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Test of FlipBook2

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Summary of FlipBook2 Quick Start Guide to PPMS for the UT Southwestern EM Core Facility


The FlipBook2 Quick Start Guide provides step-by-step instructions for UT Southwestern EM Core Facility users to access PPMS. The guide includes information on requesting EM services, booking system time, and creating accounts for UTSW and other users.

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Accessing PPMS for UTSW Users

UTSW users with a UT Southwestern email address can log in using their credentials. New users will need to create an account by providing required information, selecting the group (e.g., Laboratory), and choosing affiliation and institution before submitting the account creation request.

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Accessing PPMS for Other Users

Users without a UTSW user ID and password can create an account by selecting their institution, filling out the required information (e.g., group = Laboratory), and following the instructions to create a new group if necessary. Once the account creation request is submitted, PPMS will process it, and users can log in with their credentials.

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