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In the Employee Handbook, Ten Years Younger Home Care emphasizes the importance of compliance with rules and regulations, policies, and procedures. The handbook outlines the Employer's commitment to equality and non-discrimination, with clear consequences for any unlawful behavior. Amendments to the handbook may occur periodically, and employees are encouraged to familiarize themselves with its contents. While the handbook does not form part of the employment contract, it is instrumental in interpreting rights and obligations under the terms of employment.
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TYYHC's mission revolves around providing high-quality care that is respectful, responsive, and tailored to individual needs. The organization aims to enable care recipients to live life on their terms while ensuring transparency and effective communication. Through the use of CareLynx Community, a remote clinical monitoring platform, TYYHC strives to deliver sustainable and quality care regardless of location.
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New employees at TYYHC undergo an induction program that familiarizes them with company policies, including health and safety procedures. The probationary period, outlined in the employment contract, allows for the assessment of work performance and suitability. Training is provided at the beginning of employment and may continue to align with evolving job requirements. The Employer encourages employees to pursue training opportunities for career advancement, with potential cost-sharing agreements. Job descriptions may be updated to reflect changing responsibilities, and performance evaluations are conducted regularly to enhance employee development.
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TYYHC_Employee Handbook & Policy Documentation_R1_Review October 2024 - Flipbook by Fleepit