ABODEX Systems Brochure






OIL AND GAS / REFINERY ABODEX CHEMICAL / PETROCHEMICAL CHEMICAL / PETROCHEMICAL WATER / WASTEWATER TREATMENT WATER / WASTEWATER TREATMENT Systems provides robust chemical In the the chemical and petrochemical water and and wastewater treatment Systems provides robust chemical In chemical and petrochemical For For water wastewater treatment injection systems tailored for for the industries, accurate chemical dosing is facilities, maintaining water quality and injection systems tailored the industries, accurate chemical dosing is facilities, maintaining water quality and demanding environments of oil and and essential product quality, safety, regulatory compliance is paramount. essential for for product quality, safety, regulatory compliance is paramount. demanding environments of oil gas gasproduction environmental compliance. ABODEX Systems delivers dependable productionand andrefining and and refining environmental compliance. ABODEX Systems delivers dependable operations. Our systems ensure precise ABODEX Systems offers reliable chemical metering systems for for operations. Our systems ensure precise ABODEX Systems offers reliable chemical metering systems dosing of of chemicals critical for solutionsinjecting a widewide range disinfection, pH control, coagulation, dosing chemicals critical for solutions for for injecting a range of of disinfection, pH control, coagulation, corrosion inhibition, scale prevention, chemicals, ensuring efficiency and and and and other treatment processes, corrosion inhibition, scale prevention, chemicals, ensuring efficiency other treatment processes, and process optimization. adherence to to stringent industry contributing stringent industry contributing to to effective water and process optimization. adherence effective water standards. management. standards. management. Corrosion Inhibition Corrosion Inhibition Process Chemical Dosing Effluent Treatment plant Process Chemical Dosing Scale Control Effluent Treatment plant Scale Control Water Treatment Municipal waste water Water Treatment Municipal waste water Well Well Treatment Treatment Additive Injection Treatment plant Additive Injection Treatment plant Hydrate Control Hydrate Control Flow Flow Assurance Assurance POWER POWER FOOD & BEVERAGE / PHARMA FOOD & BEVERAGE / PHARMA GENERAL INDUSTRIES GENERAL INDUSTRIES In the the power generation sector, our The food and beverage well well as Across various industrial applications In power generation sector, our The food and beverage as as as Across various industrial applications chemical injection systems play play pharmaceutical a industries require ABODEX provides versatile chemical chemical injection systems a pharmaceutical industries require ABODEX provides versatile chemical crucial role role in maintaining equipment precise control over over chemical dosing solutions. Our Our systems are crucial in maintaining equipment precise control chemical dosing solutions. systems are integrity and and efficiency. Whether processes to ensure product quality designed to meet diverse operational integrity efficiency. Whether for for processes to ensure product quality designed to meet diverse operational boiler water treatment, cooling water and and safety. ABODEX Systems offers needs, enhancing process efficiency boiler water treatment, cooling water safety. ABODEX Systems offers needs, enhancing process efficiency product quality in in general systems, or emissions control, ABODEX hygienic and accurate chemical dosing and and product quality general systems, or emissions control, ABODEX hygienic and accurate chemical dosing Systems provides precise and and reliable systems suitable for various production industrial applications. Systems provides precise reliable systems suitable for various production industrial applications. dosing solutions. processes and and stringent regulatory stringent regulatory dosing solutions. processes requirements. requirements. Boiler Water Treatment Boiler Water Treatment Cooling Water Treatment Cooling Water Treatment Emission Control Emission Control Gas and Oil Oil Gas and Mining Mining Chemical Industry Chemical Industry Personal Care Care Personal Food Food & & Beverage Beverage Industry Industry Refineries Refineries 1 Cleaner & Cleaner & Detergents Detergents Gas Odorization Gas Odorization 1 Plastic Plastic Petrochemicals Petrochemicals Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical, Life, Science & Life, Science & Biotechnology Biotechnology Energy Utilities Energy Utilities



ABOUT ABODEX With With more thanyears of industry experience ABODEX is more than 25 25 years of industry experience ABODEX is customers first choice with with integrated trusted solutions for for customers first choice integrated and and trusted solutions critical process. We We aim be empowering sectors with with critical process. aim to to be empowering sectors cohesive and reliable solutions for all their their essential operations. cohesive and reliable solutions for all essential operations. CRITICAL FLUID CRITICAL FLUID Corresive Corresive Abrasive Abrasive Toxic Toxic Viscous Viscous Slurry Slurry Flammable Flammable Non lubricated Non lubricated High temperature High temperature High Pressure High Pressure ShearShear sensitive sensitive Liquefied gas gas Liquefied CHALLENGES CHALLENGES Material Material Sealing Sealing System Stability System Stability Energy Saving Energy Saving Time Saving Time Saving Ease of Operation Ease of Operation Product recovery Product recovery Fire Hazard Fire Hazard Health Hazard Health Hazard Pollution Pollution Maintenance Maintenance OUR OUR SOLUTIONS SOLUTIONS Safe Safe Simple & Robust Simple & Robust Proven & Reliable Proven & Reliable Plug & Play Play Plug & Compact Compact Efficient Efficient Automation Automation BetterBetter ROI ROI 2 2



PRODUCTS AND SYSTEMS TYPES OF SYSTEMS TYPES OF SYSTEMS • • • DOSING & CHEMICAL INJECTION SYSTEM • DOSING & CHEMICAL INJECTION SYSTEM AUTOMATIC POLYMER PREPARATION UNIT UNIT • AUTOMATIC POLYMER PREPARATION PUMP/COMPRESSOR WITH ACCESSORIES, PRESSURE • PUMP/COMPRESSOR WITH ACCESSORIES, PRESSURE VESSEL VESSEL ETC ETC LIQUID UNLOADING & GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM • LIQUID UNLOADING & GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM BLENDING SYSTEMS • BLENDING SYSTEMS PROCESS GAS PRESSURE BOOSTING SYSTEM • PROCESS GAS PRESSURE BOOSTING SYSTEM • • • CHEMICAL INJECTION SYSTEMS CHEMICAL INJECTION SYSTEMS We at ABODEX takes pride on engineering We at ABODEX takes pride on engineering chemical injection packages that that chemical injection packages epitomize quality,quality, dependability, and dependability, and epitomize superior performance. superior performance. • Flow rate: 100 ml/h toml/h to 40m3/h • Flow rate: 100 40m3/h • Pressure: Up to 300 bar • Pressure: Up to 300 bar • Industries Served:Served: Gas,& Water, Water, Oil & Oil • Industries Gas, Power, Chemicals Power, Chemicals • International Standards: API, ASME, ASME, • International Standards: API, ATEX, ISO ATEX, ISO CONSTRUCTION: CONSTRUCTION: • • • • Storage tank tank Accessories • Storage • Accessories • • Instrumentation • Agitator • Instrumentation Agitator • Dosing Dosing Pumps Pumps ControlControl System System • • Skid Mounted Unit • Skid Mounted Unit UNIQUEUNIQUE FEATURES: FEATURES: • Operational Efficiency: • Integrated System: • Operational Efficiency: • Integrated System: Pre-assembled and tested units allow for quick installation A single frame that includes all necessary components like Pre-assembled and tested units allow for quick installatio A single frame that includes all necessary components like and chemical injection pumps, storage tanks, safety safety valves, startup, reducing projectproject timelines and costs and startup, reducing timelines and costs chemical injection pumps, storage tanks, valves, isolation valves, valves, and instruments and instruments isolation • Safety Mechanisms: • Precision Dosing:Dosing: • Safety Mechanisms: • Precision Features such as pressure relief valves, valves, leak detection leak detection High accuracy in chemical dosing dosing to ensure optim Features such as pressure relief High accuracy in chemical to ensure optimal systems, and emergency shutdown capabilities for performance and prevent wastage systems, and emergency shutdown capabilities for performance and prevent wastage • Pump Protection: • Pump Protection: Includes pump pump protection devices interlocks to Includes protection devices and and interlocks prevent dry runs and prolong systemsystem life prevent dry runs and prolong life • Customizability: • Customizability: Ability to tailor the skid to skid to specific process requiremen to Ability to tailor the specific process requirements, including different chemicals, flow/pressure needs, needs, an including different chemicals, flow/pressure and metallurgy designs metallurgy designs • QualityQuality Assurance: • Assurance: In-house manufacturing ensures quality quality control and control and In-house manufacturing ensures minimizes the need for extensive site work work minimizes the need for extensive site 3 3



AUTOMATIC POLYMER PREPARATION Automatic polymer preparation systems are advanced machinery utilized utilized in treatment facilities and other other Automatic polymer preparation systems are advanced machinery in water water treatment facilities and ndustrial operations that employ polymers to facilitate the process of flocculation and coagulation. These systems industrial operations that employ polymers to facilitate the process of flocculation and coagulation. These systems are specifically engineered to precisely and effectively create polymer solutions or emulsions from either dry or liquid liquid are specifically engineered to precisely and effectively create polymer solutions or emulsions from either dry or polymer feedstocks and transport them to the treatment process. polymer feedstocks and transport them to the treatment process. FEATURES OF OUROF OUR DESIGN: FEATURES DESIGN: • Completely Automated process: The process if fully if fully • Completely Automated process: The process automated which means means it requires no operator. This as a automated which it requires no operator. This as a result saves labor costs and additionally would would prevent result saves labor costs and additionally prevent errors or operational stops. stops. errors or operational • Standardized results:results: result of automation in the in the • Standardized As a As a result of automation process the concentration, maturation time time and and process the concentration, maturation homogeneity of the resultant polymer would be consistent homogeneity of the resultant polymer would be consistent • Compact design:design: The APPU aremovable to different • Compact The APPU are easily easily movable to different ocations and installation of them into your process is very is very locations and installation of them into your process seamless seamless • Reliable and optimised process: Due toDue automated • Reliable and optimised process: its to its automated design design the systembunch bunch of sensors to detect detect the system has a has a of inbuilt inbuilt sensors to situations like overflow. Additionally, the process is regulated situations like overflow. Additionally, the process is regulated with level switches which can feed process information to with level switches which can feed process information to the alarmsalarms resulting in environment the resulting in a safe a safe environment • Continuous Process: ABODEX design design involves continuous • Continuous Process: ABODEX involves continuous prepared polymer for uninterrupted process. prepared polymer for uninterrupted process. PPLICATIONS: APPLICATIONS: Municipal water treatment plants plants use systems to • Municipal water treatment use systems to roduce drinking water water treat wastewater. produce drinking and and treat wastewater. olymers improve clarifying, sedimentation, and Polymers improve clarifying, sedimentation, and ltering by removing suspended particles, organic filtering by removing suspended particles, organic ompounds, and other contaminants. compounds, and other contaminants. Industries that produce wastewater with high high • Industries that produce wastewater with uspended particles, oils, oroils, or metals treat it. suspended particles, metals must must treat it. roper Proper wastewater discharge or requires this wastewater discharge or reuse reuse requires this eatment. Automatic polymer preparation systems treatment. Automatic polymer preparation systems mprove settlingsettlingDAF units, and other treatment improve tanks, tanks, DAF units, and other treatment ctivities in pulp in pulp and paper, mining, food processing, activities and paper, mining, food processing, nd chemical manufacturing. and chemical manufacturing. Polymer flocculants improve belt filter presses, • Polymer flocculants improve belt filter presses, entrifuges, and screw presses for sludge sludge dewatering. centrifuges, and screw presses for dewatering. utomated polymer preparation systems ensure ensure Automated polymer preparation systems reciseprecise polymer distribution to improve sludge polymer distribution to improve sludge onditioning and dewatering. conditioning and dewatering. Oil and gas producers use automatic polymer • Oil and gas producers use automatic polymer reparation systems to treatto treat producedfracking preparation systems produced water, water, fracking wastewater, and drilling drilling Polymers improve oil, wastewater, and muds. muds. Polymers improve oil, olids, solids, water water separation in sedimentation, and and separation in sedimentation, otation, and filtration. flotation, and filtration. 4 4



PUMP SYSTEMS Our offerings encompass systemssystems capable of capable of Our offerings encompass handling flow rates ranging ranging from 10m ml/h to 40 from 10m ml/h to 40 handling flow rates m3/h, with discharge pressures reaching up to 300 to 300 m3/h, with discharge pressures reaching up bar. bar. Industrial applications of pump skids Industrial applications of pump skids • • • • • Water • Water and wastewater pump skids and wastewater pump skids Chemical pump skids skids • Chemical pump Petroleum • Petroleum Petrochemical injection • Petrochemical injection Pulp and paper pump skids skids • Pulp and paper pump COMPONENTS OF PUMP SKIDS SKIDS COMPONENTS OF PUMP • Pumps: Pumps: • Accurate flow rates and targeted back pressures are Accurate flow rates and targeted back pressures are provided by dosing or metering pumps that meet API provided by dosing or metering pumps that meet API 675 standards. Packed Packed plunger designs or plunger designs or 675 standards. hydraulically operated balanced diaphragm hydraulically operated balanced diaphragm structure are the preferred pump types. Pump Pump structure are the preferred pump types. capacity can be manually adjusted with thewith thea capacity can be manually adjusted help of help of a manual manual length adjustment tool. A controller stroke stroke length adjustment tool. A controller that is that is electrically or pneumatically activated can electrically or pneumatically activated can automate the same process.process. Pump elements automate the same Pump wetted wetted elements are available in plastic plastic stainless steel and are available in and stainless steel construction. A safety feature feature a diaphragm construction. A safety called called a diaphragm rupture rupture detection system (DRDS) can be used in detection system (DRDS) can be used in conjunction with the necessary safety interlock for conjunction with the necessary safety interlock for diaphragm pumps. pumps. diaphragm • Accessories: • Accessories: Accessories like a strainer,strainer, calibration column, and Accessories like a calibration column, and suction suction accumulator are required for the pump accumulator are required for the pump suction suction conduit. A pulsation dampener, a pressure conduit. A pulsation dampener, a pressure safety valve, and other required parts must be safety valve, and other required parts must be installed in the pump discharge line. These add-ons installed in the pump discharge line. These add-ons support support the system in maintaining flow the system in maintaining ideal ideal flow conditions and protecting against against and strain strain and conditions and protecting damage. pumps. pumps. damage. • Instrumentation: • Instrumentation: To ensure that the that the dispensing process is both effective To ensure dispensing process is both effective and verifiable, our systemssystems incorporate critical incorporate critical and verifiable, our instrumentation such as pressure gauges,gauges, flow flow instrumentation such as pressure meters, meters, level sensors.sensors. equipment is and This and level This equipment is necessary for control control observation. Fully and necessary for and observation. Fully automated controlscontrols may be achieved high a high automated may be achieved with a with degree of instrumentation. degree of instrumentation. 5 • Control System System • Control Our dosing dosing systems are centered around our Our systems are centered around our state-of-the-art control control systems,allow for a for a state-of-the-art systems, which which allow smooth smooth integration the process process control integration with control with the architectures that arethat are currently in place. They provide currently in place. They provide architectures automated dosing dosing procedures and user-friendly automated procedures and user-friendly interfaces. For chemical injection packages, interfaces. For chemical injection packages, skid-mounted units are the better option for a numbernumber skid-mounted units are the better option for a of compelling reasons,reasons, including as their small size of compelling including as their small size and modular design, design, simplicity of installation, simplicity of installation, and modular operational flexibility, lower risk, cost-effectiveness, operational flexibility, lower risk, cost-effectiveness, safety, dependability, and effective use of resources safety, dependability, and effective use of resources 5



COMPRESSOR PACKAGE t ABODEX,ABODEX, webespoke gas compression we craft At craft bespoke gas compression ackages that cater to cater to niche applications within the packages that niche applications within the rocess process industry. Our non-lubricated process gas industry. Our non-lubricated process gas ompressors, sourcedsourced from esteemed compressors, from esteemed manufacturers like Blackmer, Mehrer, Mehrer, are the are the manufacturers like Blackmer, ornerstone of our systems. We import the bare cornerstone of our systems. We import the bare lock compressors from our principals in the US and US and block compressors from our principals in the urope and meticulously engineer the entire system system Europe and meticulously engineer the entire o meetto meet the specificof your of your processes. Our the specific needs needs processes. Our xpertise extends extendsengineering, procurement, expertise to the to the engineering, procurement, nd packaging of skid-mounted units, ensuring a and packaging of skid-mounted units, ensuring a treamlined solution solution fromfinish.to finish. In addition to streamlined from start to start In addition to ur non-lubricated compression solutions, we our non-lubricated compression solutions, we pecialize in the manufacturing of rotary vane gas specialize in the manufacturing of rotary vane gas ompression systems. Utilizing Utilizing Sliding Vane Sliding Vane compression systems. ompressors from RO-FLO RO-FLO USA, we design and USA, we design and compressors from ssemble complete systemssystems locally in India, locally in India, assemble complete roviding tailored tailored solutions to our customer solutions to our diverse diverse customer providing ase. base. ATURES FEATURES Non•lubricated / Oil Free construction Non lubricated / Oil Free construction Vertical,Vertical, V,Reciprocating compressor V, W type W type Reciprocating compressor • Air cooled, / Water-cooled cylindercylinder • Air cooled, / Water-cooled Single acting /acting / acting piston piston • Single Double Double acting Single or Double distance piece construction • Single or Double distance piece construction Single and multi-stage compression • Single and multi-stage compression Built-in / ExternalExternal Lubrication for drivefor drive • Built-in / Lubrication system system end parts parts end Capacity control control using Suction valve using Suction valve • Capacity unloader / Bypass Bypass spill back Speed Speed unloader / spill back loop / loop / variation variation Rugged Rugged construction for 24x7 operation construction for 24x7 operation • Highest Highest pressure up to 300 Bar 300 Bar g pressure ranges ranges up to g • Compressor capacity rangingranging 10 from • Compressor capacity from 10 Nm3/hr Nm3/hr to 2500 NM3/Hr to 2500 NM3/Hr Max. power 300KW / Cylinder • Max. power 300KW / Cylinder MaterialMaterial of construction application of construction to suit to suit application • requirement requirement Safe & ReliableReliable in operation • Safe & in operation APPLICATION APPLICATION • • • • • • • • • LiquifiedLiquified gas transfer and recovery gas transfer and vapour vapour recovery • Process Process gas recovery gas recovery • Hydrogen recovery from Trolley Trolley • Hydrogen recovery from Vapour recovery and liquification of gas of gas • Vapour recovery and liquification Pressure boosting and pipelinepipeline transfer • Pressure boosting and transfer Vessel/sphere/Bullets – Evaluation • Vessel/sphere/Bullets – Evaluation Rescue gas transfer transfer fromvehicle vehicle • Rescue gas from mobile mobile Gas• recyclesrecycles Gas Moist gas recovery • Moist gas recovery 6 6


Why work with ABODEX

All our skids are designed in accordance with national and international standards and regulations by ABODEX. ABODEX is known for its strong application and design engineering and process equipment skills. We provide excellent products and services, including PDMS-compatible 3D drawings, by following ASME, API, ATEX, and IS requirements. We adhere strictly to every customer-specific requirement. Moreover, we meticulously consider special regulations governing base plates and pipelines, including associated welding and acceptance specifications. This ensures that our solutions not only meet but exceed the required quality and compliance standards. CONTACT US Address: ABODEX Systems FZCO, BB910 Tower B, 9th Floor, JAFZA One, Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Phone: +971 4 262 2830 Mail: info@abodexme.com sales@abodexme.com

Why work with ABODEX

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