Syon Park Cookbook

Cookbook June

Cookbook June


Cookbook June

Food Shelf Life

Day  Baked homemade pies  Croissants /Danish  Sliced tomatoes, cucumber & onion for sandwiches/salads  Sour dough rolls for soup, baked off  Roast potatoes  Filled sandwiches  Homemade scones (unless used filled with cream on day 2)  Fish batter  Cakes/puddings decorated with fresh cream in house Day +2  Bread – defrosted, sliced,  Prepared toasted sandwiches  Prawns - undressed  Cooked meats, sausages, bacon  Raw meats & offal once package opened  Boiled eggs  Poached eggs  Egg mayonnaise  Tuna mayonnaise  Fish - defrosted  Homemade tartare sauce  Homemade sauces and dressings  Prepared raw vegetables (other than sliced  tomatoes, cucumbers and onions for sandwiches and garnish)  Cooked meat pie fillings, braised meat, chilli  Cooked vegetables, mushrooms 2018 Lemon slices for drinks 10  Soup  Open baked beans  Homemade dishes e.g. stews, macaroni cheese Day +1     Children’s sandwiches - wrapped Homemade coleslaw mixed with mayonnaise Whipped cream Baked potatoes Day +4     Ambient cakes (unless shorter life is given by manufacturer) All Homebakes, other than scones Tray bakes (unless shorter life is given by manufacturer) Sweet tarts e.g. apple, lemon meringue (unless shorter life is given by manufacturer) Other  Dry goods decanted - as stated on packaging  Cheese – all varieties once opened as stated on packaging  Milk/cream– refer to manufacturer’s label  Fresh fruit and vegetables unprepared Check daily for quality. If bruised, visibly soft, mouldy - discard  Food produced on site and frozen – one month’s frozen shelf life  Sauces/pickles – as stated on label  For any product not listed, go by manufacturer’s recommendation

Food Shelf Life



Recipe Name:

Category: Cakes Date: Servings: 18 Bread Pudding 14-Jun-2021 Quantity Cost perServing: £0.43 TotalCost: Ingredient Cost 500 g Extra Thick Brown Sliced Bread £0.869 500 g Extra Thick White Sliced Bread £0.844 Mixed Fruit £3.067 Sultanas £0.577 Spice Mixed Spice Ground £0.054 Milk Semi Skimmed (green) £0.693 Eggs: Free Range Lycroft Farm (pck Of 60) £0.267 280 g Sugar Light Brown Soft £0.459 200 g Butter Salted £0.891 1 kg 170 g 8g 1.2 l 2 ea 40 g Sugar Demerera £0.069 * indicates sub recipe Method: 1 1.Preheat the oven to 180 2 2.Tear 500g white or wholemeal bread into a large mixing bowl and add 500g mixed dried fruit, 85g mixed peel and 1 1⁄2 tbsp mixedspice. 3 3.Pour in milk, then stir or scrunch through your fingers to mix everything well and completely break up thebread. 4 4.2 beaten large eggs, 140g light muscovado sugar and zest of 1 lemon, if using. Stir well, then set aside for 15 mins to soak. 5 5.Butter and line the base of a 20cm non-stick square cake tin (not one with a loose base). 6 6.Stir the melted butter into the pudding mixture, tip into the tin, then scatter withdemerara. 7 7.Bake for 11⁄2 hrs until firm and golden, covering with foil if it starts to brown too much. Turn out of the tin and strip off the paper. Cut into squares and serve warm. Critical ControlPoints: 1 General Ensure all control measures are checked and recorded. Ensure food is date labelled and protected correctly. Ensure regular hand washing with an anti-bacterial un-perfumed soap. Always use PPE when preparing food. 2 Purchase, Receipt / Delivery,Collect Make sure that all food delivered or collected is within its 'use by' date and of acceptable quality at a temperature that will discourage the growth of harmful bacteria 3 Storage Store food at a temperature that will discourage the growth of harmful bacteria. Below 5°c in the fridge Below -18°c in the freezer Keep raw and cooked / ready-to-eat foods separate. Use safe handling practices Make sure that food is protected and /or covered 4 Preparation Minimise the time that food is out of the refrigerator / chiller. Keep raw food to be eaten apart from other raw food which will later be cooked. 5 Cooking Cook the food to a temperature that will destroy harmful bacteria, until the CORE TEMPERATURE is 75°c (82°c in Scotland) 6 Cooling Cool hot food which has just been cooked as quickly as possible before chilling. Ensure food is date labelled correctly Created by Noel Boulden Page 4

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Recipe Name:

Category: Cakes Date: Servings: 17 Carrot Cake 14-Jun-2021 Quantity Cost perServing: £0.34 TotalCost: £5.70 Ingredient Cost 1 kg Macphie Mississippi Muffin Mix £3.581 3g Spice Cinnamon Ground £0.019 150 g Sultanas £0.510 170 ml Oil Extended Life 5 Lt £0.304 12 g Bicarbonate Of Soda £0.015 100 g Nuts Walnuts Shelled £1.272 * indicates sub recipe Method: 1 1.Preheat the oven to 180 2 2.Mix dry ingredients together, add liquids and beat for 5 minutes on medium speed (add sultanas at theend). 3 3.Divide batter into 2 x large loaf cakes 4 4.Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 50-55 minutes. 5 5.Allow tocool. 6 6.Top with MacPhie Vegan Vanilla Frosting and decorate with sugar paste carrots and chopped pistachio n 7 6.Top with MacPhie Vegan Vanilla Frosting and decorate with sugar paste carrots and chopped pistachio n Critical ControlPoints: 1 General Ensure all control measures are checked and recorded. Ensure food is date labelled and protected correctly. Ensure regular hand washing with an anti-bacterial un-perfumed soap. Always use PPE when preparing food. 2 Purchase, Receipt / Delivery,Collect Make sure that all food delivered or collected is within its 'use by' date and of acceptable quality at a temperature that will discourage the growth of harmful bacteria 3 Storage Store food at a temperature that will discourage the growth of harmful bacteria. Below 5°c in the fridge Below -18°c in the freezer Keep raw and cooked / ready-to-eat foods separate. Use safe handling practices Make sure that food is protected and /or covered 4 Preparation Minimise the time that food is out of the refrigerator / chiller. Keep raw food to be eaten apart from other raw food which will later be cooked. 5 Cooking Cook the food to a temperature that will destroy harmful bacteria, until the CORE TEMPERATURE is 75°c (82°c in Scotland) 6 Cooling Cool hot food which has just been cooked as quickly as possible before chilling. Ensure food is datelabelled correctly Created by Noel Boulden Page 5

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Recipe Name:

Category: Cakes Date: Servings: 17 Cheese Scone 14-Jun-2021 Quantity Cost perServing: £0.20 TotalCost: £3.46 Ingredient 1 kg 420 ml 280 g Cost Scone Mix Sweet or Savory £2.659 Tap Water £0.000 Cheddar Grated Mature White £0.797 * indicates sub recipe Method: 1 1.Preheat oven to 210°C (450°F), line baking tray with grease-proof paper or lightly grease. 2 2.Put Scone Mix and water into a mixing bowl and mix for 1 minute on a slow speed. Scrape down, add the cherries then mix for 1 minute on a medium speed. 3 3.Mould dough into a ball then rest for a few minutes under a piece of grease-proofpaper. 4 4.Using a rolling pin, roll dough out to 15mm thick on a lightly floured surface, then cut using a 75mm round cutter. Scrap dough can be re-used but needs to be rested for a few minutes before re-using. 5 5.Transfer scones onto a baking tray, space evenly to allow for flow during baking. Leave to rest for 15minutes before using the beaten egg to glaze. 6 6.Bake for 12-14 minutes until golden brown and sound hollow when tapped on thetop. Critical ControlPoints: 1 General Ensure all control measures are checked and recorded. Ensure food is date labelled and protected correctly. Ensure regular hand washing with an anti-bacterial un-perfumed soap. Always use PPE when preparing food. 2 Purchase, Receipt / Delivery,Collect Make sure that all food delivered or collected is within its 'use by' date and of acceptable quality at a temperature that will discourage the growth of harmful bacteria 3 Storage Store food at a temperature that will discourage the growth of harmful bacteria. Below 5°c in the fridge Below -18°c in the freezer Keep raw and cooked / ready-to-eat foods separate. Use safe handling practices Make sure that food is protected and /or covered 4 Preparation Minimise the time that food is out of the refrigerator / chiller. Keep raw food to be eaten apart from other raw food which will later be cooked. 5 Cooking Cook the food to a temperature that will destroy harmful bacteria, until the CORE TEMPERATURE is 75°c (82°c in Scotland) 6 Cooling Cool hot food which has just been cooked as quickly as possible before chilling. Ensure food is datelabelled correctly Created by Noel Boulden Page 6

Recipe Name:

Recipe Name:

Category: Cakes Date: Servings: 17 Cherry Scone 14-Jun-2021 Quantity Cost perServing: £0.25 TotalCost: £4.27 Ingredient 1 kg 420 ml 280 g Cost Scone Mix Sweet or Savory £2.659 Tap Water £0.000 Glace cherries £1.613 * indicates sub recipe Method: 1 1.Preheat oven to 210°C (450°F), line baking tray with grease-proof paper or lightly grease. 2 2.Put Scone Mix and water into a mixing bowl and mix for 1 minute on a slow speed. Scrape down, add the cherries then mix for 1 minute on a medium speed. 3 3.Mould dough into a ball then rest for a few minutes under a piece of grease-proofpaper. 4 4.Using a rolling pin, roll dough out to 15mm thick on a lightly floured surface, then cut using a 75mm round cutter. Scrap dough can be re-used but needs to be rested for a few minutes before re-using. 5 5.Transfer scones onto a baking tray, space evenly to allow for flow during baking. Leave to rest for 15minutes before using the beaten egg to glaze. 6 6.Bake for 12-14 minutes until golden brown and sound hollow when tapped on thetop. Critical ControlPoints: 1 General Ensure all control measures are checked and recorded. Ensure food is date labelled and protected correctly. Ensure regular hand washing with an anti-bacterial un-perfumed soap. Always use PPE when preparing food. 2 Purchase, Receipt / Delivery,Collect Make sure that all food delivered or collected is within its 'use by' date and of acceptable quality at a temperature that will discourage the growth of harmful bacteria 3 Storage Store food at a temperature that will discourage the growth of harmful bacteria. Below 5°c in the fridge Below -18°c in the freezer Keep raw and cooked / ready-to-eat foods separate. Use safe handling practices Make sure that food is protected and /or covered 4 Preparation Minimise the time that food is out of the refrigerator / chiller. Keep raw food to be eaten apart from other raw food which will later be cooked. 5 Cooking Cook the food to a temperature that will destroy harmful bacteria, until the CORE TEMPERATURE is 75°c (82°c in Scotland) 6 Cooling Cool hot food which has just been cooked as quickly as possible before chilling. Ensure food is datelabelled correctly Created by Noel Boulden Page 7

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Recipe Name:

Category: Cakes Date: Servings: 17 Chocolate Shortbread 14-Jun-2021 Quantity Cost perServing: £0.34 TotalCost: £5.76 Ingredient 1 kg Cost Shortbread Mix £2.545 360 g Butter Salted £1.603 100 g McDougalls Dark Chocolate Chips £0.690 100 g McDougalls White Chocolate Chips £0.922 * indicates sub recipe Method: 1 1.Preheat oven to 150°C 2 2.Place Macphie Shortbread Mix and softened butter into a mixer. 3 3 Blend in the chocolate and mix on slow speed until a stiff dough is formed. 4 4.Deposit dough into a lightly greased baking tin, use a scraper to spread it evenly across the tin. 5 5.With a fork, gently prick rounds of dough at regular intervals pressing all the way through to the bottom of the tin 6 6.With a knife, score the shortbread into even pieces. 7 7.Bake at 150oC (300oF) for 40 minutes until pale golden. 8 8.Leave tocool 9 9.cut using the scorelines. Critical ControlPoints: 1 General Ensure all control measures are checked and recorded. Ensure food is date labelled and protected correctly. Ensure regular hand washing with an anti-bacterial un-perfumed soap. Always use PPE when preparing food. 2 Purchase, Receipt / Delivery,Collect Make sure that all food delivered or collected is within its 'use by' date and of acceptable quality at a temperature that will discourage the growth of harmful bacteria 3 Storage Store food at a temperature that will discourage the growth of harmful bacteria. Below 5°c in the fridge Below -18°c in the freezer Keep raw and cooked / ready-to-eat foods separate. Use safe handling practices Make sure that food is protected and /or covered 4 Preparation Minimise the time that food is out of the refrigerator / chiller. Keep raw food to be eaten apart from other raw food which will later be cooked. 5 Cooking Cook the food to a temperature that will destroy harmful bacteria, until the CORE TEMPERATURE is 75°c (82°c in Scotland) 6 Cooling Cool hot food which has just been cooked as quickly as possible before chilling. Ensure food is datelabelled correctly Created by Noel Boulden Page 8

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Recipe Name:

Category: Cakes Date: Servings: 16 FlapJack 14-Jun-2021 Quantity Cost perServing: £0.17 TotalCost: £2.71 Ingredient 1 kg 75 ml Cost Macphie Flapjack Mix £2.714 Tap Water £0.000 * indicates sub recipe Method: 1 1.Preheat oven to 160°C (320°F). Line a baking tin with grease-proof paper 2 2.Put the MacPhie Flapjack Mix and water into a mixing bowl. 3 3.Stir together using a rubber spatula until fullycombined. 4 4.Pour mixture into a baking tin and pat down to ensure it is evenly spread across thetin. 5 5.Place into the pre-heated oven and bake for 25-30 minutes. 6 Critical ControlPoints: 1 General Ensure all control measures are checked and recorded. Ensure food is date labelled and protected correctly. Ensure regular hand washing with an anti-bacterial un-perfumed soap. Always use PPE when preparing food. 2 Purchase, Receipt / Delivery,Collect Make sure that all food delivered or collected is within its 'use by' date and of acceptable quality at a temperature that will discourage the growth of harmful bacteria 3 Storage Store food at a temperature that will discourage the growth of harmful bacteria. Below 5°c in the fridge Below -18°c in the freezer Keep raw and cooked / ready-to-eat foods separate. Use safe handling practices Make sure that food is protected and /or covered 4 Preparation Minimise the time that food is out of the refrigerator / chiller. Keep raw food to be eaten apart from other raw food which will later be cooked. 5 Cooking Cook the food to a temperature that will destroy harmful bacteria, until the CORE TEMPERATURE is 75°c (82°c in Scotland) 6 Cooling Cool hot food which has just been cooked as quickly as possible before chilling. Ensure food is datelabelled correctly Created by Noel Boulden Page 9

Recipe Name:

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