Take your technical and tactical

Take your technical and tactical

skills to the next level FOOTY MASTER

Take your technical and tactical


What do I mean by mastering the basics? Some of you might misunderstand this concept. If you’ve seen professional players in action, you'll notice they play smoothly and make very few mistakes when passing, dribbling, or executing tactical plays. Sure, sometimes they make mistakes because they are human too, but these mistakes are rare. Even when they do make mistakes, you need to understand that they play at an incredibly fast pace and the level of intensity is on another level. How do pros keep up with this high level of performance? It’s because they have mastered the basics like passing, receiving the pass, dribbling, decision-making, and knowing where they need to be on the field. They have perfected these fundamental drills. In this eBook, I am going to show you how to start mastering these basics and take your game to the next level. I have categorized this book into two main points: technical and tactical abilities. In the technical section, I will cover everything related to technical skills, and in the tactical section, I will discuss everything related to tactical abilities. By focusing on these aspects, you will develop a solid foundation that will allow you to play with confidence and skill, just like the pros. This eBook will be your guide to improving your overall game and achieving your football dreams. FOOTY MASTER


TECHNICAL FIRST TOUCH First touch is the most important part of soccer. If you don't have a good first touch, you will have difficulties in small spaces and in situations where you need to pass the ball quickly or even if you want to dribble past a defender. If you look at players like Toni Kroos or Thomas Müller, they aren't particularly fast or strong, but their first touch is so perfect that they use it to move into spaces or beat defenders with just one move. Improving your first touch can significantly enhance your overall game. Below, I will explain how to improve your first touch: 1. Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is key. Use a wall to pass the ball against and control it when it returns. Focus on cushioning the ball gently with different parts of your foot. 2. Use Both Feet: Make sure to practice using both your dominant and non-dominant foot. This will make you more versatile on the field. 3. Focus on Ball Control Drills: Engage in drills that emphasize controlling the ball in tight spaces. Dribbling through cones or controlling the ball with a single touch from a pass can be very effective. 4. Play in Small Spaces: Participate in small-sided games. These games force you to make quick decisions and control the ball in confined areas, mimicking real-game scenarios. 5. Work on Your Body Positioning: Good body positioning can enhance your first touch. Make sure you are always ready to receive the ball, with your body oriented in a way that allows for optimal control and the ability to make your next move quickly. 6. Watch and Learn from the Pros: Observe how professional players handle their first touch. Pay attention to their technique and try to emulate their movements during practice. 7. Use Varied Surfaces: Train on different surfaces to improve your touch under different conditions. Practicing on grass, turf, and even harder surfaces can prepare you for any playing environment. By incorporating these methods into your training routine, you can significantly improve your first touch and enhance your overall soccer performance. FOOTY MASTER


TECHNICAL PASSING Wall Pass Drill: Setup: Find a wall and stand about 5-10 meters away. Drill: Pass the ball against the wall, then receive it back. Focus on both short and long passes, alternating feet. Objective: Improve accuracy and control with both feet Wall passing is one of the best drills because it allows players to practice accurate passing and quick ball control in a repetitive and focused manner. The immediate return of the ball from the wall simulates a game-like scenario, helping players improve their reaction time and first touch. Additionally, it encourages the use of both feet, promoting ambidexterity and versatility on the field. This drill also helps players develop muscle memory, which is crucial for executing precise passes during actual games. Overall, wall passing enhances technique, confidence, and consistency in both passing and receiving the ball.You need to do it every day for 30 miutes FOOTY MASTER


TECHNICAL DRIBBLING Key Techniques for Dribbling 1. 2. 3. 4. Ball Control: Touch: Use the inside, outside, and sole of your feet to maneuver the ball. Practice keeping the ball close with small, precise touches. Body Position: Stay low with knees slightly bent and body leaning forward. Keep your arms out for balance. Footwork: Change of Direction: Practice cutting and turning quickly to change direction. Use moves like the inside cut, outside cut, and Cruyff turn. Speed Variation: Vary your speed to confuse defenders. Accelerate quickly after a move to get past them. Using Both Feet: Ambidexterity: Practice dribbling with both feet to become unpredictable and more versatile on the field. Awareness: Head Up: Keep your head up as much as possible to see the field, anticipate defenders, and find teammates. FOOTY MASTER


TECHNICAL DRIBBLING SMALL SIDE GAMES In the summer, I want you to play small-sided games as often as possible. These games are a fantastic way to improve your soccer skills and have fun with your friends. However, be careful because there is always a risk of injury. Make sure you warm up properly, stay hydrated, and listen to your body to avoid getting hurt. While playing, try to practice different skills. Use this opportunity to work on your dribbling, passing, shooting, and defending. Aim to get as many touches on the ball as possible. The more you interact with the ball, the better you will become. Small-sided games are one of the best ways to improve your skills. If you look at players like Messi, Neymar, and Ronaldo, you'll find that they played small-sided games frequently when they were kids. These games helped them develop the quick thinking, agility, and ball control that made them great players. So, enjoy your summer, play lots of small-sided games, practice a variety of skills, and get as many touches on the ball as you can. Stay safe, have fun, and keep pushing yourself to become a better player! FOOTY MASTER


TECHNICAL DRIBBLING Benefits of Small-Sided More Touches: Players engage more with the ball. Quicker Decisions: Faster pace enhances decision-making skills. Better Fitness: Increased movement boosts overall fitness. Enhanced Teamwork: Close play fosters communication and teamwork. Football is simple, but your mind can make it difficult. If you control your mind, the game becomes easier. I want you to choose three skills to dribble and train each for 15 minutes every day. Try to practice without cones; use your imagination and make it game-realistic. You don't need 100 skills to beat one defender. If you observe Messi, you'll notice he primarily uses body feints because he has mastered this skill. He doesn't need to do hundreds of different moves. Focus on mastering a few techniques rather than trying to learn too many at once. When dribbling, try not to overthink. Use your instincts because instinctual responses are 200 times faster than thinking. Playing with instinct isn't easy and requires you to calm your mind. To develop this, you need to practice one move in various contexts so that muscle memory takes over. Visualize game situations while you practice and put yourself in scenarios you might face during a match. This will help you perform better under pressure and make your moves more effective. Remember, football is not just about physical ability but also mental sharpness. By consistently practicing and refining a few skills, you can become a more effective player. Trust in your training, stay focused, and let your instincts guide you on the field. Over time, this approach will help you play with more confidence and fluidity, making you a formidable dribbler. FOOTY MASTER


TACTICAL IMPROVE YOUR GAME UNDERSTANDING To improve your tactical abilities, first you need to watch one or two football games each week. This is important for understanding different styles of play and strategies. Secondly, observe a player who plays your position and analyze how he moves, how he positions himself, and how he receives the ball. Pay attention to his decision-making process and how he interacts with his teammates. These simple observational drills can be a game changer. Additionally, try to implement what you've learned in your own training sessions. Practice positioning, movement, and ball control with a focus on tactical awareness. Over time, these efforts will significantly enhance your understanding and execution of the game. One crucial aspect to remember is to take risks when necessary. If you see an open space that can lead to a goalscoring opportunity, go for it without hesitation. Taking calculated risks can create significant advantages and opportunities for your team. While it is important to listen to your coach, football is a world of opinions and sometimes you need to trust your instincts and take action yourself. Balancing coach's instructions with your own decisionmaking in critical moments can make a substantial difference in your performance and contribute to your growth as a player. FOOTY MASTER



You've seen players like Messi, Neymar, and others who aren't necessarily strong or tall, yet their ball control is exceptional. This is because they play with instinct; their minds are calm, and they enter a flow state. Instinct comes from practicing a single move in various situations over a long period. During this process, muscle memory takes over, allowing them to execute moves without conscious thought. Football is indeed simple, as many pros agree, but playing simply is challenging. By consistently practicing, you can master the basics. This foundational skill will prepare you to handle the intensity of a professional academy trial and excel in competitive games. Focus on honing your technique, staying calm under pressure, and trusting your training. With dedication and persistence, you can achieve remarkable progress in your football journey. Now, I've created a daily schedule focused on mastering the basics. This routine should ideally be done in the morning or evening, depending on when your team training sessions are scheduled Warm-Up (10 minutes) Dynamic Stretching: Perform leg swings, high knees, butt kicks, side lunges, and arm circles to increase flexibility and warm up muscles. Light Jogging: Start with a light jog to raise your heart rate and prepare your body for exercise. Skill Focus (30 minutes) 1. Passing and Receiving (10 minutes) Partner Passing: Find a wall or use a rebounder if available. Focus on passing and receiving the ball accurately and with control. Alternate between using both feet. 2. Dribbling (10 minutes) Imaginative Dribbling: Without cones, visualize defenders and obstacles. Practice various dribbling techniques such as close control, change of direction, and speed variations. 3. Wall Passing (10 minutes) Wall Passing Drill: Use a nearby wall to pass and receive the ball. Focus on quick, accurate passes with different parts of your foot. Work on receiving the ball under control and in stride. Game Realism (15 minutes) Small-Sided Game Scenario: Set up a small area or use markers to simulate a game situation. Practice integrating passing, receiving, dribbling, and decisionmaking skills in a game-like environment. Focus on positioning and movement off the ball. Cool Down and Stretching (5 minutes) Static Stretching: Hold stretches for 15-30 seconds targeting major muscle groups such as quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, hip flexors, and shoulders. FOOTY MASTER


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