Phonic sounds are the basic sounds made by individual letters or combinations of letters. They form the foundation of learning to read and write by linking spoken language to written text, enabling children to decode, pronounce, and spell words effectively through the relationship between sounds and letters. /i/ts Significance Improves Reading Skills: Enables children to sound out unfamiliar words, building fluency in reading. Boosts Spelling Ability: Helps recognize patterns in words, improving spelling accuracy. Strengthens Language Understanding: Develops a strong foundation in letter-sound relationships, aiding overall language comprehension.
Action: Move your hand like a snake, making a hissing sound: /ssss/. Story: "Sammy the snake slithered through the sand, making a quiet ‘ssss’ sound. He was searching for his supper when he saw a squirrel nibbling seeds." Song: (To the tune of The Farmer in the Dell) "The snake is in the grass, The snake is in the grass, Ssss, ssss, ssss, ssss, The snake is in the grass." Words: sun, sit, sock, sand, sap, sad..
Action: Wiggle your fingers on your arm as if ants are crawling, saying /a/. Story: "Annie the ant marched across the apples, searching for her friend Andy. As she went, she made an ‘a-a-a’ sound." Song: "Ants on my arm, a-a-a, Ants on my arm, a-a-a, Ants on my arm, a-a-a, They’re causing me alarm!" Words: ant, apple, arrow, axe, animal.
Action: Turn your head from side to side, like a ticking clock, saying /t/. Story: "Tommy’s clock went tick-tick-tick. Tommy tried to tap it, but it kept ticking." Song: "The clock says tick-a-tock, t-t-t, Tick-a-tock, t-t-t, Tick-a-tock, t-t-t, The clock says tick-a-tock, t-t-t." Words: top, tap, tin, ten, tip.
Action: Pretend to be a mouse, wriggling fingers as whiskers and saying /i/. STORY SONG WORDS "Izzy the mouse squeaked ‘i-i-i’ as she looked for her cheese." "Inky the mouse is my pet, She spilled the ink and got wet, The ink it spread all over the desk, Inky’s wet, i-i-i!" ink, igloo, insect, inside, ill.
Action: Place your finger in front of your lips and blow out gently, saying /p/. Story: "Poppy the pig popped popcorn for a picnic. ‘P-p-p,’ she said happily." Song: "Puff out the candles on the pink pig’s cake, P-p-p, p-p-p, Puff out the candles on the pink pig’s cake, P-p-p, p-p-p." Words: pig, pan, pin, pot, pop.
Action: Stretch out your arms and pretend to be an airplane, saying /nnnn/. Story: "Nina’s airplane went up in the sky. She said, ‘Nnnn, nnnn,’ as it flew around." Song: "Hear the airplane say nnn, nnn, nnn, Nnn, nnn, nnn, Nnn, nnn, nnn, Hear the airplane say nnn, nnn, nnn." Words: net, nap, nut, nest, nail.
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