Registre RGPD Pharmacie 2021 par Guillard Publications

Registre RGPD Pharmacie 2021 par Guillard Publications

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Summary of Registre RGPD Pharmacie 2021

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The document discusses the importance of the RGPD register for the processing activities of personal data, highlighting key principles such as legality, fairness, transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, storage limitation, and security of personal data. It emphasizes the need for regular updates to ensure compliance with GDPR regulations.

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A detailed overview of the data processing activities related to the pharmacy is provided, including contact information, number of establishments, number of employees, software used, access controls, password policies, software hosting, backup management, and access by external parties.

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The document outlines the purposes of various processing activities carried out by the pharmacy, including managing patient pharmacotherapeutic follow-up, pharmaceutical record management, issuing invoices, conducting statistical studies, managing payments, and maintaining various registers related to medications and substances.

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It also covers aspects related to pharmacy protection, such as the use of CCTV and the categories of personal data involved in the processing. It includes details on mandatory data collection for pharmacotherapeutic management, types of personal data collected, and sensitive personal data related to health, financial information, and lifestyle habits.

Page 5

Information about adherence to complementary health insurance organizations, medical treatment details, prescriber identity, and patient lifestyle habits are highlighted. It also addresses the collection of data from individuals authorized to collect products, sensitive personal data categories, and data related to genetic, biometric, political, religious, or philosophical beliefs.

Page 6

The document concludes with a gallery showcasing various digital publications and materials related to Fleepit Digital.

Registre RGPD Pharmacie 2021 par Guillard Publications - Flipbook by Fleepit

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