: Why is my traveling bag here? Ma Dorah: Go and freshen up first. Did you eat at school? Me: No me. Ma Dorah: It’s a good thing because I prepared you your favorite meal, dumpling and beef stew. Me: Mmmm...let me hurry up and freshen up then ma. I did my business then after an hour I went down stairs to eat. Ma Dorah: So how was school? Me: Yoh ma, don’t even ask . Ma Dorah: Now I’m curious. What happened? Me: Thando and Sihle didn’t come to school today cabanga and worse part is that they didn’t tell me and I tried calling them but both their phones are off which I find it strange. Ma Dorah: Maybe they are sick. Me: Ha ma, ayikho leyo (there is no such thing)! Ma Dorah: I ate chicken and mayo sandwich and they ate amagwinya. So yeah it’s possible ma. Ma Dorah: Exactly, now finish up your driver is waiting for you. I finish eating then went to the car. I tried asking the driver where he was taking me but he didn’t want to tell me until we arrived at the airport but we went straight to a jet. When I got inside the jet I was surprised to see my 2 best friends. Me: Ha nina ni la (you guys are here)? No wonder you didn’t come to school. Sihle: lol yep, we wanted to surprise you dummy. Thando: And I can see we did a really good job at that.

As I was in my English class I heard my name on the intercom saying I should come to the principals

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