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Welcome to The Focus Group Retail Brand! We are excited to have you join our team! Please complete the following information to facilitate your onboarding process.
Employee Section:
Personal Information: Full Name, Date of Birth, ID Number, Physical Address, Cell Phone Number, Email Address, Emergency Contact Name, Emergency Contact No. Employment Details: Position/Title, Department, Start Date, Employment Type, Salary/Compensation, General Work Schedule/Hours. Benefits Enrollment: Health Insurance, Dental Insurance, Retirement Annuity, Wellness Programme, Other Benefits. Banking Information: Bank, Account Type, Account Number, Branch Code, Tax Number. Basic Emergency Information: Allergy/Condition, Emergency contact details. Acknowledgement: Agree to abide by policies and procedures.
Manager's Section:
Approved By, HR/Onboarding Checklist, Notes/Comments. Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. Contact Human Resources Manager for any questions.
Table of Contents:
National listing of stores and transport routes, Purpose and Scope of this Employee onboarding Handbook, Company Vision, Mission and Values Statement, Company Policies, Daily Routines, Dress Code and Employee uniform, Organizational Structure, Leave, Holidays and working on Public Holidays, Upskilling and Reskilling: Professional Development Toolkit, Appendices.
National Listing of Stores and Affiliate Stores:
Locations in Cape Town and Gauteng with details of operation hours. Flipbook Gallery, Magazines, Catalogs, Reports, Flyers, Portfolios, Art Gallery. Fleepit Digital.
The Focus Group Retail Brand - Employee Onboarding Flipbook - Flipbook by Fleepit