Transitional Curriculum Report of Shree Swaminarayan Ayurvedic College





1st MARCH 2021

“SHISHYOPANAYANA 2020-2021” Shishyopanayana is a ritual practiced before the beginning of any formal course of study for students. This was a practice among numerous other rituals of our rich culture where every major event in a human life is given importance. In Indian System of Education the students are inducted for learning various branches of knowledge in the Gurukul under the supervision of certain Gurus. For this the Upananyana ceremony was organised and the shishyas were admitted to the Gurukul. DAY 1 Diksha vidhi Diksha ritual was followed where Gurus tied a sacred induction thread on the wrist of newly joined students to auspiciously accept them as their shishyas. Dhanwantari Havan The official Induction ceremony for our newly joined under graduate students of Ayurveda was conducted on 1st March, 2021. The event began with a Dhanwantari Havan early in the morning which invoked blessings of Lord Dhanvantari and Shree Swaminarayan Bhagawan. New students accompanied by their family members and all staff participated in the entire function. Charaka’s Oath of Consecration Pratigyavidhi as mentioned in Charak Samhita Viman sthana 8|8-14 was dictated by Dr. Rohit Gokarn for the new aspirants of Ayurveda for being loyal, committed disciples of Ayurveda.

1st MARCH 2021

The official inauguration ceremony got started with

Dhanwanthari Invocation by II B.A.M.S students. The ceremony began in the auspicious presence of His Holiness Shree Shastri Swami Premswarupdasji, Honourable Managing Trustee of Shree Swaminarayan Vishvamangal Gurukul, Kalol along with Shree Swami Bhakthavatsaldasji and Shree Swami Bhaktinandandasji, lighting the lamp and blessed the occasion with their graceful presence. The inaugural address was delivered by Prof. Dr.M.S.Rao, Principal, S.S.A.C. The chief guest for the function, Vd Rajesh Thakkar, an eminent Ayurvedic Practitioner of Nisarga Ayurvedic Hospital & Research Pvt. Ltd, Ahmedabad addressed the students explaining the diverse scope of learning Ayurveda. His Holiness Shree Shastri Swami Premswarup dasji showered his blessing with some inspiring and motivating tales and spoke on how the morality, spirituality and the importance of our culture with its utilities helping us to lead a disease free life. Other dignitaries Dr. Haresh Patel and Dr. Bankim H Shah also gave motivating speeches and urged the students to extract maximum knowledge during their academics. The program was concluded with vote of thanks by Dr. Hemal Bhatt (Assistant Professor) for making the inaugural event a real success. After the completion of Inaugural function lunch was arranged for the whole gathering at the Gurukul campus. After lunch, parents of the new students interacted with the S.S.A.C teaching staff to know more about the institution and the course. Later small sessions were conducted giving introduction on language sanskrit and Ayurveda.

The official inauguration ceremony got started with

2nd MARCH 2021

9.00 to 10.00am Dr Hemal Bhatt Ayurveda being an ancient science with its roots traced back to centuries have a rich heritage and time tested philosophies hence a session was dedicated for introducing our new aspirants of Ayurveda to the History, Philosophy and concepts of Ayurveda. DAY 10.00 to 11.00am Dr Supriya Kallianpur Conducted a session on “Communication Skills” and thrown a light on importance of communication skills 11.00 to 12.00pm Dr Amol Koshti Conducted a session to explain “Role of ASU in Public Health and Primary Health Care” 12.00 to 1.00pm Dr. Bhsavdeep Ganatra Dr Bhavdeep Ganatra An eminent speaker and a renowned Personality of Ayurveda who is enriched with his clinical skills and experience motivated our new aspirants to expose them to the ancient science of Ayurveda though his successful career and extraordinary skills. 2.00 to 3.00pm Prof. Dr Ami Rajani and Dr Supriya Kallianpur Introduced our students to the various departments of 1st and 2nd BAMS to make them familiar with all departments as well as Institute. Dr Supriya Kallianpur 3.00 to 4.00pm Mr. Jitendra Jani As Ayurvedic classical texts are written in Sanskrit language and to acquire the true essence of knowledge about Ayurveda it is important and necessary to have a in depth knowledge of Sanskrit so a session on “Vadatu Sanskritam” was conducted to acquaint students with Sanskrit language who are new to this ancient language. Dr Amol Koshti 2

2nd MARCH 2021

3rd & 4th MARCH 2021

9.00 to 10.00am ( 3&4 March 2021) Dr Hemal Bhatt A continuation session on “History Philosophy and concepts of Ayurveda” DAY 3,4 10.00 to 11.00am ( 3&4 March 2021) Dr Rohit Gokarn Introduced our new students about Recent Advances in ASU 11.00 to 12.00pm (03 March 2021) Prof. Dr Sreedhar Rao A session on the topic “Know Your Regulatory Bodies and Major AYUSH Institutions” was conducted to provide awareness about AYUSH systems. 11.00 to 12.00pm (04 March 2021) Prof. Dr Sreedhar Rao An awareness session on the topic “Anti Ragging” was conducted to highlight the rights and responsibilities of students. Prof. Dr Sreedhar Rao 01.00 to 2.00pm ( 3&4 March 2021) Mr JitendraJani A continuation session on “Vadatu Sanskritam” 02.00 to 3.00pm ( 3&4 March 2021) Dr Supriya Kallianpur Conducted two sessions on “Communicative English” to emphasize the importance of English language in our professional life.. 04.00 to 5.00pm ( 3 March 2021) Dr Rohit Gokarn Dr Anita Ratnawat Students were introduced to the various departments of 3rd BAMS to make them familiar with the departments as well as the Institute. 04.00 to 5.00pm ( 4 March 2021) Dr Darshana Ramole Students were introduced to the various departments of 4th BAMS to make them familiar with the departments as well as Institute. Department visit

3rd & 4th MARCH 2021

5th & 6th MARCH 2021

f 9.00 to 10.00am ( 5&6 March 2021) Mr.Jitendra Jani A continuation session on “Vadatu Sanskritam” was conducted to expose students with the linguistic beauty of Sanskrit language. DAY 5,6 10.00 to 12.00pm ( 5 March 2021) Dr Darshana Ramole A workshop was conducted on “Skills in Basic Life Support (BLS)and First Aid” 10.00 to 11.00pm ( 6 March 2021) Dr Supriya Kallianpur Herbal Garden Visit was arranged to familiarize with Ayurvedic medicinal plants at our herbal garden. 11.00 to 12.00pm (06 March 2021) Dr. Sarin T A session was organized on the topic “Vrukshayurveda and Mrigayurveda” Herbal Garden visit 01.00 to 2.00pm ( 5 March 2021) Dr Vishal Solanki Students were given a formal introduction about the Ayurvedic treatment modalities and its importance in current scenario. 01.00 to 2.00pm ( 6 March 2021) Dr Anita Ratnawat An awareness session was organized on the topic “Biodiversity and ASU” 02.00 to 3.00pm ( 5 March 2021) Dr Sarin T Prof. Dr Shekhar Sharma An interactive class on “Role and Impact of Physician in the Society” was conducted. 02.00 to 3.00pm ( 6 March 2021) Dr Bhavisha Chauhan A continuous session on “Role and Impact of Physician in the Society” was conducted. 03.00 to 4.00pm ( 5 & 6March 2021) Dr Nilam Rathod Some outdoor Games and interactive Activities were arranged for students. Dr Hemal Bhatt

5th & 6th MARCH 2021

8th MARCH 2021

9.00 to 10.00am Prof. Dr Sreedhar Rao During the COVID 19 Pandemic the medical fraternity from all over the world have recognized Ayurveda as a potent branch of medicine hence an extensive session was conducted on “Globalization of AYURVEDA” to have an formal information about the wide acceptance of Ayurveda throughout the globe. DAY 7 10.00 to 11.00am Prof. Dr Ranjana Ingale Students were given a formal introduction about the various clinical branches of Ayurveda and its importance in current scenario. 11.00 to 12.00pm Dr Shanti R Nair Ayurveda medical system being a noble profession brings a lot of responsibility towards humanity and being a part of its fraternity, a physician is considered as a reputed personality in the community hence an interactive class was organized on “Professional Medical Ethics” to educate students about moral values of the Ayurveda physician. Dr Vimal K Vijayan 1.00 to 2.00pm Mr Jitendra Jani A continuation session on “Vadatu Sanskritam” was conducted to acquaint students with Sanskrit language. Prof. Dr Ranjana Ingale 2.00 to 3.00pm Dr Vimal K Vijayan An eminent physician from Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala, Ahmedabad introduced the students with various well known unique ayurveda treatment modalities of Keraleeya Panchakarma. 3.00 to 4.00pm Prof. Dr Ami Rajani & Dr Nilam Rathod Students were engaged in various Games and Sports where separate groups were made and tasks were given to entertain them. Outdoor Games & Activities

8th MARCH 2021

9th MARCH 2021

9.00 to 10.00am( 9 March 2021) Prof. Dr Ami Rajani Basic principles of Ayurveda were highlighted and Prakriti Pareeksha which is an integral part in determination of body constitution as well as diagnosis of diseases were emphasized. DAY 10.00 to 11.00am(9 March 2021) Prof. Dr Sreedhar Rao Being a well-organized institution who takes a lot of pride in overall development of students in a disciplined manner a session was dedicated for acquainting them to the “Rules and Regulations of the Institution” 11.00 to 12.00pm( 9 March 2021) Mr Jitendra Jani A continuation session on “Vadatu Sanskritam” was conducted to expose students with the linguistic beauty of Sanskrit language. Prof. Dr Sweety Ruparel 1.00 to 2.00pm ( 9 March 2021) Dr Amol Koshti During this pandemic period the world has recognized the potential and importance of online teaching and learning methodology hence a dedicated session was organized to instil the recent advancements in “Computer Skills and online Learning Management System” for the students. 2.00 to 3.00pm( 9 March 2021) Dr Darshana Ramole Even the modern world has applauded the advancement in the field of Ayurvedic surgery even thousands of years back so a session was conducted to highlight the importance of Shalyatantra and its opportunities in the present era. Prof. Dr Ami Rajani 3.00 to 4.00pm( 9 March 2021) Dr (Prof) Sweety Ruparel An eminent educationist and well known practitioner in the field of Ayurveda enlightened students about the importance and relevance of Ayurveda and motivated them to take different paths in the journey as a future ready Ayurvedic physician. Dr Shanti Nair 8

9th MARCH 2021

10th MARCH 2021

9.00 to 10.00am Dr Zalak Patel Knowing the natural constitution of body which vary from person to person is much important in diagnosis as well selection of medicine in Ayurveda hence a session was dedicated to know the Basics of “Prakriti Pareeksha” DAY 10.00 to 11.00am Dr Haridra Dave A dedicated Ministry of AYUSH is functioning at central level to promote the traditional systems of medicines of India nationally and internationally. Hence a session was organized to impart the basic information about the Regulatory Bodies and Major AYUSH Institutions. 11.00 to 12.00pm Mr Jitendra Jani A continuation session on “Vadatu Sanskritam” was conducted to acquaint students with Sanskrit language Dr Haridra Dave 1.00 to 2.00pm Prof. Dr Hrishikesh Gaitonde The unforeseen situation of COVID 19 has underlined the importance of online teaching and learning modalities. Hence a session was dedicated to acquaint the students to Moodle LMS which is an online learning platform adopted by our institution during the pandemic situation. 2.00 to 3.00pm Dr Anita Ratnawat, An awareness session was organized on the topic “Biodiversity and ASU” to enrich the knowledge about various medicinal plant species including endangered species. Dr Zalak Patel 3.00 to 4.00pm Dr Ayana R Owing to the current life style stress has become an integral part of our life hence to cope up the impact of stress on body and mind, students were introduced to Yoga practice and Relaxation Techniques. Yoga & Meditation 9

10th MARCH 2021

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