The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) emerged victorious in the Delhi Municipal Corporation elections, winning 134 out of 250 wards, ending the 15-year rule of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal emphasized the need for cooperation from all parties, including the BJP and Congress, to improve civic amenities in the national capital.
India and Germany welcomed the resumption of negotiations on the India-European Union (EU) Free Trade Agreement, along with other agreements. The two countries also discussed regional and international topics, highlighting Germany's increased engagement in the Indo-Pacific region.
The joint Naval Special Forces exercise, Exercise Sangam, between the Indian Navy MARCOs and US Navy SEALs began in Goa. The exercise aims to enhance maritime special operations skills through various evolutions like Maritime Interdiction Operations and Combat Free Fall Jumps.