Mulayam Singh Yadav, a veteran politician from Uttar Pradesh, passed away, leaving behind a legacy of a five-decade-long political career. Known as "Netaji," he served as the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh thrice and also held the position of Defence Minister in the Union Government. Despite his numerous controversies and missed opportunities to become the Prime Minister of India, his influence on Indian politics cannot be understated.
In a tragic incident in California, a suspect was arrested for the kidnapping and murders of four Indian-origin family members, including a baby. Jesus Manuel Salgado faces charges of four counts of murder and kidnapping after the bodies were found in a farm area following a tip-off. The case has shocked the community and raised concerns about the safety of families.
A 20-year-old student at IIT Guwahati was found hanging in his hostel room, raising questions about academic pressures and mental health support in educational institutions. The student's tragic death highlights the need for better student welfare services and support systems to prevent such incidents in the future.