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Summary of TCET NSS Unit Activities

About NSS

NSS has a strong spirit of serving people with the policy of "Not Me, But You." The NSS unit of TCET provides a platform for volunteers to serve society through various activities such as education, environment, health, and society. Regular activities and special camping programs are highlights of the college's NSS activities.

Programme Officers and Council Members

The TCET NSS unit is led by dedicated Programme Officers and Council Members who organize and oversee various projects and initiatives. The Unity Run Marathon, Akalan paper correction project, Medical Checkup Camp, and Swachh Diwali Shubh Diwali initiative are some of the key projects undertaken by the NSS unit.

Unity Run Marathon

The Unity Run Marathon aimed to honor and remember those who sacrificed for the nation by fostering gratitude and unity among participants. 63 NSS volunteers actively participated in the event, showcasing tribute towards those who made sacrifices for the country.

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