
You’re the reason, Reader.

You’re the reason, Reader.

You’re the reason, Reader.


1. Dawn 2. Dream 3. Summer days 4. Endless journey 5. Dead roses 6. Twilight 7. Adieu


1. Dawn

On June 7th, 2023, he awoke in the middle of the night to the pitter-patter of rain falling outside. In a drowsy state, he went near the window, opened the curtains, sat in a chair with his head leaned on the glass, and gazed up at the rainy night sky. His sleepy eyelids gradually enlarged up to the play of the night sky, where the clouds sailed in the wind's direction, the raindrops delighted in their falls, the cold breeze created the melody of silence for the asleep audience around the world, and the vast darkness set the stage for this grand-celestial play. But his eyes were intently waiting for the first light from the play's queen (Moon).

1. Dawn

While enjoying the lovely ambiance of this play, his

thoughts slowly began to drown in the reminiscences of his good old days. Back in 2009, he was in the third grade. One morning, students were lined up in order for the regular prayers, and the class teachers were standing behind the lines of their class. As he was late, he hurriedly ran and stood at the end of the line with his friends. He caught his breath for a while, and they began to chitchat with each other. While he was talking, he failed to notice that his teacher was keeping an eye on him from behind. After some time, when his friend made fun, he couldn't control the laugh and burst out loud, and everyone turned around and watched him. His teacher couldn't

While enjoying the lovely ambiance of this play, his

tolerate his mischief; she came over, screwed his ear,

took him to the front of the line, and warned him to remain quiet or he would be punished in class. He felt awkward being in the front row. and he waited for the prayer to end to get back to talk with his friends. After singing the prayer song, he closed his diary and looked up at the stage. In a group of choir girls, he saw a girl Her beauty radiant as a morning first light, he felt a kind of feeling from Her. his eyes got wider. He heard his heartbeat as his breathing became faster. His foot does not feel as though it is on the ground. He had the feeling of the gentle breeze dragging him somewhere, and his surroundings were moving patiently. While he was experiencing this feeling, on the other side, his eyes

tolerate his mischief; she came over, screwed his ear,

stood still without blinking. To the very end, he

couldn't stop looking at Her. He was so lost in Her presence that he didn't even realize the prayer was over. Everyone was dismissed from the prayer. When he turned around and took a few steps towards his class, he likely felt like he wanted to see Her again. He turned and looked for Her, but couldn't find Her because she was already lost in the crowd. His friends called him to the class, and he returned to his class, but Her thoughts kept coming back to his mind, and he questioned himself: Who was she? What would be Her name? What's the feeling that was? Would I see Her tomorrow? Whatever, but there is something special about Her, like saying to himself that the day

stood still without blinking. To the very end, he

went all over in Her thoughts, which put a smile on his

face. That day was the most gorgeous dawn of his life. The next morning, curiously, he himself went to the first row. His eyes looked for Her all around and saw Her on the stage, standing among the square girls. Again, with Her presence, he felt like he had flown over on cloud nine. As he continued to look at Her, she approached the stage to say some synonyms on behalf of Her class. He was truly surprised by the unexpected moments when she began by introducing Herself, and through Her participation, he could know his name and hear Her voice for the first time. In a few minutes, she finished Her speech and got back to Her place. After singing the national anthem, prayer ended. Everyone was dismissed to their classes. He didn't

went all over in Her thoughts, which put a smile on his

rush back to his class this time. For a while, he waited

and watched Her until she disappeared into the crowd. After she went, he slowly walked towards his class with his two friends. He was savoring the joy of watching Her while his friends talked and teased each other and they came up for class as usual. Then the period started, and the teacher showed up to teach the lesson. Thus, a few days passed. He doesn't know “what that feeling was, why he likes Her, and whether it is good to share about this feeling with his friends or not, so he kept it a secret”. She became the reason for him to attend the prayer every morning, and the days went by for months and years.

rush back to his class this time. For a while, he waited

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