SUMMARY CONTENTS Executive Summary 02 03 Sustainability Introduction 04 2023 Review 05 Sustainability Timeline 07 Emissions & Statistics 09 Events 10 Charities & Partnerships 11 Carbon Offsetting 11 Department Carbon Budget Recommendations 12 & Conclusions Welcome to Saxon Air! Our ambition is to share the unique opportunities and experiences that aviation can offer, offering a range of services to make this as widely available as possible. We connect people and places, whether using one of our jets or helicopters, welcoming guests through our passenger handling operations, or gaining hands-on experience with our flight training and experience days. We’re committed not just to decarbonising our business, but to enhance the community we live in: this ranges from clean energy generation to rewilding initiatives, from innovation workshops to careers engagement initiatives, and working with local community and business leaders. We also understand the variety of professional and manual skills involved in making all this a reality. We want a day’s work to be so much more than just a day’s work, where unlocking an individual’s potential allows us to release our own. We look forward to sharing our journey with yours! -CEO Alex Durand 02
By 2030, our goal is to be a NetZero carbon emitting business. This target we have set is 20 years ahead of the Aviation Industries goal of 2050. We have commissioned this report to highlight where as a business we are on our NetZero journey and what improvements are needed for us to excel on our journey. 2023 REVIEW INTRODUCTION SUSTAINABILITY Our ambition at Saxon Air is to be industry leaders when Quarter Æ R Announced as the winner of the EEEGR’s Going Green Award for 2022.5 R Our Airbus H125 travelled to Cheltenham powered only by SAF. Being the first Aircraft to attend Cheltenham using SAF R Taverham High School and Thorpe St Andrews High School to present Stereotype workshop Our maiden Impact Report will take a look back at the impacts in our business, climate and community in 2023. Quarter Throughout this report, we look forward to sharing, R Clean Air Day - Our team Installed planters at the front of updating and enlightening you as to what our incredible our facilities.5 team at Saxon Air has been up to throughout 2023. R First Staff flight in our Velis Electro aircraf£ -Cameron Saunders, Sustainability officer R Sign language session for staff with BSL. Quarter ¿ R Attended the Royal Norfolk Show to demonstrate our Pipistrel Simulator5 R Saxon Air sponsored walk to raise funds for Little LiftÒ R Engagement with Equal Skies Charter Quarter R We partnered with Bread Source competition for a chance to win a UN SDG’S Bread Source bundle and flight on our Velis Electrv R We launched our Pubic leisure flights on the Velis Electro as part of our Electriflying campaig| R Our Sustainability manager Rebekah was a speaker at the Business Climate tories event at Norwich Playhouse Theatre 03 04
EMISSIONS TOTAL FLIGHTS EMISSIONS PER FLIGHT 3744. 8733 1.06 TCO2 TCO2 5600 07 2023 has seen Saxon Air record a total of 3744.8733 Tonnes Co2 under our Scope 1 Direct Emissions. With a total of 5600 flights across our fleet of fixed wing and rotary aircraft, this averages out to 1.06 Tonne Co2 per flight. With this data, our team will be working on ways to reduce these emissions and average per flight in 2024. Our team will be targeting the further uplift of SAF across more of our fleet, along with optimising our operation procedures to ensure we are creating the most efficient flight paths. All direct emissions created by our fleet, have been offset using our partner StarCB and helping projects in Turkiye, Sierra Leone, Indonesia and India. 08
We strengthened relationships with numerous partners, hosting events in our hangar for partner companies like Ascot Lloyd. We also welcomed new partners such as Breadsource and Farmyard Frozen, enhancing our onboard catering for Norwich departures. In 2023, we hosted a variety of events, including the launch of our Electrifyling Experience Days. This event generated media coverage from BBC Radio Norfolk, Future Radio, ITV Anglia News, and other publications. This year, we will host the partnership launch of Saxon Air and Jo Malone London, promising more exciting events to come. We will also run other events such as workshops around menopause, PTSD, sustainability and be host Little Lifts Christmas ball. Our digital presence has seen remarkable growth. Saxon Air's Instagram account grew by 44.9% in reach and 79.8% in engagements, adding 1,190 new followers. Facebook impressions increased by 234% and engagements by 401%. On LinkedIn, impressions rose by 13%, engagement by 117%, and followers by 24.7%, with 1,604 new followers. In 2024, we plan to revamp our website, offer more thought leadership content, and explore the potential of TikTok. We have witnessed significant growth across our social media platforms, reflecting our efforts to engage and educate our audience. This year, we aim to enhance our customer education initiatives through revamped digital content and expanded social media presence. 09 10 CHARITIES & PARTNERSHIPS In 2023, we proudly won Challenge 250 for Little Lifts, thanks to generous donations during our sponsored Norwich walk. Our vision for 2024 is to win Challenge 250 again and continue supporting Little Lifts. We've already kickstarted fundraisers and are expanding our community outreach to include charities like The Feed and BITC.
RECOMMENDATIONS Under current UK ETS and CORSIA regulations, Saxon Air has fallen below the threshold for mandatory participation in previous years. However, to ensure we are being as transparent as possible, we mapped our operational CO2 emissions for 2023 and on top of this offset a total of 4425 Tonnes equal to our operational flying activities. Through our partnership’s with Carbonside and StarCB our Carbon Offsets are helping projects in India, Sierra Leone, Turkey, and Indonesia. All the projects that we support with our offsets are either Gold Standard or Verra accredited to ensure they are of the highest standard. 900 1436 TONNES IN TONNES SIERRA IN LEONE TURKIYE 600 1489 TONNES TONNES IN IN INDIA INDONESIA How have we done this? Each month, we have our team confirm the total miles commuted to and from work. We then calculate the total emissions and report back on who in our team have reduced their emissions the most that month. We fully support our teams journey towards a sustainable future by offering programmes such as a Cycle to work programme and an Electric Dreams salary sacrifice provided by Octopus energy as well as onsite free charging for employee EV’s. 11 DEPARTMENT CARBON BUDGET In 2023 we challenged our teams to play their part in our sustainability journey by reducing their commuting carbon emissions by 10% in 2023. Our teams can achieve this target by car sharing, using public transport, cycling, or by taking advantage of our truly flexible work from home policy. We are pleased to announce that in the period between September and December 2023 we have seen a decrease of 32.46% of commuting emissions as a business. Our team at Saxon Air have taken the challenge to create a Sustainable industry and reach our NetZero target by 2030, 20 years ahead of the Industry target. 2023 was a productive year for us, however we want 2024 to be a stronger year bringing us eve closer to our 2030 target. For our team to continue this journey, we have identified the following recommendationst ` Facility Improvements (Energy Audit reportE ` Replace all lighting with LED lightT ` Install Solar PV on sitc ` Sign up for a 100% renewable energy tarifX ` SAF targets (Reduction in Scope 1@ ` Staff Education for Scope 2 & 3 emissionT ` Push our team to improve the reduction in our Department Carbon Budget CONCLUSIONS In 2023, Saxon Air have been making strides to reduce our carbon footprint. Our Scope 1 emissions, which account for our direct emissions from our operations totalled 3,744.87 tonnes of CO2. On average, each flight produced 1.06 tonnes of CO2. With the further availability of SAF at our base airport in Norwich, our rotary fleet have uplifted 18,088 litres with further increased targets to be set for our fixed wing and rotary fleet for coming years. We have also been making progress in reducing our environmental impact. Between September and December 2023 we saw a 32.46% reduction in commuting emissions as more of our team transitioned to hybrid working and sustainable transport options. All emissions produced as a business have been offset to support projects in Sierra Leone, Turkiye, India and Indonesia, this offset total was 4,425 tonnes demonstrating our commitment to operating in an environmentally responsible manner. Moving forward, Saxon Air will continue to explore ways to reduce our environmental impact and follow the recommendations made earlier in the report. We recognise the environmental impact Saxon Air has, but we will continue to internally improve, externally educate and to push the aviation industry to do better sooner. 12
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