The "Teknik Pendekatan" section of the SOP Handbook by Annisa Malia Putri covers the importance of interview techniques in assessing company operations. Through structured interviews, researchers can gather information on operational systems and organizational structures. Key questions include evaluating operational clarity, strategic goals alignment, recruitment processes, organizational communication, and employee performance development. Additionally, the section highlights the significance of rewards and mechanisms in supporting employee performance and talent acquisition through effective recruitment procedures and feedback mechanisms (p. 3-4).
The "Observasi" technique is discussed as a method for collecting data through direct observations tailored to research criteria. By observing company situations, researchers can assess employee structures, performance alignment, and operational adjustments. Observations focus on clear goal alignment, structured company visions, effective communication, supportive organizational structures, and appropriate role assignments. The section emphasizes the importance of incentives matching employee performance, clear criteria for incentives, and alignment with company standards (p. 5-6).