SAS Newsletter_Vol I, Issue 4_19 April 2021

APRIL 19, 2021 | VOL. 1, ISSUE 4 | AY 2020-2021-03

APRIL 19, 2021 | VOL. 1, ISSUE 4 | AY 2020-2021-03

PWU - School of Arts and Sciences In the academe, this virulent COVID19 has allowed all and sundry to enjoy the utility of online classes. Consequently, the use of an online modality has resulted in a number of recurrent linguistic phrases, expressions, and lexical bundles/ngrams -- albeit sometimes annoying to some. Let us see a few of the common linguistic resources that the SAS faculty members use purely in online interactions. Are you there? Hello? Use your chatbox please. Is this visible? How am I doing? Unmute your microphone should you want to say something. Are you receiving me 5 by 5? Let me know if my visuals aren't clear. Am I coming in loud and clear? How's my signal? Am I audible to you? Let me know if I'm not... Is my PPT visible? Sound off when I call your names because I can't see you. Let's have a group picture. Turn on your camera while reciting. I'd like to see you. Mute yourself Ms. Jen. Is my connection okay on your end? How do you find my sound from your end? Is the volume okay for you? Did you get the PPTs from our Google classroom? Identify yourselves when speaking because I cannot see you. I hope you can see my presentation. Just alert me when my line is not good.

APRIL 19, 2021 | VOL. 1, ISSUE 4 | AY 2020-2021-03

APRIL 19, 2021 | VOL. 1, ISSUE 4 | AY 2020-2021-03

PWU - School of Arts and Sciences Can you see and hear me? Am I clear to you? Did you hear the video clearly? My device has problem. Connection isn't stable. I have issues with my phone. Sorry for the background noise. How about now? Can you hear me? Are you still with me online? You have now the mic and the screen. My dogs are joining our class; they're part of biodiversity. Open your camera for our class photo. Let's us have a 5-minute wellness/self-care break. Your connection seems to be intermittent. Please repeat what you've said. We hear you loud and clear! Can I see your beautiful and handsome faces? Share with us other linguistic quirks hastened by the use of an online platform. Email us through Sorry, I lost my connection. With all these expressions assembled above, what do they say about sustaining active interaction and engagement online? Are they all helpful or annoying to some students?

APRIL 19, 2021 | VOL. 1, ISSUE 4 | AY 2020-2021-03

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