Vietnam weekly April 1-7, 2024 Issue 01 znews.vn Hotline: (024) 36640789 - 0913300000, Emai: editor@znews.vn The doctor updated the situation of 8th grade male student who was beaten and suffered brain damgage Song Ha Yoon admits violence against Page 3 her classmates According to information from Phu Tho General Hospital, patient N.H.D (14 years old, 8th grade male student) who was beaten to the point of brain death, is now showing positive changes after being treated. Page 1 Taking photos with mobile phone, a new service favored by Gen Z Page 4 Phu Quy: Peak tourism season is greeted by a rise in homestays and resorts During the April 30 - May 1 holiday, Phu Quy is a popular destination for both domestic and foreign travelers. Page 5 Singer Jack is suspected of advertising for illegal betting website Page 3 Overcoming the framework, Hamlet Trac brings a "new breeze" to the Vietnamese theater scene Page 2 Vietnam book and reading culture day 2024 The opening ceremony of the 3rd Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day 2024 and the Book Fair will be held in Hanoi from April 17th to 21st. Page 2


Z-news Vietnam Weekly

April 1-7, 2024 1 SOCIAL LIFE THE DOCTOR UPDATED THE SITUATION OF THE 8TH GRADEMALE STUDENT WHO WAS BEATEN AND SUFFERED BRAIN DAMAGE According to information from Phu Tho General Hospital, patient N.H.D (14 years old, 8th grade male student) who was beaten to the point of brain death, is now showing positive changes after being treated. On April 1, 2024, Phu Tho General Hospital said patient N.H.D. (14 years old, 8th grade male student), who was beaten and suffered a traumatic brain injury in the case that caused a stir in public opinion in recent days, has now shown positive changes after being treated at the hospital. After 6 days of treatment, the patient's condition changed in a positive direction. Glasgow score (a tool to assess patient consciousness after acute brain injury) of patient D. There was also progress, from 3 points increased to 5-6 points, blood pressure gradually stabilized, fever was stopped and vasopressors (are drugs that cause vasoconstriction or increase myocardial contractility, helping to increase heart rate, blood pressure). According to the hospital, N.H.D. Respiration is still dependent on the ventilator, but today, the patient has alternate spontaneous breathing rhythms, his kidney failure is also gradually improving, and he urinates 3,000 ml/24 hours. "Patient D. has had small positive changes, although his condition is still very serious, he still has to maintain resuscitation treatments and intensive care. Hopefully over time the patient will recover." new and better developments", Phu Tho Provincial General Hospital informed. Previously, on March 19, 2024, Long Bien District Police (Hanoi) received a criminal complaint from Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan (residing in Cam Khe district, Phu Tho province) about her son being a nephew. N.H.D. While playing basketball at the octagonal court area of Le Mat communal house, he was beaten and injured on March 17, 2024. Through the verification and investigation process, the police determined that around 3:00 p.m on March 17, 2024, T.V.K. (12 years old, residing in Long Bien district) had a conflict and was slapped in the face by N.H.D. while playing in the Le Mat communal house area. Male student N.H.D is still continuing treatment at the hospital Image: Tuoitre Online (2024) His older brother Truong Van Minh (16 years old, residing in Long Bien district, 10th grade student, Viet Hung Continuing Education Center) ran to resolve the conflict when his younger brother T.V.K. ran back and called Minh to help. According to the police, Minh came to meet and punched D. causing the victim to fall to the ground. Nephew D. Then he was taken to Duc Giang General Hospital for emergency treatment, then transferred to Hospital 108. At this time, the hospital determined that D. suffered traumatic brain injury, coma, and high prognosis of death. On March 27, 2024, the family transferred the patient to Phu Tho Provincial General Hospital for treatment in very serious condition. At that time, the patient's pupils on both sides were dilated to 8mm, with no light reflex; Breathing is completely dependent on the machine; low blood pressure 60/30mmHg, fast pulse 136 beats/minute, must maintain vasopressors; High fever of 39 degrees Celsius, severe malnutrition. Even his family and supporters identified those as his "last days". NEWS BRIEF A locomotive that was moving suddenly caught fire. The freight train with the number VNR D13E-722 was traveling toward Nam Dinh city on April 6 in the afternoon when it abruptly caught fire at the locomotive, according to a leader of the district People's Committee in Vu Ban, Nam Dinh province. The train's crew performed an emergency stop, dividing the rear freight compartments from the driver's cabin with the locomotive. Although the fire was eventually put out, the ship's cockpit was completely destroyed by fire. On the verge of harvest, 20 hectares ofsugarcane burned during the night. The People's Committee Chairman of Duc Binh Dong Commune (Song Hinh District, Phu Yen), Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hoai, reported that over 20 hectares of sugarcane were destroyed in a fire in the commune. When many sugarcane growers realized their crop was on fire, they gathered four tractor and labor to put out the fire. T.V.M was arrested and detained Image: Kenh14 (2024) On March 27, 2024, the Police Investigation Agency of Long Bien District Police (Hanoi) decided to prosecute the accused and temporarily detained Truong Van Minh (T.V.K. 's brother) to investigate the crime. intentionally causing injury. It is known that his father D. passed away in 2021, my mother does not have a stable job. In recent days, D.'s classmates. I folded thousands of paper cranes and sent many good wishes to you. The community "shared" with N.H.D's mother. for the next few days D. the disease can still be treated. Bao Ngan

Z-news Vietnam Weekly

Z-news Vietnam Weekly

CULTURE AND ARTS 2 April 1-7, 2024 OVERCOMING THE FRAMEWORK, HAMLET TRAC BRINGS A "NEW BREEZE" TO THE VIETNAMESE THEATER SCENE The Hamlet Drama stage of artists Vu Xuan Trang and Hoang Thy is busy preparing to launch the new play "Oh... It's funny!" The play "Oh... It's funny!" revolves around the story of a young family with their usual humorous contradictions. Young spouses constantly "fight" because of disagreements in parenting style, the bride's mother-in-law is "not suitable", the sister-in-law is very tricky,... All create a colorful picture of life, both funny and sour. However, in the midst of these conflicts, family love is always present, the bond that binds people together. The cast of the play "Oh... It's funny." Image: Thanhnien News (2024) Hamlet Drama Stage - the "brainchild" of artist couple Vu Xuan Trang and Hoang Thy is famous for its creative and emotional performances.After the success of performances such as "The Heart Song", "Water Devil", "Feng Moon Mist", "Mental Defect", "The One Who Lost His Soul", Hamlet Drama continues to promise to bring the audience a new spiritual gift with the comedy performance "Oh... It's funny!" The play features many singing and dancing scenes Image: Thanhnien News (2024) The peculiarity of "Oh... It's funny!" is a harmonious combination of humor, satire and meaningful messages about life. The performance not only brings laughter to the audience but also makes them reflect on family values, behavior in relationships and about themselves. With a talented and experienced cast such as Xuan Trang, artist Hoang Thy and young actors Nha Uyen, Thanh Phuong, Yen Thanh, Thanh An, Quynh Nhi, Quoc Huy, Si Nguyen, Quoc Minh, Thuy My, Nhat Quan, Ta Minh Dat, Minh Nhat, Hang Nga, Thanh Liem, and Ho Minh Tu, ... with the elaborate staging of director Vu Xuan Trang, "Oh... It's funny!" promises to be a compelling comedy and worth watching. The play is scheduled to premiere on May 20, 2024 at Hamlet Drama Stage (31 Tran Quoc Toan, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City). Given the appeal of the Drama Theatre and the appeal of the new play, "Oh... It's funny!" is sure to attract a large number of spectators to enjoy. Thanh Tuyen VIETNAM BOOK AND READING CULTURE DAY 2024 Various activities and events will be held to celebrate Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day 2024 (April 21st), World Book and Copyright Day (April 23rd). The opening ceremony of the 3rd Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day 2024 and the Book Fair in celebration of the 3rd Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day 2024 will be held in Hanoi from April 17th to 21st. This year's themes aimed for that day will be "Sách hay cần bạn đọc", "Sách quý tặng bạn", "Tặng sách hay - Mua sách thật", and "Sách hay: Mắt đọc - Tai nghe". One of the key focuses of the 3rd Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day will be the transformation with digital combination. Cross- Vietnam Book Fair will be held at Bien Hoa, Dong Nai Image: Thanhnien(2024) Activities at 3rd Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day 2024 Image: Znews(2024) Vietnam National Book Day and Reading Culture Day 3rd Edition: Diverse and Engaging Activities The activities will be diverse and engaging, combining traditional activities with modern organizing methods following the development trend of technology platforms and digital transformation. These include: Direct book fairs, Online book fairs on technology platforms, Direct book fairs combined with online fairs, Cashless book fairs, Redeeming accumulated points of customers at some commercial banks for book gifts, Promoting books and reading culture on electronic newspapers, social networks. The Book Day and Reading Culture Day this year also aims to effectively promote books and honor outstanding individuals and groups in publishing and developing reading culture on media, newspapers, technology platforms, and social networks to spread the value of books and reading culture in the community; connect readers in the country and abroad; and contribute to building spiritual cultural life, promoting the moral values and tradition of learning of the nation. One of the activities is the Cross-Vietnam Book Fair from April 9th to 14th. This is an annual event organized by the Thái Hà Books brand, NXB Trẻ Bookstore, Saigon Books, Nhã Nam, Đinh Tị and Minh Long Books in collaboration with the People's Committee of Bien Hoa City, with the theme "Spreading Knowledge". The book fair helps to build reading habits in families, schools, agencies, organizations, and communities. The event also contributes to raising the responsibility of agencies, functional agencies, and social organizations for building and developing reading culture in Vietnam. At this event, the above brands will also introduce new titles for many audiences. The CrossVietnam Book Fair this year also has 10,000 titles priced at 10,000 VND each, as well as attractive discounts for famous works on the social network TikTok. Participants will experience exchange activities, discussions, forums with topics about books, skills to form reading habits, author and work exchange programs, book launches, signings. Giving away books or organizing interactive activities and experiences with e-books, audiobooks, and streamlined books are also organized. Anh Tuan

Z-news Vietnam Weekly

Z-news Vietnam Weekly

April 1-7, 2024 3 ENTERTAINMENT SONG HA YOON ADMITS VIOLENCE AGAINST HER CLASSMATES In a shocking statement last night, famous actress Song Ha Yoon admitted that she was forced to change schools after being accused of abusing her classmates in high school. This information was announced after Song Ha Yoon's management company denied allegations of school violence against the actress on the evening of April 1, but on April 2, they officially admitted. accept the matter. According to the announcement from King Kong by Starship Company, Song Ha Yoon's representative, "It is true that Song Ha Yoon was forced to transfer out of Banpo High School for being involved in a school violence incident. These things are not related to the information mentioned in the program Scandal Supervisor. She said she did not know the person who provided that information." This incident originated from a program broadcast on JTBC on the evening of April 1, when an unnamed actress was suspected of participating in school violence when she was a high school student. did not specifically mention the actress's name, but throughout the show, they used a blurred image of Song Ha Yoon's face. This incident originated from a program broadcast on JTBC on the evening of April 1, when an unnamed actress was suspected of participating in school violence when she was a high school student. did not specifically mention the actress's name, but throughout the show, they used a blurred image of Song Ha Yoon's face. According to information from the victim, the incident happened in August 2004, when he was in 11th grade and the actress (known as S.) was his senior, in 12th grade. He was slapped repeatedly. in the face for about an hour and a half at a ballpark. The victim described: "As soon as I arrived, they started beating me. At that time I didn't even know why I was beaten, I just remember being slapped for 1 and a half hours." The victim also revealed that he could not protest because S.'s boyfriend at that time was a famous "Bullie" senior in high school, and he was afraid that he would get into trouble if he did anything else. After this incident, S. was disciplined by the school and had to change schools. Meanwhile, Song Ha Yoon's representative asked the audience to limit the spread of information and speculation that has not been officially confirmed. The victim expressed her wish to receive a sincere apology from Song Ha Yoon about the past event. "I don't need financial compensation from them. I want to hear why she assaulted me to such an extent. And what I need most now is a sincere apology." This incident is attracting great attention from the online community and public opinion, as Song Ha Yoon, one of the prominent faces of the Korean entertainment industry, is caught up in this sensitive case. Actress Song Ha Yoon Image: TuoiTre Online (2024) Thanh Thao JTBC Radio news about actress S being accused of school violence Image: TuoiTre Online (2024) SINGER JACK IS SUSPECTED OF ADVERTISING FOR ILLEGAL BETTING WEBSITE Recently, Jack got into a fuss related to betting web advertising, causing a stir. Stemming from the image of Jack wearing a jersey with the bookmaker logo circulating on social media, many opinions that the singer is violating the advertising law. Jack once appeared on an advertisement for a betting website Image: DanTri News (2024) Soon after, Jack and his management company denied this information, insisting that they only cooperated with Aston Villa club and that the image was illegally used. They said the image was taken during a tour of the Aston Villa club in England in December 2023, Jack was wearing only the team's jersey and not related to bookmaker BK88. J97 Entertainment also confirmed that Jack only works directly with Aston Villa and does not accept advertisements for any bookmakers. At the same time, they asked the BK88 website to remove Jack's image from their website for using the image illegally. An image of Jack wearing a shirt with the bookmaker's logo will go viral on social media in early January 2024. Many argue that Jack is advertising for this betting site, breaking the law and negatively affecting young people. Jack and his management company denied it, claiming Jack was only associated with Aston Villa and that the image was misused. VTV reported on the incident, questioning the veracity of Jack's explanation. Jack went on to insist it had nothing to do with the bookmaker. Many expressed concern about celebrities using their image and influence to advertise gambling activities, especially among young people. Some argue that there should be stricter regulations on betting advertising, and strictly handle violations. Jack confirmed that he has cooperated with the Aston Villa club Image: 24h News (2024) The case of Jack in question of betting advertising once again shows the need to strengthen the management of advertising activities, especially online advertising. There should be close coordination between authorities, artists and fans to avoid negative consequences from illegal advertising activities. Jack's alleged gambling is a wake-up call for artists and influencers in the community. It takes everyone's work together to build a healthy, safe and responsible recreational environment. Thanh Tuyen

Z-news Vietnam Weekly

Z-news Vietnam Weekly

ENTERTAINMENT 4 April 1-7, 2024 TAKING PHOTOS WITH MOBILE PHONE, A NEW SERVICE FAVORED BY GEN Z Recently, young people no longer need expensive digital camera photography services. Phone photography service is gradually becoming a new trend that young people choose to experience because of its benefits. "This service is suitable for our students because of the reasonable price. Currently, many modern phones have strong configurations, high-resolution cameras, and many different photo editing modes. Therefore, the image quality is very good, not inferior to digital cameras. Especially, I can receive photos right after the shoot without waiting for days. I am very satisfied with the photo service with my phone." – Uyen shared. Tips for taking photos with your phone from Mr. Pham The Hien First, you should choose a phone with many of the same camera features as a professional camera. Specifically, he want to introduce about iPhone 15 pro phone lineup of Apple. The highlight of the iPhone 15 Pro lies in the main camera with a resolution of up to 48 megapixels, a 5x periscope camera, and an upgraded front camera with night mode and 5th generation Smart HDR. These premium features allow you to easily capture beautiful, clear photos even in low-light conditions. Participants will experience exchange activities, discussions, forums with topics about books, skills to form reading habits, author and work exchange programs, book launches, signings. Giving away books or organizing interactive activities and experiences with e-books, audiobooks, and streamlined books are also organized. Photographer Pham The Hien Image: Tuoitre Online (2024) In the past, hiring a digital camera crew used to be a costly endeavor. However, the advent of mobile photography services has brought a more economical solution for young people. You may get a lovely collection of pictures for just approximately 500,000 VND. According to Mr. Pham The Hien (a mobile photographer in District 10), there are several explanations for the popularity of this service. First, taking photos with a mobile phone helps you to save time, shooting faster and more compactly than a digital camera. Additionally, users may always keep and share their images on social media. The need to "have pictures urgently, get pictures immediately" In the era of technology and communication development, the requirement for visuals to support work is increasing. Phone photography services meet this demand effectively. Gen Z users who are interested in fashion and seek to establish personal branding on social media platforms are the target demographic for this service. Mr. Hien further shared: "Taking photos with your phone is very convenient because the device is compact, and easy to carry when moving. The large storage capacity of phones enables them to store significant amounts of images and videos. Moreover, some locations such as coffee shops forbid taaking pictures with digital cameras. The phone photography service makes it easy to solve this problem." Furthermore, the phone photography service offers taking pictures, video recording, and editing them. Nowadays, most young people produce content on the TikTok platform using viral clips. Therefore, the phone photography service will definitely be a good choice to get affordable quality products. The need to "have pictures urgently, get pictures immediately" As a student, there is not much money to pay for mechanical photography services. Nguyen Thi Thuc Uyen (A student of the University of Economics and Finance Ho Chi Minh City) choose to use the phone photography service. Uyen is experiencing the mobile photography services Image: Kieu Nhi Besides, what Hien is extremely satisfied with this product line is the Optical Image Stabilization technology integrated with motion sensors. This technology allows him to use his phone to record videos without the need for a gimbal. IPhone 15 pro brings a more professional photo and video recording experience to users. In general, thanks to the above advantages, phone photography services are increasingly popular and become the first choice for young people. Kieu Nhi

Z-news Vietnam Weekly

Z-news Vietnam Weekly

April 1-7, 2024 5 TRAVEL PHU QUY: PEAK TOURISM SEASON IS GREETED BY A RISE IN HOMESTAYS AND RESORTS Roman Resort is one of the most alluring locations for travelers to stay when touring Phu Quy. In Phu Quy island, this is likewise regarded as the original resort. Roman Resort offers guests amazing experiences when they're near the sea and unspoiled nature thanks to its ideal location at a short distance from the beach. Roman Resort Phu Quy's distinctive construction is the ideal fusion of contemporary and ancient designs. The resort offers a luxurious, warm and inviting and private resort area. Roman Resort Phu Quy offers a wide range of amenities and services to satisfy the demands of travelers looking for a comprehensive vacation experience. The resort features opulently spacious accommodations with views of the sea. When going to Roman Resort, guests can also engage in outdoor sports like volleyball and football or unwind at the spa and swimming area. Roman Resort also thoughtfully offers a range of cuisines, from international cuisine to regional delicacies, to suit the likes of both domestic and foreign guests. Phu Quy island, Binh Thuan province Image: VnExpress (2024) During the April 30 - May 1 holiday, Phu Quy is a popular destination for both domestic and foreign travelers. The tourism industry is currently experiencing a boom in the Phu Quy island region (Binh Thuan province), which is causing a rapid increase in the number of lodging businesses. The number of new hotels and homestays opening up shop is at a recordbreaking level. In 2023, Phu Quy had a notable surge in tourism, with over 165,000 visitors, more than twice as many as in 2022. Over 16,000 people visited Phu Quy in the first two months of 2024, a 36% increase from the same time last year. Phu Quy experiences a surge in visitors throughout the summer months, particularly from April 30 to May 1. This causes a lack of lodging. Recently, Phu Quy has seen a sharp increase in the number of lodging options to accommodate the growing demand from tourists. Data indicates that throughout the whole island, there were just 9 homestays in 2019; by 2023, that number had increased by more than ten times, with over 97 homestays in operation. Z-NEWS znews.vn Phu Quy island is a popular tourist site located 56 nautical miles southeast of Phan Thiet city. Tourists are drawn to Phu Quy Island not only by its distinct local culture, immaculate natural surroundings, but also by its distinctive check-in locations. Some must-see locations when visiting Phu Quy are Ganh Hang, Lang Co embankment, Sovereignty flagpole, and Linh Son pagoda. Cuisine in Phu Quy is also one of the factors that help this island become crowded with tourists. Visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy unique delicacies such as king crab, carpilius maculatus, crawfish, mackerel, lobster,... The introduction of the Dau Giay - Phan Thiet expressway has greatly increased the number of visitors to Phu Quy island by making it simpler and more comfortable to combine Phan Thiet tourism with island exploration. Subsequently, there has been a robust expansion of lodging amenities and services on the island, catering to the lodging requirements of visitors. Executive editor: Nguyen Le Kieu Nhi Deputy editor-in-chief: Nguyen Bao Ngan Content deputy editor-in-chief: Ngo Le Quynh Anh Excutive sub-editor: Nguyen Thi Thanh Tuyen Deputy sub-editor: Ha Hoai Anh Tuan Indicator: Nguyen Thi Thanh Thao Roman Resort Phu Quy Image: Phu Quy high-speed train Mr. Bui The Nhan of the Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism anticipates that over the holiday from April 30 to May 1, there will likely be a rise in travelers, perhaps reaching 7,000. Though Phu Quy presently has a varied lodging system that caters to travelers' needs, ranging from luxurious resorts to reasonably priced homestays. To ensure they get the best lodging for their vacation, travelers should make reservations well in advance during the peak season of the year. Quynh Anh Newspaper office, administrative and publishing office: 141-145 Dien Bien Phu, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh city Advertising and media service center: (028) 48227799 - Email: advertising@znews.vn Publishing department: (028) 36309145 - Email: publishing@znews.vn Readers services department (028) 92305633 - Email: readerservices@znews.vn Northern representative office 255 Tay Son, Dong Da District, Ha Noi (024) 38550799 - Email: tshanoi@znews.vn South Central Coast representative office 123 Le Loi, Quy Nhon city, Binh Dinh (0256) 2382310 - Email: binhdinh@znews.vn Southeast representative office 12A Vo Thi Sau, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai (0251) 3940416 - Email: dongnambo@znews.vn

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