18WC032482 – Notice of Case Dismissal
18WC032482 – Notice of Case Dismissal
From CompFile Notifications To Gore, David L., JAPINTARO@PROTONMAIL.COM Date Wednesday, October 18th, 2023 at 11:56 AM This email is to notify you that the case below was dismissed. CASE #: 18WC032482 CASE NAME: Jerome Pintaro v. Pace Systems, Inc DISMISSED BY: Frank Soto DISMISSED ON: 10/18/2023 11:56 AM This cause being called for hearing upon Application for Adjustment of Claim filed by said Petitioner, and all parties hereto having received due notice, in compliance with the Statute in such case made and provided, and said Petitioner having failed to appear, it is ordered that such cause be and the same is hereby dismissed for want of prosecution. You are further notified that unless a Petition to Reinstate is filed with the Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission within 60 days of receipt of this dismissal, this cause cannot be reopened. This email was sent to the parties listed below. Full Name Role Law Firm Email Address Wiedner & McAuliffe LTD David Gore Respondent Attorney JEROME PINTARO Pro Se Petitioner Jerome Pintaro Telephone Number (312) 855-1105 This is an automated message – Please Do Not Reply State of Illinois - CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this communication is confidential, may be attorney-client privileged or attorney work product, may constitute inside information or internal deliberative staff communication, and is intended only for the use of the addressee. Unauthorized use, disclosure or copying of this communication or any part thereof is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and destroy this communication and all copies thereof, including all attachments. Receipt by an unintended recipient does not waive attorney-client privilege, attorney work product privilege, or any other exemption from disclosure.

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