Handbook EduDeleón_AlexMartínez

Handbook EduDeleón_AlexMartínez

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Handbook EduDeleón_AlexMartínez Faculty Of Foreign Languages

General Information

The handbook provides detailed information about the Lactantes B group at the Daycare of the University of Colima, including the course length, schedule, and language level. The course focuses on personal and social areas, covering topics such as textures, body parts, colors, and family members.

Students Profile

The classroom consists of 12 toddlers aged 6 months to 1 year, who are in the early stages of development. The course aims to help them identify and recognize sensory stimuli, body parts, basic motor skills, and individual identities through engaging activities.


The methodology used in the course is Total Physical Response (TPR), which focuses on interactive and engaging activities to enhance sensory, motor, and cognitive development in infants.

Handbook EduDeleón_AlexMartínez - Flipbook by Fleepit

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