What Are the Requirements for an Iowa Medical Cannabis Card?

What Are the Requirements for an Iowa Medical Cannabis Card?

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Requirements for an Iowa Medical Cannabis Card

Key Criteria for Eligibility

To obtain an Iowa medical cannabis card, patients must have a qualifying medical condition recognized by the Iowa Medical Cannabidiol Program, such as chronic pain, cancer, epilepsy, Crohn’s disease, PTSD, multiple sclerosis, or terminal illnesses. A licensed physician registered with the Iowa Department of Public Health must provide a written certification after assessing the patient's medical history and symptoms. Iowa residency is also a requirement, proven through a valid Iowa driver’s license or state-issued ID. The application process includes completing an online application on the IDPH website, along with submitting the physician’s certification and a $25 fee.

What Are the Requirements for an Iowa Medical Cannabis Card? - Flipbook by Fleepit

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