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From Geopark Meratus Workshop, Environmental Activities, to Public Participation in Overcoming Plastic Waste, BASAkalimantanWiki highlights environmental issues through various activities aimed at preserving natural heritage and increasing public awareness about plastic waste. The workshop and Public Participation Wiki Marathon focused on engaging the community in finding solutions to environmental challenges, especially related to plastic waste.
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The event organized by the BASAkalimantanWiki Dictionary Team emphasized the importance of preserving regional languages in the digital era. Participants were encouraged to contribute to the digital dictionary by providing words and examples in Banjar and Indonesian. The need for language revitalization was highlighted to ensure the sustainability of Banjar Language as a mother tongue in Kalimantan.
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To enhance public engagement, BASAkalimantanWiki organized a Wikithon competition focusing on reducing plastic waste. Participants were required to submit opinions and solutions accompanied by photographs, with specific guidelines to ensure the quality and relevance of the submissions. Awards were offered for winners in different categories, aiming to encourage creative solutions and involvement from the community.
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Newsletter BASAkalimantan Wiki September-December 2024 (ENG) - Flipbook by Fleepit