INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, NOIDA PGDM I PGDM (M) I PGDM (SM) FOURTH TRIMESTER (Batch 2021-23) END TERM EXAMINATION, Course Name Max. Time Services Marketing 2 hours NOVEMBER 2022 Course Code Max. Marks MKT 20123 40 MM INSTRUCTIONS: a. Please answer all four questions. b. Please write in point form where ever possible 01) Your firm is offering an accounting and tax services and you are the owner of this firm. Year after year, your firm sees an increase in demand close to income-tax returns filing deadline date and close to financial year ending. (a) Discuss 2 ways your accounting service firm can increase the capacity of its service when demand is high (2*3=6 marks) (b) Discuss 2 ways your accounting service firm can manage the high demand (2*3=6 marks) , 02). Why do service organizations lack the capability to inventorise their services? Elaborate on 2 differences in inventory capability of a car repair and maintenance service and that of an automobile manufacturer/dealer (2+4 marks) 03) Imagine you have been appointed as Relationship Manager (Business Banking). Like a Relationship Manager in Corporate Banking, this is a B2B Sales role, focused on the higher end of small & medium enterprises. You are required to manage a portfolio of 20-35 Business Banking Group (BBG) credit relationships, depending on the geography covered and the branches mapped to you. Formulate a brief plan as to how you intend to create the following with your clients: a) Customer loyalty through Financial rewards. Explain ~ measures (4 marks) b) Customer loyalty through Non-financial rewards. Explain 2 measures (4 marks) Your KRAs also include ensuring high Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) c) What is Customer Lifetime Value? Briefly explain 2 measures will you take (apart from those specified in (a) and (b) above) to keep CLV high (2+4 marks) 04).The environment in which the service is delivered and where the firm and the customer interact, and any tangible commodities that facilitate performance or communication of the service forms the physical evidence. Imagine you are travelling by Spicejet. (a) List down 4 'facility exterior' aspects experienced by you during services offered by Spicejet. Suggest how Spicejet can make any 1 aspect more effective. (2+2 marks)


(b) List down 4 'facility interior' aspects experienced by you during services offered by

Spicejet. Suggest how Spicejet can make any 1 aspect 'more effective. (2+2 marks) •

(b) List down 4

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