Ansoffs Profile 2021






Ansoffs Consulting is a Strategy and corporate management consulting organization offering strategic success solutions to organizations of all nature and size in the Eastern African region and beyond. We are approved by National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) as well as the Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM).  Using the full range of our consulting and implementation skills, we provide a total business solution tailored to your company needs. We pride in creating experiences and transforming organisations in our service provision. Ansoffs Consulting Limited has lots of experience in the fields of training, research and management consultancy. A LITTLE STARSTRUCK Affiliates



laicoS hcaorppa laroM dna lacihtE ,ytivitaerC ,sucof tneilc hgiH .ytirgetni dna ytsenoh lautcelletnI CORE VALUES .stneilc ruo fo ssenevititepmoc deniatsus dna segatnavda citsigrenys rof gnikniht metsys dna yrotapicitrap hguorht secivres gniniart dna hcraeser ,ycnatlusnoc tnemeganam detneiro tneilc dna gnidda eulav ,ytilauq hgih edivorp oT NOISSIM .secivres ycnatlusnoc tnemeganam lanoitpecxe ni redael elbatuper A NOISIV RUO



• NITA reimbursements • Experiential training  • Post training evaluation after 3 months • Participant centered training • Experienced trainers SOLUTIONS OFFERED T M R TRAINING MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY RESEARCH & SURVEYS


tnemeganam tcilfnoC dna tnemeganam retsasiD

slliks yrosivrepuS tnemeganam ecnamrofreP ,gninnalP ssenisuB dna cigetartS smgidarap neewteb gniganam ;slliks pihsredaeL seicnetepmoc eroc gnidliub ;gnidliub maeT secitcarp tseb eht ;niahc ylppus cigetartS gnirotinom dna noitatnemelpmi ,weiver ,gninnalp cigetartS pihsruenerpertnE  gnitekram dna selaS slliks egamI dna noitacinummoC slliks tnemeganaM laicnaniF gniniarT tnemeganaM ksiR tnemeganaM egnahC ecivreS remotsuC evitceffE :edulcni dluow esruoC gniniarT nepO SESRUOC .noitazinagro desab egdelwonk a dna seicnetepmoc lanretni gnidliub sdrawot gnitfihs yadot si mgidarap abihseU iehiroM .tirips eht hsilop dna ,ydob eht cigetarts ehT .stsoc gniziminim elihw seunever fo noitazimixam ot sdael maet a sa setarepo taht ecruoser namuh a elihw mrif a ot yltsoc nehguot ,kcals eb yam ecruoser namuh detniojsid eht pu nethgit ,dedivid A .ecruoser namuh sti ot si gniniart ni seil noitazinagro yna fo retnec ehT fo esoprup ehT GNINIART

tnemeganam tcilfnoC dna tnemeganam retsasiD

.stnemssessA ytilauQ ataD tuo yrrac dna stidua metsys E&M dna tcejorp tcudnoc

ew ,smetsys gninraeL dna noitaulavE ,gnirotinoM gnitnemelpmi dna pu gnittes ni stsilaiceps era eW .secnerefnoc dna sgniteem E&M detneiro stluser tuo yrrac smaet tcejorp ro snoitazinagro troppus netfo dna srenoititcarp E&M fo yticapac dliub ot snoisses tuo yrrac ,stidua noitaulave tuo yrrac ,)seiduts/snoitaulave tcapmi/mret-dne dna sweiver/snoitaulave mret-muidem lanoitazinagro/tcejorp ,seiduts enilesab( snoitaulave tcejorp gnitcudnoc ni ezilaiceps eW  :tnemeganaM stcejorP .5 .srehto gnoma sPOS fo tnempoleved dna slaunam ecnanif ,seicilop tnemeganam ksiR ,seicilop RH( sa hcus sloot ecnanrevog fo tnempoleved ,sretrahc draob fo tnempoleved ,srotcerid fo noitceles ,gniniart ,snoitaulave draob sevlovni sihT .erutcurts ecnanrevoG etaroproC rieht enilmaerts ro pu tes rehtie ot snoitazinagro gnitroppus ni dednuorg llew si sffosnA ecruoseR namuH fo :gnirutcurtS ecnanrevoG etaroproC .4 .seicnatlusnoC  RH ekatrednu ot MRHI )ayneK(tnemeganaM etutitsnI eht yb DETIDERCCA era eW .stnemecalp dna tnemtiurcer :ycnatlusnoC RH .3 ,sANT ,snoitaulave boj ,stiduA RH ot detimil ton tub edulcni secivres RH ehT .llew sa ssecorp gnikniht cigetarts eht gnirud detaroprocni ni eb nac ytiunitnoC ssenisuB ycnatlusnoC ksiR esirpretnE dna .seigetarts elbatnemelpmi htiw pu emoc ot gnikniht metsys hguorht noitalumrof ledom s7 yesniKcM ,ecrof 5 sretroP ,TOWS ,gnikniht naecO eulB ,LETSEP sa hcus ygetarts ni sledom nwonk llew esu eW .ssecorp evitatlusnoc dna yrotapicitrap hgih hguorht snalp cigetarts level SSENISUB dna ETAROPROC etalumrof ot stneilc ruo tsissa eW :gninnalP ssenisuB dna ygetartS .2 .noitaulave dna gnirotinom ,snoitaitogen gnidacsac ,gnittes tegrat hguorht gnitcartnoc ecnamrofrep ezilanoitutitsni ot snoitazinagro troppus eW .sredlohekats lla ot elbatpecca era taht RETROP LEAHCIM stluser ,stluser dleiy taht stegrat tes noitazinagro erusne ot si sihT .ygetarts fo noitatnemelpmi etaulave dna rotinom ,ezilanoitarepo .TNEREFFID EB OT GNISOOHC YLETAREBILED TUOBA S'TI ,ezilanoitutitsni ot snoitazinagro tsissa ot krowemarf s7 s'yesneKcM dna ledom REMRIF sffosnA ,drac erocs decnalab sa hcus sledom tsetal eht esu ew ;SFFO-EDART ,SECIOHC GNIKAM TUOBA SI YGETARTS :tnemeganaM ecnamrofreP .1 :edulcni ereh secivres ehT YCNATLUSNOC TNEMEGANAM

.stnemssessA ytilauQ ataD tuo yrrac dna stidua metsys E&M dna tcejorp tcudnoc


& HCRAESER LATIPAC A SI TI 40 OT EKATSIM SYEVRUS EZIROEHT 30 ENO EROFEB noitazinagro stsissa gnitlusnoC sffosnA .ATAD SAH NANOC RUHTRA dna syevrus enilesab suoirav tuo yrrac 20 .seiduts ytilibisaef ELYOD edulcni ni egagne ew syevrus rehtO 10 desucof eeyolpme ,desucof remotsuc .syevrus tnemnorivne krow dna Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 SIHT ELPMAS 0 Item 4 Training and utilization acquired skills General work environment Opportunities for professional growth Motivational levels Management responsiveness towards employees’ work needs and orientation on problem solving Effectiveness of communication among staff and management Levels of service quality and products offered by the businesses Service delivery systems Item 5



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