ICED 2024 Program Book

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Patron Yang Berbahagia Prof. Dato’ Ts. Dr. Zaliman Sauli Conference Advisor Prof. Ir. Dr. Rizalafande Che Ismail General Chair Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Siti Khadijah Za’aba Conference Chair Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Thennarasan Sabapathy Conference Co-Chair Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zahereel Ishwar Abdul Khalib International Advisory Panel Prof. Dr. S. Salivahanan, Vel Tech, INDIA Prof. Dr. Gamal M. Dousoky, Nahda University,EGYPT Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anwer Sayed Abdelhameed Ahmed, Electronic Research Institute, EGYPT Prof. Ir-Ing. Dr. Mudrik Alaydrus , Universiti Mercu Buana, INDONESIA Prof. Darminto, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), INDONESIA Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roy Francis Navea, De La Salle University, PHILIPPINES Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Fareq Abd Malek, Wollongong University, UAE Prof. Dr. Prayoot Akkaraekthalin, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, THAILAND Asst. Prof. Dr. Wannarat Suntiamorntut, Prince of Songkla University, THAILAND Assoc. Prof. Dr. Soh Ping Jack, University of Oulu, FINLAND Prof. Dr. Hamsakutty Vettikalladi, King Saud University, SAUDI ARABIA P a g e 2 | 49



Conference Secretary Dr. Nur Farhan Kahar (Chair) Assoc. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Saidatul Norlyana Azemi Treasurer Mdm. Rusnida Romli (Chair) Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Nik Adilah Hanin Zahri Technical Committee Dr. Norfadila Mahrom (Chair) Dr. Nur Hafizah Ghazali Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruzelita Ngadiran Assoc. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Junita Mohd Nordin Publication Committee Dr. Surentiran Padmanathan (Chair) Dr. Raja Abdullah Raja Ahmad IT and Publicity Committee Dr. Mohamed Elshaikh Elobaid Said Ahmed (Chair) Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Muzammil Jusoh Dr. Mazlee Mazalan Local Arrangement Committee Ts. Dr. Ilman Jais (Chair) Ts. Dr. Iszaidy bin Ismail Dr. Che Muhammad Nor bin Che Isa Sponsorship Committee Ts. Dr. Mohamed Nasrun Osman (Chair) P a g e 3 | 49



WELCOMING SPEECH ........................................................................................ 5 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS ........................................................................................ 10 CONFERENCE PROGRAM ................................................................................. 15 ABSTRACT TRACK 1: COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ............................................. 25 Seismic Data Quality Analysis Using Fuzzy Logic ........................................................ 25 Verification of Battery Initial Conditions for Battery Sizing in Microgrids Using Two-Way ANOVA and MRFO............................................................................ 25 GSTLB- GPS Enabled Secured Software Defined Network using Transfer Learning and Block Chain Technology for Industrial IoT (IIoT) .................................. 26 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for Image Forgery Detection ......................... 26 Enhancing RFID Antenna Design: XG Boost-Driven Machine Learning Optimization of Encapsulated Circular Loop Antenna ............................................... 27 Weedy Rice Classification Mobile Apps using Convolutional Neural Network ...................................................................................................................... 27 Weed Detection and Removal using Robotic Arm with Mask R-CNN........................ 28 Uncertainty-Based Active Learning Approach for Underwater Image Annotation .................................................................................................................. 28 A Compact Frequency and Pattern Reconfigurable Antenna for IoT Close Range Devices............................................................................................................. 29 Revolutionizing E-Waste Classification: The Role of AI and Image Processing Techniques in Sustainable Recycling ........................................................ 29 Developing Image Deepfake Detection System Using the MesoNet Algorithm: A Comprehensive Approach..................................................................... 30 Immunity Booster Bangladeshi Medical Plants Recognition Using CNN: A Deep Learning Approach ............................................................................................ 30 Multiclass Classification of Lung Cancer with SVM and XGboost with 20+ features ...................................................................................................................... 31 P a g e 4 | 49


A Systematic Review of Attention Mechanisms in UNet Models for

Medical Image Segmentation..................................................................................... 31 Nearest Decimal Approach Method of IP Addressing for Variable Length Subnet Mask Calculation: Myanmar IXP Model ......................................................... 32 Optimizing the TSP-D with Pity Beetle Algorithm to minimize the delivery completion time for UAV routing problem .................................................. 32 Integrated IoT and Machine Learning System for Solar Energy Monitoring on Small Farms ........................................................................................ 33 Wild Boars Repellent and Monitoring System For Open Space Areas Using IoT Approach .................................................................................................... 33 Deep Learning-Based System for Quranic Verse Recitation Verification .................. 34 Evaluation of Digit Recognition Performance for Automatic Electric Meters Reading System .............................................................................................. 34 Machine Learning for Classification of Circular Patch Antenna Based on Resonance and Impedance Matching ........................................................................ 35 Transfer Learning in Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis: A Comparative Study of Pretrained Models ....................................................................................... 35 IOT Warning System for Early Forest Fire Detection ................................................. 36 Malaysian Sign Language Recognition for Static Gestures using Deep Learning Technique .................................................................................................... 36 Combined CNN based Computer Imaging and Electro-magnetic Sensing Analysis for Mango Quality Detection ....................................................................... 37 Automated Diabetic Retinopathy Detection: A Deep Learning-Based Approach .................................................................................................................... 37 Classification of Mango Ripeness Grades Using Machine Learning ........................... 38 Analysis of Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) Using Machine Learning Optimization Approach .............................................................................................. 38 Evaluation of Particulate Matter Concentrations Across Diverse Urban and Rural Locations using Machine Learning ............................................................. 39 A Study on Feature Extraction Methods for Effective Malware Detection: DCT, LBP, and HOG ................................................................................... 39 IoT Based Fertilizer System for Crop Cultivation ........................................................ 40 Analysis of Feature Extraction on U-Net Wavelet and Clarify net in Image Defogging.................................................................................................................... 40 Student Academic Guidance System using Rule Based Expert System ..................... 41 P a g e 5 | 49

A Systematic Review of Attention Mechanisms in UNet Models for

TRACK 2: ELECTRONICS .......................................................................... 42

Performance Enhancement for Multi-Path Hybrid Spectrum Sensor using Adaptive Threshold Optimization in Cognitive Radio ....................................... 42 Performance Metrics Bounds and SNDR Maximization in Wideband Communication Systems ............................................................................................ 42 Miniaturized On-Chip Bandpass Filter Design Using Folded Resonators loaded by MIM Capacitor for System-on-Chip Integration ........................................ 43 Comparative Study for Ascon Lightweight Hardware Security Algorithms in FPGA ....................................................................................................................... 43 IoT-Based Accident Signalling System for Hospitals................................................... 44 Design of Four-Port Antenna for Human Activity Recognition in Ambient Backscatter Communications Systems at 433 MHz ................................................... 44 Effects of Routing Protocol Parameters to Improve Network Performances in MANET ............................................................................................ 45 Human Presence Detector in Vehicle Based on Multi-sensor Detection .................. 45 Development and Performance Evaluation of MXene based CO2 Sensor ................ 46 Balancing Memory Hierarchy in FPGA Systems: A Study on Effective Replacement and Write Policies ................................................................................ 46 Comparative Analysis of Pipelining Architectures in FPGAs and CPUs ...................... 47 A Review on Partial Discharge Signal Detection in High Voltage Cable Insulation System Based on Rise Time ....................................................................... 47 Non-Invasive Detection of Urea Adulteration in Milk Using Optical Sensing Techniques .................................................................................................... 48 Optical Single-Sideband Subcarrier Multiplexing (SCM)/ Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) in Free Space Optic (FSO) System ............................... 48 CO-ORGANIZERS & SPONSORS ............................................................... 49 P a g e 6 | 49

TRACK 2: ELECTRONICS .......................................................................... 42

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OPENING REMARKS YANG BERBAHAGIA PROF. DATO’ TS. DR. ZALIMAN SAULI Vice Chancellor Universiti Malaysia Perlis Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Salam Ilmu, Keikhlasan, Kecemerlangan, It is indeed a great honour and privilege for me, and on behalf of the organizing committee, to welcome all the distinguished guests, keynote speakers, international and local participants to the 7th International Conference on Electronic Design (ICED 2024) organised by Faculty of Electronic Engineering & Technology (FTKEN), UniMAP from 2nd to 4th September 2024 in Bertam Resort, Penang. The conference theme is “Navigating the Digital Frontier: Exploring the Synergy of Electronic Design and Computational Intelligence”. Considering this theme, the conference aims to highlight the significant advancements of digital technology of electronic design and AI. This conference serves as a platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners from around the world to exchange ideas, share experiences, and collaborate on cutting-edge technologies that are driving the digital transformation of our society. The integration of electronic design with computational intelligence opens up new horizons for solving complex challenges across various industries. From enhancing the efficiency of electronic systems to pioneering new applications in artificial intelligence, the synergy between these fields promises to revolutionize the way we approach technology development. P a g e 8 | 49


We are privileged to have an impressive lineup of keynote speakers and expert panels who will

be sharing their insights and expertise with us. Their contributions will undoubtedly inspire and challenge us to think beyond the conventional boundaries of our disciplines and explore new possibilities. I encourage all participants to engage actively in the discussions, network with fellow attendees, and explore the rich cultural heritage that Penang has to offer. It is through these interactions that we can foster collaboration and build lasting relationships that will contribute to the advancement of our fields. Furthermore, a conference of this magnitude would not have been possible without the dedication, support and concerted efforts from committee members, industry colleagues, sponsors, academic institutions, and supporting organizations. Finally, on behalf of the organizing committee, my sincere thanks to our local and international participants for making this event a success. I hope all of you have a fruitful discussion during the conference. I am looking forward to hearing the results and resolutions of this conference. Thank you very much. PROF. DATO’ TS. DR. ZALIMAN SAULI Vice Chancellor Universiti Malaysia Perlis Patron 7th International Conference on Electronic Design 2024 (ICED 2024) P a g e 9 | 49

We are privileged to have an impressive lineup of keynote speakers and expert panels who will

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