University of Portsmouth Students' Union Guide 2024-25

24-25 GUIDE

24-25 GUIDE

24-25 GUIDE


02 Welcome 09 A-Z of Groups, Societies and Sports 03 What is the SU? 12 Developing You 04 Elected Officers 15 Supporting You 06 Representing You 20 Our Priorities & Champion Work



PORTSMOUTH We remember our first moments in Portsmouth—feeling nervous, overwhelmed, and uncertain about making friends, living away from our families, and navigating the monumental leap from home to university. It is entirely natural to experience a mix of excitement and apprehension. But try not to worry, we’re committed to making sure that when graduation day comes, you will have countless reasons to look back on your time here with happiness and pride. As your Elected Officers, we’re here to support you through it all, so if you see us about, stop us for a chat. This is your Union, so we encourage you to embrace it. Welcome to our beautiful community. Your 2024/25 Elected Officer Team Page 2


But what is a

Students’ Union? The University of Portsmouth Students’ Union (also known as an SU, UPSU and The Union) is independent from the University. We are both their best partner and greatest critic. This role allows us to ensure we are representing your wants and needs, as well as understanding areas that students want to develop. Did you know, we’re a charity! We aim to ensure every student is represented, is cared for and has opportunities for development. When you hear ‘Students’ Union’, you may just think about Societies or Freshers’ Fayre and whilst we are those things, we offer so much more for you to get involved in. Whether you are looking for a sense of belonging, social opportunities, ways to enhance your career prospects and gain transferable skills, or need academic advice and representation, we offer a range of opportunities and services that allow you to get the most out of the Union and your time at the University. Page 3

But what is a

YOUR 2024/25

ELECTED OFFICERs Every year, the student body (that’s you!) vote in a team of Elected Officers. They work with The Union to ensure that there are opportunities that represent every student studying at the University of Portsmouth. Their goal is to create an inclusive, enriching, life-changing experience. Scan for more info on your Elected Officers Page 4

YOUR 2024/25

Anwar Campaigns

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Anwar Campaigns


REPRESENTING YOU Have Your Say is like for Portsmouth students. Submit your ideas, get students to up vote them and have them actioned by Student Council. StART (Student Academic Representation Tool) lets you share feedback anonymously with your Rep. They can then use your input in Uni meetings to drive positive change. STUDENT REPS Student Reps (including Faculty Reps) are your go-to people for making sure your thoughts on your course, school, and faculty are heard loud and clear. Whether it’s about learning resources, facilities, teaching, or assessments and feedback, they’re here to listen and make things better. Find out more or become a rep yourself by scanning the QR code. Page 6


Join the Student Council, the ultimate student-led decisionmaking group at the Students’ Union! They work together to

tackle issues and run campaigns that impact every part of student life, from your courses to the overall university experience. Our Student Council is made up of a group of elected student representatives including the five Elected Officers, Faculty Reps, Groups representatives, Student Liberation Officers and Student Experience Officers. If you’re interested in getting involved, please contact Alright, we get it—you’ve just started Uni, and the last thing on your mind is running for an Elected Officer position or even voting in the Student Elections. But hear us out! We want to give you the heads-up now so that when election time rolls around, you’ll know exactly what’s going on. During elections, students vote throughout the week to choose new Elected Officers who will lead the Students' Union and represent the voice of Portsmouth Students. The campus comes alive with candidates going all out to win your vote! So make sure to engage with them, and if you’re really up for a challenge, why not run as a candidate yourself! Page 7

Join the Student Council, the ultimate student-led decisionmaking group at the Students’ Union! They work together to

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