Dear Ami ans Gree ngs! "To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devo on to your goal." - APJ Abdul Kalam I would like to congratulate all the students and staff members of AISG-46 for an even ul start of the 2024-2025 session. I hope all the new students have se led in and the school is into its regular rou ne. As the year passes by, you will feel the rigour of studies a bit daun ng! However, remember that all the good things in life come through hard work, dedica on, consistency and pa ence. As Dr. Kalam our Ex-President rightly stated, success in one’s mission is the result of “single-minded devo on” to one’s goal! The BHAG mantra given to us by given by Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, our Founder President translates into the following values for success, namely : Behaviour, Hard-work, Ambi on, A tude, God of success These values can help us achieve our goals. As you move on in life, you will appreciate these values for what they stand for. I wish you all the best during this academic session work hard, study hard and may success be yours! With best wishes (Dr.) Amita Chauhan Chairperson
Dear Readers, Amity 46 is constantly trying to create opportuni es for young minds to be agile, empathe c and to think beyond textbooks in a bid to be Innova ve. Using new technology and new ways of thinking, to add value to an exis ng idea or product and to make substan al changes in society is termed as Innova on. For an idea to turn towards innova on, it should be desired by the user, feasible to make and viable economically. According to a published survey, more than 40% of the global workforce will be obsolete and over 800 million jobs will lost world wide, due to automa on by the year 2030. Therefore Educa on should not be slow to react and should empower the students to match technological changes and acquire 21st century Innova ve skills in a bid to deal with the challenges of a changing world. The Five core skills of innovators are- to Observe minute details, be Inquisi ve, Associate with like minded, Experiment in collabora on with others and Network with guides & mentors for support. Having an innova ve mind helps the students to face real-life situa ons and work in tandem with others. It helps them to have the habit of se ng personal goals, planning their own ac on, being flexible , acquiring a growth mindset besides being self directed and crea ve. Innova ve minds are those which learn to acquire skills of empathy and self control in a bid to solve the problems of real life. I wish all the students to get inspired by their surroundings, to think beyond textbooks, to be hungry for informa on and brainstorm ideas with others. Think out of the box for Vasudha projects and bring an end to the problems around you. Exploring through laboratory inves ga on methods , online simula ons, reading & researching and making prototypes are the steps ahead in this direc on. Asking ques ons and exploring the limits of your understanding helps you to acquire a problem-solving a tude and enhances your belief in your ability to think in a logical manner. Posi ve and construc ve thinking with the a tude to explore, brainstorm and share, coupled with the ability to imagine and visualise crea ve solu ons, leads to forming an innovator’s mindset. I wish you all the best in your pursuit to be the future innovators and entrepreneurs that our na on would be proud of. Happy Reading!
POEM ON DYSLEXIA Dyslexia is not something you catch ; On the paper, thoughts and words don’t match There are so many things about Dyslexia My problem is I can’t get my visions on paper It doesn’t mean I am not clever Thoughts are clear in my mind While no ng down it on paper I feel like blind I can understand the problem in my head But difficult to write it down Some confuse me, few abuse me Un l they see my frown A er turning my life around Please don’t let me down Love is a great emo on That boosts our determina on It makes us feel a sweet sensa on Let me fulfill my dreams Let me go on!! Without looking back On an On!! -Hitaarth Mehta VII-D OUTSIDE THE DARK ROOM I opened my eyes and I had no idea where I was. With blurry vision, I got out of my bed but couldn’t make out where I was. Everything around me was so dark, soon, my eyes got hold of it and made out that this room in the middle of which I was standing came out of a horror story! A door, no windows a bed and a lonely table. I tried to escape the room asap but the door wouldn’t budge. In search of the key I walked towards the table and it was covered with millions of molecules of dust. Fortunately, I found a very interes ng-looking key and rushed towards the door. ‘Err…’ the door opened on its own. I was pre y shocked by that but when the beams of the bright light hit my eyes I felt I was about to faint! From everything black, it turned into everything white. “Rise and shine! Dear”, my mother said. I was perplexed about what was happening and realized that it was just a dream! I got up from my bed and felt Deja vu with my dream. I got ready for school and the en re day I was puzzled about what was outside the door. Man! This was one of the most suspenseful and thrilling days of my life!
POEM ON GREEN ENERGY VIA SOLAR GLASS Solar power is the eight wonder on this earth In the me when all natural resources are in dearth We all should move towards solar energy before its too late Else no point in repen ng or cursing our fate Using energy from solar and wind is clean WEATHERS WITH SOPHIE In fact it’s the way forward to be green Solar energy is a beau ful gi from sun A shi towards this has already begun Sophie woke up to birds singing songs A mass move is needed to make more people Finally, winter - the weather of doom had gone aware It was me to remove the blankets and be strong So that greenery and clean environment does not become RARE Sunlight was taking over her lawn. India is a country where popula on is dense Use of solar glass is must as its benefits are im‐ Spring didn’t last long and it’s me for summer mense! The season of ice cream Holidays begin, ideas for mischief trigger -Hitaarth Mehta While the sun is at its extreme. 8D Sophie went for a morning walk And found billions of leaves to welcome Fall Some even made their way into her sock She dug up a pile of leaves and found a prize - a football! It felt like her whole body was frozen Sophie woke up to Winter It felt like she was at the bo om of an icy ocean All she could do was look around her and shiver. Thus, the whole year went by And it’s me for the seasons to change again It’s me to say goodbye To Sophie who journeyed through it all without any complain.
Once upon a me, there was boy named Charlie. He was a writer. He used to create beau ful fic on stories. He used to write whatever he imagined. One day when he was si ng, thinking about his new story, he wasn't able to imagine much. Every me he thought of a story but couldn't complete it. He sat for hours, thinking about a new story, and end it nicely but wasn't able to. It was night. He quickly ate his dinner and went to bed. He kept on thinking and thinking ll it was midnight. A er some ne, he finally went to sleep. He started dreaming. His dream was different. He saw that he was on a hill, far away from his house. The hill was full of greenery. It was like a sea of foliage. He kept breathing the fresh and cool air around him. Suddenly, a spotlight fell on him. When he looked up, to his surprize, he saw a UFO. He knew that it was not real but right now he wasn't able to differ between his dream andreality. He saw some aliens coming out of the UFO. One by one all the five came out. They all were saying something. Charlie was not able to understand it. They all kept saying it for some me. Then, they took out a device from their spaceship and said something in it. It was a translator. Now I knew what they said. They were saying, "Hello Charlie! We are living beings from Jupiter. We have come here to take take you to a secret place. Please come with us." Before Charlie could even reply, the aliens dragged him under the UFO and within a frac on of a second a flash came and he was in their spaceship. They went somewhere at the speed of light. Soon they reached and the gate of the spaceship opened. The aliens threw Charlie out of the spaceship without telling anything, and went. At this point, he was not the Charlie who he was before. Instead he changed to a five year old Charlie. Currently he was on a small plat‐ eau. There was a li le bit of dry grass around him. He turned back and what he saw, it was a giraffe. But it wasn't a normal one. It was hundred mes bigger than a normal one. Charlie got scared. He kept looking into the giraffe's eyes and so did the giraffe. Charlie thought that as if the giraffe's eyes were beseeching Charlie to give him some food. Charlie didn't know what to do. Then he got an idea. He picked up some dry grass and took it closer to the giraffe's mouth. The giraffe ate it and was very happy. The giraffe again tried to say something with his eyes. Charlie, not knowing how but understood what the giraffe was saying. He umped and sat on its back. The giraffe started to walk. A er some me they reached the place. Charlie was now a normal man. He got off from the giraffe's back and stood straight. Suddenly, the giraffe vanished. Charlie was now in the ar c region. The land was covered with snow. He saw some creatures who were slowly moving in a line. First he saw that there were only snowy mountains but when he observed it for some me, he saw that the mountains were moving. the mountain rose up and converted into a monster. He understood that all the beings were doing like this because they were scared of the monster. So, Charlie didn't follow the monster because he was not used to stay under someone's orders. The monster got angry. It took Charlie in its hands and tried to kill him. As he was about to kill Charlie, a dazzle of light flashed. Charlie was awake. He thanked god that it was just a dream. He was also happy because now he was totally ready to start a new story. Charlie soon wrote this dream as a story and published it. AVLEEN KAUR IX-F
हमार आदरणीया अ य ा मेर माँ घुटन से रगते- रगते कब पैर पर खड़ा हुआ | तेर ममता क छाँव म , जाने कब बड़ा हुआ कला ट का , दध मलाई , ू आज भी सब कछ वैसा है | ु म ह म हूँ हर जगह , व ालय का कण- कण जनक मेहनत से चमकता है , ऐसी दे वी क सं कार से े यार ये तेरा कसा है | ै सीधा- सादा , भोला- भाला, म ह सबसे अ छा हूँ | पूरा ऐिमट महकता है | कतना भी हो जाउँ बड़ा , जलाकर अपने हाथ को भी माँ ! मै आज भी तेरा ब चा हूँ | उजाला दर तक बाँट जाती है , ू धैय गोयल बना कसी मोल क जीने का े छठ – आई सलीका िसखा जाती है | हमारे अ यापक क ठनाइय को भगाने म जो हमको दे ते जो सबसे शाितर है , ान बनाते ह हमको गुणवान | भा यशाली ह हम य क यह सब हमार खाितर है | करते हम उनको णाम , दे ते सब उनको स मान | जो थामे हाथ इनका तो वो ह हमारे अ यापक महान , सार बात बन जाए , जो दे ते ई र क पहचान | हम सभी व ािथय को उ ह ने हम िसखाया यार अपनी मं जल िमल जाए | दया है सदाचार का उपहार | सा वक गु ा छठ – आई माता – पता से वो ऊपर , वह है हमारे यारे ट चर | सा वक गु ा छठ – आई
Under the visionary leadership of Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Chauhan, the Chairperson of the Amity group of Schools, and the invaluable guidance provided by School Principal Ms. Ar Chopra, students of Amity Interna onal School, Sector-46, Gurugram, have demonstrated excep onal dedica on and resilience in their performance during the recently concluded CBSE Class X examina on for the academic year 2023-24. Arnav Jain stood out as the top scorer with an outstanding 99.6% marks. Following closely behind is Pakhi Bisht with an impressive 99.2%, along with three students securing an outstanding 99%. Addi onally, an impressive 76 students achieved a perfect 100/100 across all subjects, further eleva ng the school's reputa on and honouring its dedicated teaching staff.
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