ANX A TO COMBAN LTR NO 23.02.1528.400.36.0126.25 DT: JAN 25 EX SETTING Gen Sit 1. Backgd. RL never missed any opportunity to defame BL in the Intl sphere on various issues. Bordering areas near the coast have seen occasional scuffle between the law enforcing agencies of RL and BL. M sy along the IMBL remain volatile with incidents of IUU fishing, drug smuggling and human trafficking. RL M sy agencies maint aggressive posture incl occasional firing incidents. BL coastal community urged BL govt for protection against incursion by RL fishing communities and sy agencies. On the other hand, RL accused BL of illegal fishing and violation of terr integrity across IMBL. Gradually, the relationships between the two countries have further deteriorated. Recently, BL has ventured for hydrocarbon exploration by Blue Land Petroleum Corporation (BLPC),under the banner of “Blue Economy” and became successful. Intl companies and BLPC have both completed seismic surveys and installed a hydrocarbon rig within the M area of BL. However, the planned position of the offshore platform is within the GREY area. RL had protested that there must not be any installation or exploration in those area and blamed BL of “siphon off’ oil from their sea area. 2. Imm Sit. RL has deployed its RLN combat ships in the newly discovered hydrocarbon rig area of BL and tried to harass the local and foreign engineers of BL. BL fishing community reported large flotilla of RL fishing fleet inside BL EEZ and urged govt to drive them away for the sake of preservation of resources. In early Nov 24, BL govt asked BLN to enhance M sy to enforce good order in the M theatre. Estimating the sit, BLNS PROTTASHA and DURJOY along with a section of SWADS are depl to ensure sy of the oil rig. The ships were tasked to ptl around contested area and estb posn advtg over RLNS. However, RLNS crossed the IMBL and carr out aggressive maneuvering close to BLN ships, research vessels and the oil rig. At 220355 Nov 24, one RLN ship app near oil rig to conduct VBSS. In response, BLNS PROTTASHA intervened and forced RLN units to lve BL water, which they later denied. At one pt, escalating issues in GREY AREA resulted in exchange of fire between the two navies. Both the ships disengaged shortly and returned to respective waters. 3. The incident was reported differently in two countries fueling serious public outrage. Emg sessions were held by the NCSA of BL and Ntl Def & Sy Council (NDSC) of RL. Both the country’s political leaders vowed strong retaliation which was strongly sp by the gen public of their resp nations. Soon after the declaration, regular ptl by RLN heli and MPA, mov of suspicious boats and trawlers near the coastal areas of BL were reported. On the other hand, BLN conducted large scale sea ex to estb BL dominance around own coast and IMBL incl the GREY AREA. 4. Int Updt. a. Most RLN platforms are at har apparently prep for sustained op. b. Two RLN units were seen near the M bdry area. Both ships crossed the IMBL and fired naval guns towards BL fishing trawlers. RLAF ac repeatedly violated BL airspace near IMBL and IB on several occasions. RL mil has also started mob along RL-BL border area. A-1 CONFIDENTIAL
c. RLN MPA has been seen flying over eastern BL SLOC remaining close to M bdry line seemingly monitoring ships’ mov. d. On 10 Jan 25 RLN depl one of its TGs consisting of two in no FFGs and one LPC(M) near the disputed area to estb sea ctrl and deny any BLN unit. e. RLN also deployed a few AGIs at sea (paper act only). f. BLN ships may face multi-dimensional and multi-dir threats while proceeding towards the area of op. 5. In the present context of volatility, BLMHQ was tasked to safegd the country’s M sovereignty incl M interest. Hence, BL MHQ formed CTF 21. BL MHQ has also tasked SUBOPAUTH, COMSWADS and COMNAV to sp CTF 21. BLN has completed log buildup in ports and fwd bases. It is reported that, RLN and RLAF are in high alert. RL SS are not aval at har. RL spl force is likely to conduct clandestine attacks on BL coastal instl. BL MVs are being harassed by RLN. In this context, BLN needs to retaliate against any offn act of RL. A-2 CONFIDENTIAL
REVISED TG WK UP PROG- 01/2025 (12-14 JAN 25) PARTICIPATING UNITS ORG COMBAN COMNAV COMSWADS SHIPS SDN, PTA, BB, PTY, NML, DJY & DNTA 1 x BN Heli, 1 x MPA 5 x Metal Shark/ DCB TASK ORG TG 21.1 CTG 21.1 (SDN) CTU 21.1.1 SDN, PTA, BB & PTY CTU 21.1.2 NML, DJY & DNTA SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 11 Jan 25 (Saturday) Ser Time Units Events 1101 AM/PM All Units Bottom Search, Pre Sea Check & Log Build Up OTC/ OCE - Rmks a. All units are to carr out bottom search. b. FDO is to coord. 12 Jan 25 (Sunday) Ser Time Units Events OTC/ Rmks OCE Based on the recent dev of M scenario, the FLFS of BL has been tasked to proceed to GREY AREA and estb BL dominance. Iro the sit, the MHQ of BL has ordered TF 21 to depl in the disputed area and thwart the RLN forces. 1201 AM NML & DJY Cast Off NML a. Procedure B will be fol. b. NML and DJY will proceed to ser 1206. 1202 0930 SDN, PTA & BB Lve Def Har BB a. Procedure B will be fol. b. Ships will proceed under air threat envt. c. Blind pilotage and DCFF drills to be ex. d. Ships will op TDL and BIJOY 50. e. PTA and BB will act as RADAR gd and Chaff gd respectively. A-3 CONFIDENTIAL
Ser Time Units Events OTC/ Rmks OCE TF 21 has intercepted one piracy call from a BL bound MV that was harassed by a gp of pirates. It is suspected that, RL spl forces may take ctrl of the vessel and may try to block the KARNAPHULI channel by damaging it. TF 21 has tasked BLN spl forces and NAV to regain the ctrl of the hostage ship and apprehend the miscreants. 1203 1130 SDN, BB, 5 x VBSS SDN a. MLA 1900, Spd as ordered. SWADS Boat & b. OCE will obtain permission 1 x BN Heli prior to commencement of the ser. c. SDN will act as hostage ship and VBSS will start in posn Lat 22°06.700’ N, Long 091°38.40’ E. d. 5 x SWADS boats (Metal Shark, RHIB and/ or DCB) will intercept hostage ship. e. BN Heli will provide sim fire sp simultaneously. SDN will act as ACU. f. No live ammo will be used. g. On completion, SWADS boats will return har. h. OCE is to issue detailed order. j. BB will take sta at 1.5 C distance on port qtr of SDN and act as 2nd mother. 1204 1215 SDN, PTA, BB RV SDN a. At RV-1, Lat 22° 01.60’N, & PTY Long 091° 37.50’ E. b. PTY will join from OTS. While proceeding to GREY AREA, TF 21 has been intercepted by a sortie of en F ac (BAF ac/ BN MPA). The ac will try to attk the fmn by ASM. TF 21 has to detect the en F ac, carry out ASMD measures and neutralize the airborne threat. 1205 1230 SDN, PTA, BB, ASMDX and PTA a. 1st deg off AA readiness to PTY and BAF Chaff Firing be assumed. PTA will act as Fighter ac/ BN ACU. MPA b. BAF ac/ BN MPA will approach as tgt from multiple dir. All units will track the tgt and take appr ASMD measure. c. PTY will sim BRUISER attk from en ac and fire Chaff. d. Act Messing (Variant A) to be prac. e. OCE is to issue detailed order. BL AGI depl in fwd surv has detected a fmn of RLN su units near GREY AREA. But due to wx and poor vis, BL MPA could not be depl. In this sit, TF 21 has to det and ident the RLN su units via Surv RADAR and share the contact to own force. A-4 CONFIDENTIAL
Ser Time Units Events 1206 1500 SDN, PTA, BB PTY, NML and DJY SuTX and Comm Ex 1207 1208 1800 1900 OTC/ OCE SDN Rmks a. Units will op Surv RADAR and track NML and DJY. b. Units will prac en contact sharing and engt procedure over TDL and PWO net. c. OCE is to issue detailed order. Ships will RV-2 in posn Lat 20°54.60’N, Long 091°35.00’ E) All Units Meal Break SDN SDN, PTA, BB, RV PTA PTY, NML & DJY While proceeding to neutralize the RLN su units near GREY AREA, another sortie of en F ac will be detected closing to the force. TF 21 will take nec AD measures to neutralize the inbound en FB ac. 1209 2030 SDN, PTA, BB, AAROF SDN a. As per FLEETEX 305. PTY, NML & b. Firing area VGD-33. c. MLA 180º. DJY d. PTY & PTA will give aerial and area clearance. e. NML will illuminate rocket flare. DJY will remain standby. f. Ships will carr out AA firing. g. FGO is to issue detailed order. At ni, TF 21 will proceed through en SPA, and form sector screen to safeguard the HVU. After crossing the SPA, units will continue ni ptl. 1210 2130 SDN, PTA, BB, SCREENEX/ PTY a. PTA will act as HVU. PTY, NML & Ni Ptl b. Ships will form sector DJY screen, inner depth 2000 yds, outer depth 3000 yds. c. OCE is to issue detailed order. d. On completion, PTY will be det for tgt laying. 13 Jan 25 (Monday) Ser Time Units Events OTC/ Rmks OCE Agile posture of TF 21 nullified the RLN efforts to neutralize BLN su units through air assets. At the same time, the wx conditions did not allow RL ac to take off from the airbases. In desperation, the comd of RLN decided to attk the BLN units through su engt. However, due to poor coord and dense fog, two RLN units violated the M bdry and came within the kill line of TF 21. Hence, TF 21 engaged in full might. 1301 0630 SDN, PTA, BB, SuTF PTA a. As per FLEETEX- 704. PTY, NML & b. Firing area VGD-33. DJY c. MLA 0000 d. PTY & SDN will give aerial and area clearance. e. Units will form in FMN 1. f. PTY will lay 02 in no killer A-5 CONFIDENTIAL
Ser Time Units Events OTC/ OCE Rmks tomato 1.0 NM and 2.5 nm dist resp and DJY will remain standby. g. Units will engage with the order of OTC. h. Tgt laying ship will recover tgt on completion of firing. j. NML and DJY will be det and proceed to IP posn. k. NML and DJY will ensure boat clearance from IP to LP. l. FGO is to issue detailed order. Based on the AGI report of RLN su units, TF 21 will try to detect the EW emission of the en platforms op near GREY AREA and triangulate the location of en units. 1302 0900 SDN, PTA, BB EWX & TDLX PTY a. As per FLEETEX 111. b. NML and DJY will tx PTY, NML and suitable RADAR. DJY c. PTA, BB and PTY will carr out triangulation of det units and report posn. d. TDL ships will operate TDL & carr out nec checks as per SOP. e. Tgt info will be passed to ships via TDL & EW. f. Ships are to record performance of various functions of TDL. g. OCE is to issue detailed order. While proceeding to GREY AREA, TF 21 has been intercepted by RLNS. The RLNS will try to attk the fmn by sim msl attk. TF 21 has to detect the RLNS, carry out ASMD measures and neutralize the airborne threat. ASuWX BB 1303 1100 SDN, PTA, BB a. As per FLEETEX 707 & PTY, NML & 709. DJY b. NML & DJY will carry out coordinated sim msl attk. c. OCE is to issue Detailed orders. 1304 1445 SDN, PTA, BB RV SDN a. At IP (Lat 21° 56.800’N, & PTY Long 091° 36.000’ E). b. Ships will take up sta for Ex SAFEGAURD final day events. While RLN became desperate after losing two su units, TF 21 could successfully locate and ident the RLN fmn, and CTF 21 decides to neutralize the rest of RLN units by coord SSM attk. 1305 1515 PTA, DJY, BB, C-704 SSM DJY a. MLA 232°, Spd 10. NML & DNTA Firing (Sim) b. DJY will be firing Ship and DNTA will act as Standby A-6 CONFIDENTIAL
Ser Time Units Events OTC/ OCE Rmks Firing Ship. DNTA will cast off 13 Jan 25. c. DJY will reach IP (Lat 21° 56.800’N, Long 091° 36.000’ E) at 1445 hr. d. DJY will reach LP (Lat 21°53.600’N, Long 091° 31.600’ E) at 1515 hr. e. Sim TP will be Lat 21° 46.10’N, Long 091° 21.60’ E. f. BB will take sta at 1.5C distance on port qtr of DJY. DNTA will take sta at 1.5C distance on stbd beam of DJY. g. Other units will maintain fmn. h. DJY will obtain permission from OTC prior launching SSM. j. On completion, ships will join the main fmn and DJY will be det for RDC firing (sim) and DNTA will return har. k. OCE is to issue detailed order. After successful engt of SSM, TF 21 has detected incoming msl from RLN units. To destroy the incoming threat, units of TF 21 will carr out SAM engt on incoming msl. 1306 1530 SDN, PTA, BB, SAM PTA a. As per FLEETEX-306 and PTY & NML & relevant BRs. SLSAM Firing b. MLA 242°, Spd 6. (Sim) c. PTA will obtain permission from OTC prior launching drone. d. PTA will sim firing SAM (FL 3000N) at the order of OTC. e. PTY will provide aerial clearance. f. On completion of SAM (FL3000N) Firing, NML will sim illuminating rocket flare for SLSAM firing. g. BB will sim firing QW 18A VSHORAD on the rocket flare. h. On completion ships will alter course to 0580 and PTY will proceed to emb OEM of TDL. j. OCE is to issue detailed order for FL 3000N and QW 18A VSHORAD firing A-7 CONFIDENTIAL
Ser Time Units Events OTC/ OCE Rmks respectively. The ASW platforms of TF 21 will detect en SS within the TDZ of own force. Thereby, with the order of CTF 21, the ASW platforms will attk the en SSK before the SSK can obtain its firing solution. 1307 1605 SDN, PTA, BB, RDC Firing NML a. MLA 0580, Spd 8. DJY & NML (Sim) b. Sim RDC firing will commence in posn Lat 21° 54.20’N, Long 091° 32.30’ E. c. NML and DJY will take sta at 1.5C and 3C respectively on port beam of BB. d. DJY and NML will sim fire 1 x RDC each on safe bg at 1605 hrs. e. On completion, BB will det and proceed to Buoy no-1 to disembark COMBAN. f. OCE is to issue detailed order. 1308 PM All Units Enter Har/ a. Ships will anchor in outer Anchoring anchorage. b. PTY will proceed to emb OEM of TDL. On completion, PTA and PTY will proceed for SAT of TDL. c. NML and DJY will enter har. 14 Jan 25 (Tuesday) Ser Time Units Events 1401 AM All Units Enter Har OTC/ OCE - Rmks a. Ships will weigh anchor and enter har. b. Procedure B. c. Blind pilotage to be ex. d. Berth alloc by COMCHIT. TIDAL INFO Khal No-18 NB-1 12 Jan 25 13 Jan 25 14 Jan 25 12 Jan 25 13 Jan 25 0557 0.85 0643 0.72 0035 4.42 0628 0.57 0025 4.04 1142 3.66 1225 3.81 0724 0.65 1214 3.31 0715 0.47 1758 0.87 1843 0.76 1303 3.92 1825 0.55 1300 3.45 2355 4.33 1924 0.70 1911 0.48 12 Jan 25 0438 1.11 1022 3.52 1636 1.11 2237 4.25 Kutubdia 13 Jan 25 0525 0.92 1106 3.66 1722 0.98 2320 4.34 14 Jan 25 0606 0.81 1146 3.75 1802 0.92 2359 4.35 12 Jan 25 0358 0.72 0913 2.64 1602 0.62 2142 3.24 A-8 CONFIDENTIAL Cox’s Bazar 13 Jan 25 0437 0.57 1001 2.75 1639 0.49 2233 3.34 14 Jan 25 0106 4.12 0758 0.42 1340 3.56 1952 0.45 14 Jan 25 0512 0.52 1053 2.87 1714 0.47 2317 3.41
ANX B TO COMBAN LTR NO 23.02.1528.400.36.0126.25 DT: JAN 25 A-9 CONFIDENTIAL
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