Summer 2024 SCA Welcome Brochure






THE ISLAND OF BARBADOS, AND THE BEGINNING OF YOUR JOURNEY TO MEDICINE! Hi Future Doctors, we are so happy to have you with us and hope you enjoy our summer brochure. During your orientation, we will have our group meeting, (in person and virtual) where you will learn more about the Learning Communities and the resources being provided by the RUSM team. Throughout this journey we will be using several different methods of communication to connect; primarily Microsoft Teams, GroupMe, Insight, and email. Once the semester has officially begun, all email communication will be shared via your RUSM email, but until then we will share to both your RUSM and personal emails. If you are still travelling to Barbados, we wish you safe travels. Have a wonderful semester. We look forward to getting to know you all, and remember we are with you from Day 1 to Step 1. Trudi Dockins - Senior SCA - LC3 STAY IN TOUCH We can be reached via email Our office hours are Monday – Friday; 8am – 5pm AST.


Faculty Contribution by Dr. Atherley

COMMUNITY MEDICINE AT RUSM Welcome to Ross University School of Medicine! I'm delighted to extend a warm invitation to explore our exciting community medicine certificate programme, which is facilitated by the Office of External Affairs at RUSM. If you complete all aspects of the certificate program, not only will you graduate with an MD, but also a certificate in community medicine! This strengthens your residency application and is especially useful for those pursuing primary care careers- e.g. internal medicine, pediatrics, combined internal medicine and pediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology and family medicine. All students can and will benefit from the programming within community medicine. There are three main areas that encompass the community medicine thread of your curriculum, and we will touch on them below. 1. In the classroom Throughout your time here, you will engage in focused learning sessions led by our faculty. These sessions will equip you with essential skills in research design and interpretation and an understanding of community-level health principles. Such knowledge is not only crucial for your academic success (this content is 6% of Step 1 USMLE!) but also lays a solid foundation for your future clinical endeavors. 2. In the community Beyond the classroom and clinical skills sessions, you'll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in hands-on community clinical experiences. These experiences, totaling 40 hours of community clinical exposure, will take you to various healthcare settings across Barbados. Here, under supervision, you'll interact with patients, gain insights into the local healthcare system, and reflect on the social determinants influencing healthcare outcomes. Further, outside of the curriculum, you can volunteer for a variety of community engagement opportunities, one of which is riding on an ambulance alongside healthcare professionals during emergency calls with one of our community partners. We have over 20 community partners on the island and may invite you to volunteer for health promotion activities with some of them. See below RUSM students testing the hearing of primary school children in Barbados with one of our valued community partners—Rotary West Barbados! 3. Be a researcher The Office of External Affairs and the community medicine thread curriculum offer avenues for research exploration. From semester 3 onwards, you'll collaborate with peers to develop research or health promotion projects rooted in the Barbadian context. Opportunities to showcase your ideas and connect with likeminded individuals await at our research events, such as the research microsymposia. See a photo below of the winners from the spring 2024 event! In closing, I hope that you embrace the opportunities that await you in our community medicine certificate program. We look forward to sharing and learning with you!

Faculty Contribution by Dr. Atherley

SCA Contribution by Anthony Ingle LC 5

My Barbados trip in Spring Semester, 2024 My name is Anthony Ingle, and I am the SCA for Learning Community 5. I’m based in South Florida, and in March I was able to visit the RUSM campus in Barbados. This was my second time visiting in Barbados. I always enjoy it because I can interact with the on-island SCA team and other RUSM staff and am made to feel very welcome. My favorite part of visiting the Barbados Campus, is being able to meet students in person. The students are always welcoming and eager to discuss their experiences as a Rossie on-island. This year I was fortunate to be in Barbados for the RUSM Deans Honor Roll night. Even more, I was so surprised to receive the Most Outstanding Colleague award, along with Senior SCA, Ms. Trudi Dockins. It was a great experience, and seeing our students being honored for their hard work was awesome. I also got an opportunity to attend the LC quiz bowl session and hand out first aid kits courtesy of the SCA team. My trip was too short but well spent. Wishing all of you the best on your journey These face to face interactions are very special to me. in medical school and I look forward to connecting with my LC5 mentees.

SCA Contribution by Anthony Ingle LC 5

SCA Contribution by Gail Hunte LC1

Managing Anxiety Beginning at Medical School can be Tickly Feet? We Hope Not! overwhelming for newbies. There’s so much to As a qualified aromatherapist, and from take in and lots of lifestyle adjustments to be personal experience, a relaxing foot spa is a made, if you hope to do well. Thankfully, here at great way to unwind and release tension in RUSM we have great learning and wellness the body. The feet have over a thousand support. nerve endings and the soothing effect can permeate to other parts of the body. It’s important as part of your self-care, to find ways to manage your stress and anxiety, so that Yes, there’s going to be tough days, but it you can focus on learning and enjoying your time will all be worth it – so take it one day at a with us in Barbados. time. Learning relaxation techniques, such as deep Remember to reach out to your Student breathing, mindful meditation, walking along the Care Advisor and our Wellness Team for beach, and spending time in nature, are all holistic support. We are here for you. wonderful ways to de-stress.

SCA Contribution by Gail Hunte LC1


WANT TO KNOW ABOUT OR NEWS OK OUT F LO UMMER UT OUR S ABO IN JUNE POTLUCK y the SCA Hosted b be going to Team, it’s n!! n, fun, fu ummy, fu y Hawksbill Sea Turtle Nesting Season – May – October Learn more here: The Barbados Sea Turtle Project ( Summer is CROP OVER SEASON in Barbados and it’s Sizzling Hot!! Every year between July-August, Barbados celebrates Crop Over by hosting a series of heritage and musical events. The season culminates with a large carnival known as Grand Kadooment, on Monday 5 August 2024. Fun fact – During Crop Over Season locals and visitors enjoy going to limes and fetes where Soca music is performed or played. This lively genre of music is a fusion of African and East Indian Rhythms that with Reggae, Zouk, Latin, and Cadence thrown in to add flavor! To learn more visit: The History of Crop Over in Barbados Barbados Sugar from Plantation Reserve Grand Kadooment 2024 - Biggest Carnival Event of Barbados (


“All the energy in the universe is evenly present in all

places at the same time. We don’t get energy, we release energy. And the triggering mechanism to release energy is desire. When you have a strong desire to do something, you will always have the energy to do it.” —Bob Proctor The Student Care Advisement Team Wishes you a great Semester and beyond! CLICK THE IMAGES FOR STUDENT TIMELINE & LEARNING COMMUNITY INFORMATION EMAIL: RUSMSCATEAM@ROSSU.EDU

“All the energy in the universe is evenly present in all

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