Primary HealthCare News Bulletin Jan - Mar 2022

NEWS Bulletin

NEWS Bulletin

Jan - Mar 2022 Issue Inauguration of the newly Modernised GŻIRA HEALTH CENTRE It is well documented that investment in primary health care improves equity and access, health care systems performance and most importantly health outcomes. There is also a widespread acknowledgement that primary health care is the ‘front door’ of national health systems. This evidence is well recognised by the Primary HealthCare and is the philosophy that forms the foundation for the ambitious project that will see the refurbishment of the Health Centres and the numerous Community Clinics. The modernised Gżira Health Centre, inaugurated by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health, Mr Chris Fearne, in the presence of the Hon. Alex Muscat, Parliamentary Secretary for Citizenship and Communities, on the 28th of September, is another important milestone for the Primary HealthCare. (Continued on page 3) -1-

NEWS Bulletin


Roseanne Camilleri Chief Executive Officer Indeed, it should serve as the stimulant, not only to It is customary that a particular year of significance merits its recording in the annals of history at its closing days in the last week of December… maintain such unprecedented developments within the Primary HealthCare but to secure even more achievements, as we witness the National Health Nonetheless, for my team at Primary HealthCare, the first quarter of year 2022 has already reached such a status, brought about with the remarkable progress that has been realized for the benefit of our communities… Services of the Maltese Islands, reaching even greater heights, thereby maintaining Malta’s ranking amongst the world leaders in such critical and essential services for humanity at large… Have a good read… This News Bulletin will give credence to this narrative. Editorial Dorothy Scicluna Daniel Corso Welcome to the January - March 2022 issue of the Primary HealthCare News Bulletin. This news bulletin and the President of Malta's visit to the Gżira Health Centre and the Marsaxlokk Community Clinic. will give you a good snapshot of the main achievements we made during these months, including the inauguration of the modernise Gżira Health Centre and three new Community Clinics, Any feedback/queries may Keep safe! Primary HealthCare (Head Office). 7, Harper Lane, Floriana Telephone: (+356) 21231231 -2- be forwarded to:


The Health Centre now offers three new

services. The Gżira Health Centre was the only Health Centre in Malta which did not offer a physiotherapy service, mainly due to the lack of a lift in the premises, which hindered access to this service by patients who are mostly suffering from musculoskeletal disorders and thus have an impaired mobility. Thanks to installation of a new lift, accessibility has been greatly improved, and a physiotherapy service is now established in this Health Centre. A Well Baby and Child Development Clinic and a Post-Natal Clinic services were also introduced for the first time in this Health Centre. The total investment on this project amounted to € 1.7 million and was partly financed by the NDSF. The refurbishment of the infrastructure was managed by the Foundation for Medical Services (FMS). The interior embellishment and design was under the Primary HealthCare. -3- 3--3 -

The Health Centre now offers three new

The NEW Marsaskala

COMMUNITY CLINIC As the major drive to refurbish the Community other Community Clinics that have been recently Clinics strategically located around Malta is established, maintained, the Primary HealthCare continues to progressive concept. strengthen its strategy of reaching further into the community to meet the health care needs of people close to where they live and work. The new Marsaskala Community Clinic, similar to the manifests this philosophy and For years, the Primary HealthCare had been searching for a new premises to relocate the services delivered from a building with limited facilities, and that did not meet the high standards we have established. The new Marsaskala Community Clinics, which is being rented from the Local Council, is very centrally located close to the Parish Church and St Annes’ Public Garden. It houses two consultant rooms and offers the following six services which are part of the Primary HealthCare’s new outreach concept: General Practitioner Clinic, Nurse-led Clinic, Podiatry, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Pathology and Phlebotomy. -4-

The NEW Marsaskala

From the Primary HealthCare’s Album

-5- The President of Malta's visit to the Gżira Health Centre and the Marsaxlokk Community Clinic

From the Primary HealthCare’s Album

 Presenting His Excellency George Vella, President

of Malta, a donation to The Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation.  Ms Roseanne Camilleri, Chief Executive Officer on Ta’ Filgħodu TVM  Dr Raymond Sammut, Clinical Chairperson on Ta’ Filgħodu TVM  A plate presented to the Primary HealthCare by the Department of Pharmacy, University of Malta, for the valid contribution that the PHC pharmacists played during the anti-COVID vaccination programme The Commerce Department,  Ministry for the Economy and Industry recognised the Primary HealthCare’s Electronic Patient Records project, with the National Supporting Business Awards 2021 Runner-up. -6-

 Presenting His Excellency George Vella, President


Ħamrun For many years, the Primary HealthCare tried to expand the services offered from Ħamrun. However, the small Clinic did not allow for such expansion of services. Several options were exhausted until a new Clinic that allowed for the optimum delivery of primary care community services was found thanks to the support of the Ħamrun Local Council. The new very centrally located Ħamrun Community Clinic, inaugurated on the 21st March, houses five clinics in a spacious environment. It offers seven different services, to the over 15,000 residents of Ħamrun and Marsa, and to those residing in the vicinity. These services include a GP Clinic, Nurse-led Clinic, Podiatry, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Pathology, Phlebotomy and Scoliosis Clinic. -7-



COMMUNITY CLINIC in TARXIEN The new Tarxien Community Clinic, was inaugurated residents of Tarxien and which are part of the on the 18th March by the Deputy Prime Minister and Primary HealthCare’s new outreach concept: General Minister for Health, Mr Chris Fearne, in the presence Practitioner of the Hon. Alex Muscat, Parliamentary Secretary for Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Pathology, Citizenship and Communities. Phlebotomy and Nutritionist. The new Tarxien Community Clinic, located close to This project's investment amounted to €65,000 and the Immaculate Conception School, house four was covered by the €10 million grant secured by the clinics in a spacious and welcoming environment. It Primary HealthCare in 2019 from the National offers the following seven services to the 8,500 Development Social Fund (NDSF). -8- Clinic, Nurse-led Clinic, Podiatry,


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