Newsletter BASAkalimantan Wiki September-December 2024 (ENG)



BERSUARABERDAYA SEPTEMBER- DECEMBER 2024 PLASTIC WASTE MITIGATION @basakalimantanwiki BASAkalimantan Wiki @BASAkalimantanWiki The Voice of Kalimantan



From Geopark Meratus Workshop, Environmental Activities, to Public Participation in Overcoming Plastic Waste BERSUARABERDAYA 8 November 2024 BASAkalimantanWiki (BkW) BASAkalimantanWiki highlights environmental issues through the existence of the Meratus Geopark as a symbol and natural heritage that must be preserved and its existence through the realization of environmental activities, to the order of public participation in overcoming daily problems, namely plastic waste. The activity began by holding a workshop themed Geopark Meratus, Environment, and Environmental Activities for the Future of Banua, which took place at the Mini Studio of the Regional Archives and Library Service (Darpusda) of Banjarbaru City, Friday (10/4/2024). Two speakers were presented, namely Dr. Amalia Rezeki (environmental practitioner, Chairperson of Sahabat Bakantan Indonesia) and Sandi Firly (senior journalist, Banjarbaru Journalism Academy). The event, which was moderated by Haris Fadhillah, was opened by the Head of Darpusda Kota Banjarbaru, Dr. Slamet Riyadi, S.Sos, and attended by 50 participants representing high school level schools and environmental activist community, Gerkatin (Movement for the Welfare of Indonesian Deaf) It was opened by the Head of Darpusda Banjarbaru City, Dr. Slamet Riyadi, S.Sos. in this workshop, various environmental issues were revealed, from the biggest one related to coal mining, to the everyday issue of plastic waste. From there, BASAkalimantanWiki held a Public Participation Wiki Marathon (Wikithon) with the program name BASAibu Wiki “Bakunjang”. Bakunjang is a Banjar language word that means traveling or visiting a place or area. The BASAibu Wiki “Bakunjang” program with the Public Participation Wikithon activity visited schools from junior to high school levels in a number of cities and districts in South Kalimantan. The participants were asked to provide opinions or comments on how to solve the problem of plastic waste, written in three languages (Banjar, Indonesian and English). The Voice of Kalimantan Hudan Nur, Coordinator of BASAkalimantanWiki Program explained that the Public Participation Wikithon with the theme of plastic waste reduction aims to increase public awareness, especially the younger generation, about the importance of plastic waste management. “Participants are asked to log in to the page and then make sentences using the Banjar vocabulary available in the 'example sentences' entry,” Hudan Nur explained during the socialization of activities in the hall of the South Kalimantan Provincial Library and Archives Service, Tuesday (11/8/2024) involving 150 teachers from various cities and districts and students.



BERSUARABERDAYA Socialization of Banjar Language Digital Dictionary November 8th, 2024 Dictionary Team of BASAkalimantan Wiki The BASAkalimantanWiki (BkW) Dictionary Team of Sanggar Belajar MN Barambai held a Banjar language digital dictionary socialization event with the PKK Movement Team and the Dharma Wanita Persatuan of Barambai District in the Mufakat Hall room of the Barambai Sub-District Office, Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan, Friday (11/8/2024). The Chairperson of the Barambai Subdistrict PKK Movement Team Lia Erdina Wahyudi, S. Pd. when opening the event expressed her appreciation and welcomed the socialization of the Banjar Language digital dictionary by the BkW Sanggar Belajar MN Barambai Dictionary Team. “The existence of a digital dictionary of Banjar Language must be welcomed as an effort to preserve regional languages in today's digital era,” she said. The participants also enthusiast when asked to fill in the list of words, lemmas, and examples of sentences in Banjar and Indonesian that were distributed by the BkW Dictionary Team of Sanggar Belajar MN Barambai. Muslimah, S. Pd. I., coordinator of the BkW Sanggar Belajar MN Barambai Dictionary Team explained that a digital dictionary of Banjar language is needed in the era of information and technology which demands easy access through the development of digital dictionaries. While the speaker Musmulyadi, M. Pd., as the linguist of the BkW Dictionary Team Sanggar Belajar MN Barambai emphasized the need for regional language revitalization for the sustainability of Banjar Language as a mother tongue on the island of Kalimantan which is closely related to South Kalimantan as the gateway to the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN). “As the main language of instruction in Kalimantan, Banjar Language is very important in connection with the existence of IKN,” explained Musmulyadi. In the event the participants also presented their work in front of the other participants. It was even more exciting because the BkW Sanggar Belajar MN Barambai Dictionary Team provided prizes as mementos. Interestingly, the PKK Movement Team and the Dharma Wanita Persatuan of Barambai Subdistrict agreed to become volunteers and partners in making a digital dictionary of the Banjar language. The Voice of Kalimantan



Public Participation Wikithon Competition BERSUARABERDAYA BASAkalimantanWiki (BkW) To enhance public engagement, particularly among the younger demographic, including students and college attendees, this Public Participation Wikithon is structured as a competition with two categories: Students and College Students/General. with conditions and rewards: Here are the Terms and Conditions for the Competition. 1. This competition is complimentary, with no associated fees. 2. Opinion competition, offering alternative solutions supplemented by photographs featuring a minimum narrative of 100 words and a maximum image quality of 10 MB. 3. Participants are individuals. 4. Participants will be classified into two categories: students and students/general. 5. The work does not include elements of SARA, pornography, and does not contravene the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (UU ITE). 6. The submitted photographs must be taken with your own camera, excluding selfies and images sourced from social media or the internet. 7. Participants submit their work on the page by selecting Respond on the shelf titled "How do you reduce plastic waste for the sustainability of our earth?" 8. Work will be evaluated based on photographs, concepts, and written submissions. 9. Judging is conducted by a panel of judges who possess expertise in their respective fields, and the panel's decision is final and cannot be contested. 10. The jury is composed of environmental professionals from the South Kalimantan Provincial Government, expert photographers, and cultural representatives. COMPETITION AWARD Student Category 1st Place IDR 750,000 2nd Place IDR 600,000 3rd Place IDR 450,000 Student/General Category 1st Place IDR 1,000,000 2nd Place IDR 750,000 3rd Place IDR 500,000 The Voice of Kalimantan



BERSUARABERDAYA The BASAibu Wiki “Bakunjang” Wikithon Public Participation program successfully attracted the involvement of many students in a number of schools in districts and cities in South Kalimantan. There were 17 junior / senior high schools visited, with the involvement of more than 2000 participants. “There were more than 400 who participated in the competition,” Hudan Nur told in Banjarbaru, Monday (10/24/2024). The Voice of Kalimantan



Capacity Building Workshop, Webinar on Environmental Problems and Innovative Solutions from Various Stakeholders BERSUARABERDAYA BASAkalimantanWiki (BkW) While the BASAibu Wiki “Bakunjang” Wikithon Public Participation Program is in progress, the BASAkalimatanWiki team is concurrently conducting a Capacity Building Workshop and a Webinar focused on Environmental Issues and Innovative Solutions from Various Stakeholders. The Capacity Building Workshop took place at Rumah Alam in Banjarmasin on Monday, October 7, 2024, featuring resource persons Berry Nadian Forqan, an NGO activist and practitioner, and Ivan Borneo, a Personal Development Trainer. Meanwhile, the Webinar on Environmental Issues and Innovative Solutions from Various Stakeholders took place on Tuesday (10/15/2024), featuring speakers Dewi Kartika Sari, S.Si., M.Sc. (Secretary of BP Geopark Meratus South Kalimantan) and Sugian Noor, S.Pd, M.Pd (Coordinator of the South Kalimantan Moving Teachers). This webinar attracted 190 participants. The Voice of Kalimantan



BERSUARABERDAYA DIALOG #1 Public Policy Discussion on Environmental Issues and Plastic Waste Mitigation BASAkalimantanWiki (BkW) TUMBLERS, non-plastic straws, zerowaste events, provision of refillable water in public places, joint movements to fight waste, utilization of social media socialization, and provision of shredding technology tools in landfills. These were some of the solutions and recommendations that emerged in Dialogue #1 held by BASAkalimantan Wiki, an organization concerned with mother tongue, social environment, with the involvement of young people, themed Public Policy Discussion on Environmental Issues and Plastic Waste Mitigation, at Kala Kafe, Jl RP Soeparto, Mentaos, Banjarbaru, Wednesday (11/13/2024) morning. The dialogue, which was opened by Pjs Mayor of Banjarbaru Hj. Nurliani Dardie, presented speakers environmental activists former Director of Walhi Pusat Berry Nahdian Forqan, a number of representatives of environment-related agencies both in Banjarbaru and the province, as well as representatives of young people from a number of schools and communities engaged in the environment. BASAkalimantanWiki Program Coordinator Hudan Nur said that this activity was an effort to unravel and find solutions to the problem of plastic waste. “Previously, we held a Public Participation Wikithon, where we visited high schools and asked for their opinions on the plastic waste issue,” Hudan explained. The Voice of Kalimantan


“And we held a competition, and today the winners are also present to

receive prizes,” said Hudan. She said, specifically for Banjar Language, she invited Hatmiati Mas'ud as a linguist expert for judging. Winners for the General Category: 1st place: Kakaca12358, 2nd place: Tiaranurhaliza23 (Lab Art Communication/Student/Universitas Lambung Mangkurat), 3rd place: Liabrb06. Student Category: 1st place: Muhammad293911 (SMAN 1 MEKARSARI), 2nd place: Arifmhmmd0410 (SMAN 1 RANTAU), 3rd place: Husnulhatimahofficial (SMAN 1 AMUNTAI). When opening the event, Pjs Mayor of Banjarbaru Hj. Nurliani Dardie welcomed and appreciated the activities driven by the community of Akademi Bangku Panjang Mingguraya Banjarbaru. “I even postponed my departure to Jakarta this morning to the afternoon, just to be able attanding this agenda here to provide support and appreciation for a very important discussion on waste issues,” said Bunda Nunung, her nickname. Berry Nahdian Forqan's presentation was also interesting. He highlighted three things, namely the lack of public awareness, the lack of recycling infrastructure, and the difficulty and weak punishment against violators of waste regulations. “What is also difficult is how to overcome the use of plastic bags in traditional markets, for example,” Berry said. In the dialog guided by HE Benyamine as the designer of the BASAkalimantanWiki policy system, it was also known that the biggest contributor to waste is not only households, schools, but also agencies or offices. “However, more than all that, the need for awareness of each. For example, if we have garbage while on the road, then we should store the garbage ourselves first, either in bags before disposing of it in its place,” said Ben. The activity, which lasted until midday, was attended by a number of agency representatives including Suprianto, Head of Waste Management Division of DLH Banjarbaru, Fauzi, Head of Institutional and Youth Development Section of Banjarbaru, Banjarbaru Research and Innovation Development Planning Agency, and Sunjaya, Head of Arts Section of Culture Division of Education and Culture Office of South Kalimantan Province.

“And we held a competition, and today the winners are also present to


BERSUARABERDAYA "Plastic Waste Mitigation” on TVRI South Kalimantan's Banua Bicara Program BASAkalimantanWiki (BkW) The BASAibu Wiki “Bakunjang” Public Participation Wikithon Program attracted the attention of TVRI South Kalimantan. They invited Muhammad Hafizh, the winner of the Wikithon Public Participation competition at the student level, to broadcast live on Friday (11/18/2024). In the Banua Bicara broadcast program with the theme “Mitigating Plastic Waste”, Hanifah Nirwana, S.T, M.T, Head of the South Kalimantan Environment Agency was also present. Muhammad Hafizh, a student of Mekar Sari High School, Barito Kuala Regency, shared about the BASAibu Wiki “Bakunjang” Wikithon Public Participation Program activities that he had participated in. “Besides from giving our opinion on the issue of plastic waste, in the BASAkalimantanWiki program we are also reminded and invited to preserve our mother tongue, the Banjar language. Because our opinions must be written in Banjar, as well as Indonesian and English,” said Muhammad Hafizh. The Voice of Kalimantan


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