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The Adaptive Executive Podcast by Greg Ballard focuses on sharing stories from leading executives and discussing how to keep yourself and your organization adaptive and your employees engaged. In this episode, CEO Richard Blank from Costa Rica's Call Center joins as a special guest to talk about their state-of-the-art BPO Telemarketing outsource company. The podcast host, Greg Ballard, has extensive experience in management and leadership development, working with a diverse set of clients to improve strategic investments and organizational performance.
Greg Ballard and Richard Blank discuss the importance of being adaptive and innovative as an executive, especially when dealing with organizational development processes and opportunities. They emphasize the impact of asking great questions on team performance and organizational innovation. Greg Ballard, the founder and CEO of Five C Consulting, brings over 20 years of experience in working with various clients to enhance strategic people investments and organizational performance.
Richard Blank, the Chief Executive Officer of Costa Rica’s Call Center, has a background in Communication and Spanish, along with expertise in training over 10,000 bilingual telemarketers. His approach includes motivational public speaking combined with gamification strategies, such as having the largest collection of restored American Pinball machines and antique Rockola Jukeboxes in Central America. His journey highlights the importance of soft skills, customer support, and phonetic micro expression reading for effective telemarketing and conflict management.