REPORT This is designed to...
FILE NAME This indicates the file name of the check. 2 PG # This indicates --
PAYMENT TYPE The payment type will always be a check. 4 BATCH AMOUNT This represents the total payments received from multiple patients. CHECK AMOUNT This corresponds to individual patient payments, which together make up the total batch for the day.
PENDING AMOUNT This shows the amounts we are expecting to receive. 6 POSTED AMOUNT This indicates how much is posted on the account. The highlighted section may indicate that the posted amount is $0 because the check was issued directly to the patient.
EOB AMOUNT This indicates how much the patient paid for the claim. 8 ALREADY POSTED This indicates whether money has been received. If the amount displayed is $0, it means no payment was received.
CDTS This indicates 10 INSURANCE This indicates the name of the insurance company.
STATUS PATIENT’S NAME This indicates the status whether the payment is already posted or still pending. This indicates the name of the patient. CHECK # DOS This indicates the check number. This indicates the date of service.
ADJUSTMENT This indicates the number of adjustments to be made according to the rubrics. ADJ AMOUNT This indicates the amount of each adjustment. WRITE-OFF AMT This indicates the -- 13 INFO REQ This column indicates whether any additional information is required. If so, it will be noted here. ACTION NEEDS TO BE TAKEN
PT POSITIVE & NEGATIVE BAL This section indicates that if any amount is displayed here, it may represent either: (+) We owe money to the patient, or (-) The patient owes us money. REVIEW THE ACCOUNT ACCOUNT REVIEW 1. Do we owe money to the patient? 2. Does the patient owe us money? *(If yes, send a statement.) 3. Do we have to do additional adjustments? Tx Worksheet To determine how to process a refund request. How to send a statement. ACTION NEEDS TO BE TAKEN
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