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The Unix and Linux Survival Guide by Shi Qiao Yu is a comprehensive resource designed to provide practical knowledge for Concordia students on efficiently using Unix systems at school. The guide was last updated in November 2001.
Students at Concordia can have accounts on Alcor, ECE, and CS Unix systems. Each account has specific eligibility criteria and can be obtained from designated locations. Understanding the differences between these accounts is essential for effective system navigation.
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The file system in Unix is structured hierarchically, with the root directory denoted by '/'. Understanding the concept of current directory ('.') and parent directory ('..') is crucial for efficient file navigation. Unix systems are case-sensitive, necessitating precise command input.
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Unix systems at Concordia use different shells, such as Bash in Alcor and C-shell in ECE and CS. Shells define the command-line environment, impacting command syntax and usability. Familiarity with these shells is important for effective system interaction.
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