The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has arrested Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia in connection with alleged irregularities in the framing and implementation of the excise policy. The case involves extending post-tender benefits to private individuals, with a chargesheet already filed against several individuals. Sisodia was arrested after evading questions and failing to cooperate with the investigation.
The Center for Social Change is a non-profit organization that supports individuals with organizational and behavioral challenges. The CEO and COO discuss their motivation, services offered, and the advancements in understanding and managing autism in the last decade. The center focuses on providing care to autistic children and individuals with mental disabilities, with a multidisciplinary team managing patients.
The US Bureau of Counterterrorism's report highlights India's significant efforts in detecting, disrupting, and degrading terrorist organizations' operations. The report mentions various terrorist groups active in India and the country's response to terrorist attacks. India collaborates with the US on counterterrorism efforts and promptly responds to threats, with a focus on intelligence sharing and disrupting terrorist travel.