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Motoria Bookshelf - Your Virtual Library


The book "Scrivere con il corpo" by Maria Angela Neri focuses on psychomotor activities for learning reading and writing, emphasizing the importance of observing children's natural movements and expressions. It aims to help children develop a positive self-image through movement and body use.

The text "Psicopedagogia del movimento umano" by Franco Nanetti, Lucio Cottini, and Mario Busacchi explores the theory and practice of motor education for both typical individuals and those with disabilities.

Another book, "Psicomotricità: il rilassamento in prospettiva relazionale" by F. Nanetti, delves into relaxation techniques within a relational perspective, while "Psicomotricità e spazio-tempo" by P. Cazzago discusses psychomotricity and the concept of space-time.

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